tdharris / bashScripts

Here is a collection of bash scripts that I've created.
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make the source of this findable in the wild #1

Open ChaosAdventurer opened 5 years ago

ChaosAdventurer commented 5 years ago

Found this script in the wild, which made it hard to track back to see if there were updates (and there was), so it would be worth some comments to help point people back to you, perhaps something along the lines of "# from the mind of tdharris last updated 2018-04-06" "#" "#"

it was a bonus to me that it was someone I was familiar with.

tdharris commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the recommendation here :)

So sometime back I made a different script (for some reason I can't remember 🤦‍♂ ) with more features that I found common with managing certificates. I think you'll like it as I used this script as the base and expanded around it a bit: tdharris/openssl-toolkit.

I also just made a new release there, openssl-toolkit-1.1.0, with the suggestion you had for adding subjectAltName extension (#3).

ChaosAdventurer commented 5 years ago

Your welcome Since posting the issues, I got around to spelunking through a bunch of your other scripts, including finding that tool kit. very useful, with the same 'issue' of no way for someone finding a copy in the wild being able to track their way back to updated versions and all the other goodies you've put together. Also strengthens your profile professionally to have such things running around with your name on them. Any copies I leave on client systems will have that added.

Are you still doing anything with dsapp or did Shane totally take it over along the way? It is starting to have issues with never versions of GMS and now that Shane has left for other pastures (did he just want to stay with a red corp logo?) I am wondering who could carry the dsapp flag and fix some issues with it. FYI, I am a KP, KonecnyA in the forums, or as we say now the MF Community.