tdenniston / bish

Bish is a language that compiles to Bash. It's designed to give shell scripting a more comfortable and modern feel.
MIT License
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Support file globbing #66

Open tdenniston opened 9 years ago

tdenniston commented 9 years ago

As discussed here:

File globbing is considered one of the main benefits of shell scripts versus other scripting languages. Bish should support globbing as a first-class feature.

Example of how this might look:

for (f in *.txt) {
    println("Text file: $f")
egorsmkv commented 9 years ago


Artoria2e5 commented 5 years ago

For now you can do with the "basically eval" @() syntax:

./bish /dev/fd/0 << 'EOF'

The first assignment on a is to fool the typecheck. The b=a assignment is to invalidate the constant a[2] == 2 transfer.