tcplugins / tcWebHooks

WebHooks plugin for Teamcity. Supports many build states and payload formats.
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Experimental UI buildStatusUrl #177

Closed ghost closed 1 year ago

ghost commented 3 years ago

For Legacy JSON webhook there is buildStatusUrl field, that looks like

"buildStatusUrl": "http://host:port/viewLog.html?buildTypeId=RestApiFramework_VerifyStage_2&buildId=5886",

Enhancement proposal: support also new experimental UI URL in a separate parameter. It is formatted with same parameters, but differs a bit: http://host:port/buildConfiguration/RestApiFramework_VerifyStage_2/5886?

netwolfuk commented 3 years ago

Hi @schernov-xo This is a great suggestion. Thanks!

The new UI is called Sakura, so a good name might be buildStatusSakuraUrl.

In the mean time, it's possible to add it into the extraParameters map in the payload, by creating a TeamCity parameter like the following.


For legacy webhooks, it will appear in the extraParameters map.

If you're using a template, this variable will be available for use in the template as ${buildStatusSakuraUrl}.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Thanks for this clarification. Right now I do it a bit another way - I format the link on the backend side of my webhook. Just wanted to propose enhancement.