Closed tofers closed 8 months ago
Class "messageReplyTo" doesn't exist, but "messageReplyToMessage" is a valid class name for TDLib 1.8.24. Check response of getOption("version")
to ensure that you use TDLib 1.8.24.
chatId: 321111,
messageThreadId: 0,
inputMessageContent: {
@type: 'inputMessageText',
text: { @type: 'formattedText', text: 'ff', entities: [] },
replyTo: {
@type: 'messageReplyToMessage',
chatId: 321111,
messageId: 7675576321
[ 3][t 0][1707995871.894760370][Client.cpp:293][&tdrequests] End to wait for updates, returning object 7 0x7f55d8088a00 version: { airgram: [Getter], getState: [Function: getState], setState: [Function: setState], : 'getOption', options: {}, request: { method: 'getOption', params: { name: 'version' } }, response: { _: 'optionValueString', value: '1.8.24' } }
[ 3][t 4][1707995871.925956964][Td.cpp:3034][#1][!Td][&td_requests] Receive static request: testReturnError { error = error { code = 400 message = "Failed to parse JSON object as TDLib request: Unknown class "messageReplyToMessage"" } }
Yes, it worked in December. But it's not working today
The parameter reply_to
has type InputMessageReplyTo
, so you must use either inputMessageReplyToMessage
or inputMessageReplyToStory
Also, as chat_id
documentation states, you must "pass 0 if the message to be replied is in the same chat".
Thanks for your help, I was close.
protected content and can't be forwarded is printed
@levlam If the bot reply to a message in a content_protector group, the res will be "protected content and can't be forwarded is printed"
Check documentation of inputMessageReplyToMessage.chat_id
, for which you pass a wrong value:
The identifier of the chat to which the message to be replied belongs; pass 0 if the message to be replied is in the same chat. Must always be 0 for replies in secret chats. A message can be replied in another chat or topic only if message.can_be_replied_in_another_chat
Sorry, guys! @tofers @levlam I have a similar problem and I did not understand the solution from the messages. Could you tell me more precisely?
previously, replies to messages were sent like this, on version 1.8.25 it does not send replies, but regular messages
$r = $this->cli->query(json_encode([
'chat_id' => $tgid,
'reply_to_message_id' => ($refId?$refId:0),
'from_background' => true,
'input_message_content' => [
'@type' => 'inputMessageText',
'text' => [
'@type' => 'formattedText',
'text' => urldecode($text),
'entities' => []
'disable_web_page_preview' => false,
'clear_draft' => false
reply_to_message_id is no longer used? has reply_to appeared? But how exactly do I specify the values?
the following version of the code gives an error: "Failed to parse JSON object as TDLib request: Unknown class "messageReplyToMessage"
$r = $this->cli->query(json_encode([
'chat_id' => $tgid,
//'reply_to_message_id' => ($refId?(int)$refId:0),
'reply_to' => [ '@type'=>'messageReplyToMessage',
'chat_id'=> 0,
'from_background' => true,
'input_message_content' => [
'@type' => 'inputMessageText',
'text' => [
'@type' => 'formattedText',
'text' => urldecode($text),
'entities' => []
'disable_web_page_preview' => false,
'clear_draft' => false
messageReplyToMessage -> inputMessageReplyToMessage
chatId: 321111,
messageThreadId: 0,
inputMessageContent: {
@type: 'inputMessageText',
text: { @type: 'formattedText', text: 'ff', entities: [] },
replyTo: {
@type: 'inputMessageReplyToMessage',
messageId: 7675576321
@tofers thank you very much! 🤝
@type: sendMessage chat_id: chatId (-100123456789) message_thread_id: MessageThreadId (123456) reply_to: {@type: messageReplyToMessage chat_id: chatId (-100123456789) message_id: ReplyToMessageId (1234567)}
"Failed to parse JSON object as TDLib request: Unknown class "messageReplyToMessage""
"Failed to parse JSON object as TDLib request: Unknown class "messageReplyTo""
tdlib 1.8.24