tdewolff / Dex

Small but feature-rich CMS for small and medium sized websites
MIT License
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Database production and development versions #11

Closed tdewolff closed 10 years ago

tdewolff commented 10 years ago

All changes will be saved to the development database which only logged-in users can see live. Whenever the site hits the publish button, the development database will be copied to the production database so that anyone can see the new changes.

This will allow editors to work on their site without worries and publish whenever they feel comfortable. Visitors will not see the editor 'typing' since his changes are continually saved.

It must be clear to editors that there have been changes and that a Publish must occur, in the form of a bar with a button on top of the screen for example. Much like WordPress.

s-p-n commented 10 years ago

Agreed. I was thinking of such a bar for other reasons, as well. For example, there should be a button on the top-bar (or "editor bar") for adding the page onto the navigation menu, or deleting the page. We can sneak an "Add page" onto the bar, as well.