tcplugins / tcWebHookTrigger

Trigger a TeamCity build from a WebHook
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TeamCity reports "Selected archive doesn't contain teamcity-plugin.xml file." on plugin upload #8

Open netwolfuk opened 2 years ago

netwolfuk commented 2 years ago

As per comment on stackoverflow, uploading the plugin zip can report "Selected archive doesn't contain teamcity-plugin.xml file."

If able to reproduce this error, can you please post the following information in a comment below:.

  1. TeamCity version
  2. tcWebHookTrigger plugin version
  3. TeamCity server OS
  4. Any other relevant info. eg TeamCity on prem/in cloud, etc.
clemyp commented 2 years ago

Just tried to enable this plugin, I get the same error as above 1.TeamCity Enterprise 2021.2.2 (build 99660)

  1. tcWebHooksPlugin 1.1.374.403
  2. Windows (Windows Server 2016 Datacenter)
  3. On Prem
netwolfuk commented 2 years ago

Hi @clemyp thanks for reporting this. It looks like you're installing the tcWebHooks plugin (not this trigger one), but it's interesting. I've never seen this issue on that plugin. That version has been downloaded hundreds of times.

Did you install via the TeamCity plugin store or was it downloaded from Github?

Can you try deleting the plug-in and downloading it again?

Kotnstantin commented 2 years ago

Hello, I also faced this problem, installing via zip with GitHub 0 1

netwolfuk commented 2 years ago

Hi @Kotnstantin It looks like you have a zip of the uncompiled code, not a zip of the plugin.

Can you try this link: And download the file named