tcplugins / tcWebHooks

WebHooks plugin for Teamcity. Supports many build states and payload formats.
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Get Information from Performance Monitor (BuildFeature) #226

Closed Super8film87 closed 5 months ago

Super8film87 commented 12 months ago


I was just interested if it is possible to get average, max for CPU, Disk, Memory from a a build and send the data via web hook to the monitoring?

I was checking to use the data from the Build Feature Performance Monitor but I don't find any interface. Additional I found but I assume this for TeamCity Server, correct? Even I didn't get this running :)

netwolfuk commented 12 months ago

Yes, these values will not be available in the context of a build.

netwolfuk commented 12 months ago

I had a quick look and I can't see a plugin to export the server data and it doesn't appear to be available via the rest API either

Super8film87 commented 12 months ago

Ok - so I'll have to use a third party tool :(

netwolfuk commented 12 months ago

TeamCity supports Prometheus. That would be a good place to start.