tcoopman / elm-css-webpack-loader

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Expand `noParse` option note and make explicit #10

Closed bobwhitelock closed 7 years ago

bobwhitelock commented 7 years ago

I found the previous note slightly confusing as to whether it is required for this option to be set or not; this commit is an attempt to make this clearer and more explicit.

bobwhitelock commented 7 years ago

On closer inspection, I'm not sure if this update is correct - my development build errors if I have this option set, but my production build errors at runtime with it and won't build at all without it. Not sure why yet, I'll investigate further.

tcoopman commented 7 years ago

Will you investigate further? Or can I close this PR?

bobwhitelock commented 7 years ago

I did investigate further but never got fully to the bottom of why things weren't working for me. I could get elm-css-webpack-loader working in development but would get one of a few different errors in production, either at runtime or build time.

In the end I decided to use this loader in development for easier development building, but I just compiled my elm-css separately in production and then required the resulting CSS; if anyone runs in to similar issues in future, for reference the commit where I did this is here.

In any case this PR is not correct/helpful so I'll close it. Thanks for the reminder :slightly_smiling_face:.