tcocca / etsy4r

Handcrafted API Wrapper for Etsy
MIT License
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doesn't work with the new api (v2) #1

Open DaveDeveloper opened 14 years ago

DaveDeveloper commented 14 years ago

How can we make it work for the new etsy api version 2.

tcocca commented 14 years ago

I'm working on this now, getting my v2 api key. I'll be checking in a v2 branch soon, complete re-write though and I need to figure out how to deal w/ OAuth. Looking forward to working on it.

If you have any interest in helping let me know, otherwise just keep an eye out, its coming soon.

~ Tom

ohokay commented 14 years ago

Hey Tom, any status on v2 progress? Just got a notice from Etsy telling me to migrate from V1 since they are shutting it down in a couple weeks. Wanted to see what my options are.


tcocca commented 14 years ago

Yeah, I just got that notice too, kind of a quick EOL for them I think.

Didn't know about the 11/1 timeline so it's kind of lighting a fire under my pants right now. Hopefully i'll have something ready by 10/15. Started on the oAuth stuff first as that'll be the hardest part. Its my first foray into oAuth so that was interesting. Hopefully that should be done soon. I'll try and push some stuff to github by the end of this upcoming weekend.

~ Tom

ohokay commented 14 years ago

Yeah, I agree on the EOL. Pretty quick to kill it, but I guess v2 provides some nice api's. The future... or whatever.

Looking forward to seeing your progress.