tcurdt / iProxy

Let's you connect your laptop to the iPhone to surf the web.
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Xcode project lacks device targets again #23

Closed solmaker closed 5 years ago

solmaker commented 12 years ago

I'm having the same problem as Stokestack's closed issue #17 reproduced at bottom. Using latest released Xcode 4.2 and latest tcurdt-iProxy-version-2.0-39-g188599c.tar, the project builds fine but only offers iPhone and iPad Simulator SDK targets (3.2, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, & 5.0), but none that targets a physical device... just simulators. I've provisioned fully through Apple's Developer iOS Provisioning Portal, and even tried copying an ad-hoc Distribution.mobileprovision to the root folder of iProxy as per the iProxy FAQ. I'm at a loss how to get any device build target option to show up for iProxy (unlike other apps, where my iPad2 shows up fine).

I'd very much appreciate any suggestions how to proceed to get iProxy loaded on my iPad. Thanks, solmaker

--- issue #17: Xcode project lacks device targets - January 12, 2011 The Xcode project can't be set to build for a device, because the base SDK is set to the simulator-specific one. Also, the base SDK is set on both the project and the target. The base SDK should be set to "latest iOS" in the project, and the setting should be deleted from the target entirely so it inherits from the project.

ghost commented 12 years ago

Everything worked fine using Xcode's organizer ( Window->Organizer ). I selected my iPad and clicked the big button that says something like "Use this device ...". I don't know if this is related, but I allowed Xcode to "upgrade" the iProxy project files for 4.2.


solmaker commented 12 years ago

Thanks for your response. The only big button on the Organize for Devices that I see is "Add to Portal", which I did click, resulting in successful provisioning. But the iProxy.xcodeproj still only shows simulator settings (e.g. iProxy>iPad 4.3 Simulator"). Everything builds and simulates fine, but I don't see any options for deploying to the device. Could you tell me what precise settings or commands you enter from the open iProxy-xcodeproj window to send the application to the iPad?

Thanks again, solmaker

ghost commented 12 years ago

Hey solmaker

Just a heads up that I still plan to answer your question.


Sent from mobile email.

On 2011-11-13, at 22:30, wrote:

Thanks for your response. The only big button on the Organize for Devices that I see is "Add to Portal", which I did click, resulting in successful provisioning. But the iProxy.xcodeproj still only shows simulator settings (e.g. iProxy>iPad 4.3 Simulator"). Everything builds and simulates fine, but I don't see any options for deploying to the device. Could you tell me what precise settings or commands you enter from the open iProxy-xcodeproj window to send the application to the iPad?

Thanks again, solmaker

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solmaker commented 12 years ago

Thanks... I appreciate it whenever you get the time. Thanks for creating iProxy in the first place. - solmaker

Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2011 13:17:22 -0800 From: To: Subject: Re: [iProxy] Xcode project lacks device targets again (#23)

Hey solmaker

Just a heads up that I still plan to answer your question.


Sent from mobile email.

On 2011-11-13, at 22:30, wrote:

Thanks for your response. The only big button on the Organize for Devices that I see is "Add to Portal", which I did click, resulting in successful provisioning. But the iProxy.xcodeproj still only shows simulator settings (e.g. iProxy>iPad 4.3 Simulator"). Everything builds and simulates fine, but I don't see any options for deploying to the device. Could you tell me what precise settings or commands you enter from the open iProxy-xcodeproj window to send the application to the iPad?

Thanks again, solmaker

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jenh commented 12 years ago

I ran into the same issue - changing SDKROOT from iphonesimulator4.1 to iphoneos and removing the specific code signing identity line ("CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]" = "iPhone Developer: Jérôme Lebel (556N3JMPNT)";) from project.pbxproj did the trick for me.

solmaker commented 12 years ago

Thanks so much, jenh!!! I edited project.pbxproj within the iProxy.xcodeproj package contents according to your directions, and a choice to target to my iPad2 device immediately appeared for the iProxy project. The only remaining hitch was that running the iProxy project gave an error that no private key pair certificate existed for "iPhone Distribution". So I recreated an ad hoc distribution provision profile that included iPad2 and named it "iPhone Distribution", after which everything worked and iProxy appeared on my iPad2. I'm not sure whether the distribution problem was because my previous distribution provision was bad/outmoded/not-adhoc (which may have been the case) or because it previously wasn't named "iPhone Distribution". I'd be interested to know whether any distribution provision name would do, or whether it needs to be named "iPhone Distribution" (now that it's working, I'm leery of experimenting any further with my provision certificates). Thanks again, solmaker