Closed fat-complex closed 11 months ago
First, you need to create a chat with the user using createPrivateChat
I tried to create a private chat for the user. It was created, then I put it in the included_chat_ids_
field. I make a createChatFolder
request and get this message: Chat is not in the chat list. As a result, the folder was not created(.
You must ensure that the chat in a chat list first. Private chats must be non-empty for this.
It turns out that it is impossible to create a folder for contacts that I have and for which there are no chats, as in ios?
If chat isn't in the main or archive chat lsit, then it is not supposed to be shown in other folders.
Yes, thank you, I understood that. When you create a folder for such a case in iOS, these contacts do not appear on the main folder. But when you go to the folder settings and open this folder, contacts for which there are no chats are displayed there. Is there any way to do this using tdlib?
@levlam Thx)
I'm trying to create a folder and put there a contact with whom I don't have a chat. But tdlib says it's a mistake. What should I add to the CreateChatFolder request?