tdeckers / utcar

Integration for ATS2000IP alarm system
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Setup OpenHab #3

Open HobbyKonijn opened 2 years ago

HobbyKonijn commented 2 years ago

I installed openhab at my Raspberry Pi 3B and it's running, I'm able to log in and make changes in OpenHab.

I added the lates Arm release of utcar to a folder for execution. When i run from the command line ./utcar al is working and I see SIA messages comming in incl. a heartbeat.

But if I run ./utcar -port=12300 --addr= --user=ike --pwd=ike I will get: flag provided but not defined: -addr Usage of ./utcar: -debug int Debug server port number (default: no debug server) -port int Listen port number (default: 12300) (default 12300) -taddr string Target addr (e.g. http://openhab.local:8080) -tpwd string Target password -tuser string Target username

Probably something very simple ... but I got no clue what is wrong to get the SIA messages into openhab.

HobbyKonijn commented 2 years ago

Changed to: ./utcar -port=12300 -debug=1 -taddr= -tpwd=pi -tuser=pi

2021/08/23 17:03:59 Listing on port 12300... 2021/08/23 17:03:59 Debug server running on port 1 2021/08/23 17:03:59 Pushing to 2021/08/23 17:04:16 Message: SR0001L0001 006666XX [ID00000000] 2021/08/23 17:04:16 Heartbeat. 2021/08/23 17:05:19 Message: SR0001L0001 006666XX [ID00000000] 2021/08/23 17:05:19 Heartbeat. 2021/08/23 17:05:20 Message: 01010047"SIA-DCS"0001R0001L0001[#006666|NNR003]315E971DBE28E834|#006666 2021/08/23 17:05:20 {{13853367312657289439 81393993299 0x50ace0} 0001 0001 0001 006666 NR 003} 2021/08/23 17:05:20 Push error: Unsupported SIA command for pusher (NR) 2021/08/23 17:05:21 Message: 01010047"SIA-DCS"0002R0001L0001[#006666|NYK003]6A03A81863950116|#006666 2021/08/23 17:05:21 {{13853367313901997176 82564959212 0x50ace0} 0002 0001 0001 006666 YK 003} 2021/08/23 17:05:21 Push error: Unsupported SIA command for pusher (YK) 2021/08/23 17:05:50 Message: 01010047"SIA-DCS"0003R0001L0001[#006666|NRU000]8EF4EFD8AE175B3A|#006666 2021/08/23 17:05:50 {{13853367344450608575 110975057714 0x50ace0} 0003 0001 0001 006666 RU 000} 2021/08/23 17:05:50 Push error: Unsupported SIA command for pusher (RU) 2021/08/23 17:06:22 Message: SR0001L0001 006666XX [ID00000000]

Would guess it's due to a missing setup at Openhab. Will all messages be logged in Openhab, incl. log in and log out into the alarm system?

My final goal will be when a intrution alarm or specific event is posted a mail is send out automatic

I'm using a Aritech ATS1000A IP-MM