tcplugins / tcWebHooks

WebHooks plugin for Teamcity. Supports many build states and payload formats.
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filter mismatch when using default quick filter Default VSC Branch only #233

Closed jtognazzi closed 7 months ago

jtognazzi commented 7 months ago

Expected Behavior

Quick filter: works out of the box

Current Behavior

When adding the quick filter Default VSC Branch only, no notification are sent and the following error is reported 702 :: Filter mismatch: ${branchIsDefault} (${branchIsDefault}) does not match using regex true

I'm pretty sure it used to works, so it might be related to the TC server version. I first had tcWebHooks Version: 1.20 but I also installed the latest stable release 1.25 and it shows the same behavior.

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

  1. Create a Webhook to trigger when build fails
  2. Add the quick filter Default VSC Branch only

Your Environment

Example Configuration (xml)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <webhooks enabled="true">
    <webhook id="id_252346741" url="<removed>" enabled="true" template="microsoft-teams" hide-secure-values="true">
        <state type="buildAddedToQueue" enabled="true" />
        <state type="buildRemovedFromQueue" enabled="true" />
        <state type="buildStarted" enabled="true" />
        <state type="changesLoaded" enabled="true" />
        <state type="buildInterrupted" enabled="true" />
        <state type="beforeBuildFinish" enabled="true" />
        <state type="buildFinished" enabled="true" />
        <state type="buildSuccessful" enabled="false" />
        <state type="buildFailed" enabled="true" />
        <state type="buildFixed" enabled="false" />
        <state type="buildBroken" enabled="false" />
        <state type="responsibilityChanged" enabled="true" />
        <state type="buildPinned" enabled="true" />
        <state type="buildUnpinned" enabled="true" />
        <state type="reportStatistics" enabled="false" />
        <state type="serviceMessageReceived" enabled="true" />
      <build-types enabled-for-all="false" enabled-for-subprojects="false">
        <build-type id="bt26667" />
        <build-type id="bt26671" />
        <build-type id="bt26672" />
        <filter value="${branchIsDefault}" regex="true" enabled="true" />
netwolfuk commented 7 months ago

Firstly. thank you for your excellent bug report. It has everything I needed to check.

I did as you indicated and created a Quick Filter for default branch. When run, it works correctly.

Can I ask you if the error 702 above is from an actual running build or from testing the UI somewhere?

My trigger filters looks the same as yours, so I can't see anything that you're doing wrong.

        <filter value="${branchIsDefault}" regex="true" enabled="true" />

My version 1.2.5 is built from a different branch so I'll get the officially released one and try again. I'll try to get back to you tomorrow with an update.

netwolfuk commented 7 months ago

I now have 1.2.5 release installed but I can't reproduce this issue. I wondered if it might be because the build needed to fail, but I found a build that fails on main and that still works correctly for me.


Can you please check that the VCS is set as having branch support? Does TeamCity show you multiple branches in the UI like this?


jtognazzi commented 7 months ago

Hi, thanks for your prompt reply !

So, yes the project is showing the multiple branches in the UI, but I just noticed that the main branch does not show up like the other branches: image

On other project it shows main there. Maybe, this is causing the issue...

I'll have a look at the configuration in detail to see if something is missing...

jtognazzi commented 7 months ago

Ok, when I look in the parameter tab of one of this build, I see I don't have this one:

So, I guess that's why it is failing

netwolfuk commented 7 months ago

I have that value, but it's set to false for non-main builds.

jtognazzi commented 7 months ago

Thanks for your help. I think we can close the issue. The plugin is not responsible for the error. It is really link to my custom build configuration

netwolfuk commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the update. I'll close it out. Thanks for using tcWebhooks.

jtognazzi commented 7 months ago

I do have a question though: Is it possible to test if a variable exists with the filter configuration ? Reading the doc, I didn't find anything...

netwolfuk commented 7 months ago

I'm not sure I really understand the question.

Are you asking if the UI can check if a variable exists when we configure the filter? Or are you referring to other variables? Eg, ones that are defined on the build or payload?

Or perhaps you are asking whether it's possible to check if the variable is defined?

jtognazzi commented 7 months ago

Yes, I would like to add a filter in the webhook configuration to check if the is defined

netwolfuk commented 7 months ago

What behaviour would you like if the filter does not find the value? Prevent the webhook or send the webhook?

jtognazzi commented 7 months ago

I would like to send the webhook only if the variable does not exits.

But, if this is not possible, I will find another way.

netwolfuk commented 7 months ago

Here are a couple of things you could try. I can't easily get a value that doesn't exist, other than referring to values that are non-existent. However, this means that I can't test both positive and negative scenarios.

In this first example we utilise regex's negative lookahead to look for something that does not contain .+ (which means at least one character). In other words, something that is empty. ${} :: ^(?!.+)$

However, this might not work because the template engine (Standard) used by the MS Teams template will actually return UNRESOLVED for any variable it can't resolve. If this was a Velocity template, that would probably have been the correct approach.

With this information, we can actually look for "UNRESOLVED" and you might have better success. ${} :: UNRESOLVED

In my testing this appears to work.

So for you, you could try ${} :: UNRESOLVED



netwolfuk commented 7 months ago

BTW, you can test this from the Preview & Test tab when editing a webhook. Just choose a build from the history that has or does not have that value set. This might be more convenient than triggering builds all the time.

To test the Filters, you will need to click the "Send Test Webhook for BuildEvent" button. The preview does not test the filters.


jtognazzi commented 7 months ago

Checking for UNRESOLVED works ! Thanks for the detailed explanation, for your time and for this plugin !

netwolfuk commented 7 months ago

That's fantastic. Thanks for the update.