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pix2pix - Testing on a new image #29

Closed s4chin closed 7 years ago

s4chin commented 7 years ago

The validation images generated during training appear to be in much better quality than the same images using the saved model(Using the saved model from the same epoch). I think it is due to some error on my testing code. I would be glad if you could help me out here -

    from scipy.misc import imsave
    img_path = os.path.join('path/to/input/image.jpg')
    img = cv2.imread(img_path)
    img = img[:, :, ::-1]  # GBR to RGB
    data = normalization(np.expand_dims(img, 0).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)).transpose(0, 2, 3, 1)
    out = generator_model.predict(data) # generator_model is already loaded with weights
    out = inverse_normalization(out)
    print out.shape # (256, 256, 3)
    out=out[0, :, :, :]
    print out.shape # (256, 256, 3)
    imsave('path/to/output/image.jpg', out)

I think it has something to do with .asarray(np.float32) and np.uint8.

tdeboissiere commented 7 years ago

Which keras version are you using ? It could have something to do with the Batch Norm mode (in early versions, you have a mode to compute BN statistics for inference in the same way as for training, i.e. use a per batch mean and standard dev. If you are in this mode, then when you make predictions, the estimated BN statistics given only one image may not be very good)

Do you have image samples ? Do you get the same quality if you save with cv2.imwrite ?

s4chin commented 7 years ago

Keras version is 1.2.2 For using cv2.imwrite i have to multiply out by 255, but the saved images look more or less the same. Here are the images(at 350th epoch) generated by the plot_generated_batch- current_batch_350_100validation Here are the same generated images at same epoch by the above code - 0079 0059 0102 0088 Also, I now run the above code every 50 epochs during training itself using the generator_model so as to remove any errors that may be caused due to saving and loading models.

tdeboissiere commented 7 years ago

If I'm not mistaken, during training, predictions are made in batch before being saved:

X_pred = generator.predict(X_batch) # X_batch is maybe (16,3,256,256) for i in range(X_pred.shape[0]): cv2.imwrite(X_pred[i])

However you call predict on a single image.

2 possibilities:

Did you try running your image saving code on multiple images at the same time (i.e. data has more than 1 sample on axis=0) ? Do check the mode argument in the BatchNorm layer.

I met a few float/int issues before but these led to images far more deteriorated than the ones you show.

s4chin commented 7 years ago

Alright, it was the case 2. Predicting in a batch led to no artifacts, and patches. I predicted on multiple images together and it worked. :+1: Also, having a batch of 4 gave slightly better results in terms of colors than a batch of 16. I guess that has something to do with having a batch_size of 4 during training too. Thank you!

tvpian commented 6 years ago

Hi Sachin, I'm a newbie in the field of deep learning. Out of pure interest I have started to work on pix2pix. I need a small help. I completed the training of my model and now I want to test it on single new images. Can you please brief me how to do it. To be particular I'm working on the Layout-Building example.I used your testing code above to test my model too.Unfortunately the output that I obtained seem to vary a lot from the actual expected output. 1 new

Thank you. Tharun