Open tdhock opened 9 months ago
please read my blog about mlr3 hyper-parameter auto_tuner
I have created a prototype fuser learner here -> There are some questions that need to be answered for it to be fully compatible with the framework.
Other public microbiome datasets with different groups ->
great start for LearnerRegrFuser. I would suggest already sending an issue to the fuser package authors, to tell them you are working on an mlr3 interface, and maybe ask to make sure there is not already one implemented elsewhere? eventually it would be good to move that code from Rmd to an R package, you can submit to CRAN, maybe named mlr3fuser, similar to
@tdhock I have opened the issue about the fuser for mlr3 here. I have been trying to fix this issue but so far no success. Maybe you can help with the auto-tuner?
Error: <LearnerRegrFuser:regr.fuser> cannot be trained with TuneToken
present in hyperparameter: lambda
When I run this:
bench.result <- mlr3::benchmark(bench.grid, store_models = TRUE)
This is the instance of the class after applying the tuner on lambda.
<LearnerRegrFuser:regr.fuser>: Fuser
* Model: -
* Parameters: lambda=<RangeTuneToken>, gamma=0.01, tol=9e-05,, intercept=TRUE, scaling=FALSE
* Packages: mlr3, mlr3learners, fuser
* Predict Types: [response]
* Feature Types: logical, integer, numeric
* Properties: -
UPDATE: I have been able to fix it. It had to do with the fuser object which if I want to apply the auto-tuner, it has to be a mlr3tuning::auto_tuner object instead in the learner list.
@tdhock I have this issue, could you help?
Error: Cannot combine stratification with grouping
This is the R code:
N <- 300
abs.x <- 20
x.mat <- matrix(runif(N * 3, -abs.x, abs.x), ncol = 3) # Ensure X has more than two features
colnames(x.mat) <- paste0("feature", 1:3)
(task.dt <- data.table(
x = x.mat,
y = sin(rowSums(x.mat)) + rnorm(N, sd = 0.5)
# Create a grouping variable
task.dt[, sample_group := rep(1:3, length.out = .N)]
# Check the distribution of groups
table( <- task.dt$sample_group)
# Create a regression task with the grouping variable
reg.task <- mlr3::TaskRegr$new("sin", task.dt, target = "y")
group.task <- reg.task$set_col_roles("sample_group", c("group", "stratum"))
same_other_cv <- mlr3resampling::ResamplingSameOtherCV$new()
same_other_cv$param_set$values$folds <- 2
fuser.learner = lrn("regr.fuser")
#fuser.learner$param_set$values$ <- paradox::to_tune(1, 100)
fuser.learner$param_set$values$lambda <- paradox::to_tune(0.001, 1, log=TRUE)
#fuser.learner$param_set$values$gamma <- paradox::to_tune(0.001, 1, log=TRUE) <- mlr3::ResamplingCV$new()$param_set$values$folds <- 2 <- mlr3tuning::TunerGridSearch$new()$param_set$values$resolution <- 5
fuser.learner.tuned = mlr3tuning::auto_tuner(
tuner =,
learner = fuser.learner,
resampling =,
measure = mlr3::msr("regr.mse"))
reg.learner.list <- list(
mlr3::LearnerRegrFeatureless$new(), fuser.learner.tuned)
(same.other.grid <- mlr3::benchmark_grid(
bench.result <- mlr3::benchmark(same.other.grid, store_models = TRUE)
@tdhock Another issue that I faced while I was isolating just the lrn("regr.fuser")
class was all
and other
works fine but same
does not work because it can't train when there is only one group. The exact error was Error in G[i, j] : subscript out of bounds
. In the library, G
is a k by k
(number of groups) matrix which controls the amount of information sharing between the groups.
Essentially I think only all
is useful in the fuser
package because of the way it works.
My question is how do I specify in mlr3resampling::ResamplingSameOtherCV$new()
to run for say only all
and other
"cannot combine stratification with grouping" comes from using mlr3::ResamplingCV which does not support both, even though your task defines both, so to work-around that I had to fork that code and remove the error message, so please try the code in this branch
He has an issue here that when there is no information sharing because there is only one group it should default to the normal LASSO.
I get the error below when I use the mlr3tuning::auto_tuner
It works fine when I use the normal LearnerRegrFuser
Error in benchmark_grid(self$task, self$learner, resampling, param_values = list(xss)) :
A Resampling is instantiated for a task with a different number of observations
This is the first run of the fuser on the necromass data.
does not perform better than featureless
in some cases.
I think there is a bug in the code, maybe the implementation of fuser
I am yet to find out the issue.
To address the consistent error issue above,
instead of just the glmnet
which I was using earlier as the fallback learner.necromass
(publicly available data set)
by the way I updated mlr3resampling on CRAN, you may want to update and read
@tdhock I cant seem to find my way around this fuser
algorithm. I have fixed the issue with the indexing but it still doesn't seem to do better than featureless in most cases.
Sometimes, it does extremely better (Second figure).
I used autotuner with fuser
, specifically with RandomSearch
because the GridSearch
was taking very long:
fuser.learner = LearnerRegrFuser$new()
fuser.learner$param_set$values$lambda <- paradox::to_tune(0.001, 1, log=TRUE)
fuser.learner$param_set$values$gamma <- paradox::to_tune(0.001, 1, log=TRUE)
fuser.learner$param_set$values$tol <- paradox::to_tune(1e-10, 1e-2, log=TRUE)
These are the results on three public datasets. What do you think about this:
Still investigating this issue, could be that there is an issue with the actual fuser
Maybe I am not using a larger range of hyper-parameters for the cross-validation.
you should take default value for tol (not tuned) lambda and gamma ranges look reasonable but you should check to see if you are selecting the largest or smallest values. and maybe compare to the lambda/penalty value that glmnet selects.
This is the truth response graph for the boston housing dataset.
CVGlmnet L1 on weights + L2 squared fusion between all groups possible to implement L1 on weights + L1 fusion between pairs of weights in different groups, if we create large matrix X with lots of 0 (maybe tricky to code the graph correctly)
?? Guillaume Obozinski, Ben Taskar, and Michael I Jordan. Joint covariate selec- tion and joint subspace selection for multiple classification problems. Statistics and Computing, 20(2):231–252, 2010 ??
try implementing new learner in mlr3 like this with auto_tuner