tcurdt / iProxy

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Add USB Interactivity through Accessory API? #14

Open CaerusKaru opened 13 years ago

CaerusKaru commented 13 years ago

Would there be any possible way to create a physically tethered option, that way Wi-Fi doesn't need to be turned on in order for it to work (even though a program on the PC end may be required)?

tcurdt commented 13 years ago

Patches are much welcome for that option.

MagicianSoftware commented 12 years ago

Please add this, if its possible, a simple plug and play would be perfect!!!!

Hackmodford commented 12 years ago


sneakyness commented 12 years ago

There is no way to physically tether your device to the computer via USB. In order to even speak to the iPhone through USB, through the EAAccessory framework, you need to use a proprietary protocol that only works with Made For iPhone (MFi) approved accessories. They contain an additional chip that does the handshaking and whatever else.

In addition to the MFi limitation, this implementation also makes extensive use of CoreFoundation networking pieces, which do not allow you to choose which media the requests are being made over.

Issue should be closed IMO, as the answer is "no, there is not any possible way to create a physically tethered option without jailbreaking your phone"

CaerusKaru commented 12 years ago

I'd strongly disagree with that comment, as the iTether application shortly released on the official App Store had this functionality, and was not pulled by Apple for said functionality (simply for tethering). It is possible, I'm just unsure at the moment of the exact implementation.

On Feb 3, 2012, at 20:16, Nick Pannuto wrote:

There is no way to physically tether your device to the computer via USB. In order to even speak to the iPhone through USB, through the EAAccessory framework, you need to use a proprietary protocol that only works with Made For iPhone (MFi) approved accessories. They contain an additional chip that does the handshaking and whatever else.

In addition to the MFi limitation, this implementation also makes extensive use of CoreFoundation networking pieces, which do not allow you to choose which media the requests are being made over.

Issue should be closed IMO, as the answer is "no, there is not any possible way to create a physically tethered option without jailbreaking your phone"

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sneakyness commented 12 years ago

It was implemented using undocumented functions and (I'm almost entirely sure) method swizzling with various parts of the vanilla tethering, which have since been locked away.

CaerusKaru commented 12 years ago

Locked away since it was released last month? There haven't been any software updates since then (at least official).

On Feb 3, 2012, at 21:37, Nick Pannuto wrote:

It was implemented using undocumented functions and (I'm almost entirely sure) method swizzling with various parts of the vanilla tethering, which have since been locked away.

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sneakyness commented 12 years ago

iTether was pulled from the App Store in November of 2011, that's almost 3 months, at least two baseband updates, and one minor point release ago.

Neal commented 12 years ago

I am pretty sure iTether did not violate anything. It was pulled because carriers complained, not because of it's undocumented functions.

But they also use their server for it to work.

sneakyness commented 12 years ago

"But they also use their server for it to work" Feel free to elaborate

Neal commented 12 years ago

Well, all I know is that the iTether needs to be able to connect to their servers. Not sure it it's just for the authentication for piracy or if all the traffic is routed through them.

It's initial release did connect to their servers which routed all the traffic, and it stopped working in a couple hours since it crashed from all the people trying to connect. Later that day, they updated it, I'm not sure if they still routed all the traffic, or just fixed it.