The jsonschema returns no such schema with correct base.
SchemaError: no such schema #/$defs/slot located in <file:///C:/Users/nhawrysh/Documents/catena/schemata/ogp.schema.json>
"$defs": {
"slot": {
"title": "Slot ID",
"description": "Uniquely identifies the device within the scope of its frame",
"type": "integer",
"min": 0,
"max": 255,
"default": 0,
"$comment": "Max slot index is set abitrarily, it could go higher if needed."
The jsonschema returns no such schema with correct base.
SchemaError: no such schema #/$defs/slot located in <file:///C:/Users/nhawrysh/Documents/catena/schemata/ogp.schema.json>