tcplugins / tcWebHooks

WebHooks plugin for Teamcity. Supports many build states and payload formats.
155 stars 30 forks source link

Version 1.2.0 Release Candidate Buglets #206

Closed netwolfuk closed 1 year ago

netwolfuk commented 2 years ago
netwolfuk commented 2 years ago
netwolfuk commented 2 years ago

Best guess at the moment is the JavaScript minification is messing with the script because it says the WebHookPlugin object is not found

netwolfuk commented 2 years ago

~~webhooks/index.html does not successfully delete webhooks. They are removed from the config on disk but still appear in the UI.~~ - Fixed

netwolfuk commented 2 years ago

Error message is not correctly displayed on webhooks/index.html when internal server error occurs. - Fixed

Instead the response is a text string of the error objects hash.

netwolfuk commented 2 years ago

Check that webhook preview and test still work. - fixed Check that template editing still works. - no issues

netwolfuk commented 1 year ago

Check the secure values checkbox is saved to webhook config. - fixed

netwolfuk commented 1 year ago

Allow copying a template without TeamCity administrator privileges. See #131 - Fixed

netwolfuk commented 1 year ago

Improve wording WRT parent project templates when viewing the templates section of the project edit tab. - Fixed

Should indicate that there are projects available from parent projects.

netwolfuk commented 1 year ago

Some templates don't show an associated project on the templates when editing the template. Note: Is shown on list template page.

netwolfuk commented 1 year ago

When viewing only templates for a project, include a link to remove the project filter (eg, see _Root templates). - Fixed

netwolfuk commented 1 year ago

Figure out how to remove the JavaScript test code from the packaged plug-in, as it adds 2MB. - Fixed

netwolfuk commented 1 year ago

Fix build queued message for slack template - Fixed