tdlib / td

Cross-platform library for building Telegram clients
Boost Software License 1.0
6.76k stars 1.38k forks source link

Error while installing packages ./vcpkg.exe install gperf:x64-windows openssl:x64-windows zlib:x64-windows #2958

Open ganandh opened 1 week ago

ganandh commented 1 week ago

I was trying to install the packages for proceed with building tdlib for C# Windows CLI.

But every time I run the command I get the same error for all 3 packages

error: building openssl:x64-windows failed with: BUILD_FAILED Elapsed time to handle openssl:x64-windows: 8.1 s Please ensure you're using the latest port files with git pull and vcpkg update. Then check for known issues at: You can submit a new issue at:[openssl]+Build+error+on+x64-windows&

The above is the error message for openssl. Like this every package returns error.

What is the solution for this ?

isuruwe commented 1 week ago

i got same in vs 2022 installed pc but i run in vs2015 installed pc it worked without error

levlam commented 1 week ago

Did you check content of the file td/vcpkg/installed/vcpkg/

ganandh commented 1 week ago

Did you check content of the file td/vcpkg/installed/vcpkg/

There was the same error message.

ganandh commented 1 week ago

i got same in vs 2022 installed pc but i run in vs2015 installed pc it worked without error

Let me try in VS 2015 and see what happens

levlam commented 1 week ago

There was the same error message.

No, the file should contains all details about the issue, for example, absence of C++ build tools.

ganandh commented 1 week ago

There was the same error message.

No, the file should contains all details about the issue, for example, absence of C++ build tools.

Package: zlib:x64-windows@1.3.1

Host Environment

To Reproduce

vcpkg install zlib

Failure logs

-- Downloading -> madler-zlib-v1.3.1.tar.gz...
[DEBUG] To include the environment variables in debug output, pass --debug-env
[DEBUG] Trying to load bundleconfig from D:\Gah\vcp\vcpkg\vcpkg-bundle.json
[DEBUG] Failed to open: D:\Gah\vcp\vcpkg\vcpkg-bundle.json
[DEBUG] Bundle config: readonly=false, usegitregistry=false, embeddedsha=nullopt, deployment=Git, vsversion=nullopt
[DEBUG] Metrics enabled.
[DEBUG] Feature flag 'binarycaching' unset
[DEBUG] Feature flag 'compilertracking' unset
[DEBUG] Feature flag 'registries' unset
[DEBUG] Feature flag 'versions' unset
[DEBUG] Feature flag 'dependencygraph' unset
warning: Download failed -- retrying after 1000ms
warning: Download failed -- retrying after 2000ms
warning: Download failed -- retrying after 4000ms
error: Failed to download from mirror set
error: WinHttpSendRequest failed with exit code 12007
error: WinHttpSendRequest failed with exit code 12007
error: WinHttpSendRequest failed with exit code 12007
error: WinHttpSendRequest failed with exit code 12007
[DEBUG] D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vcpkg\base\downloads.cpp(997): 
[DEBUG] Time in subprocesses: 0us
[DEBUG] Time in parsing JSON: 5us
[DEBUG] Time in JSON reader: 0us
[DEBUG] Time in filesystem: 14631us
[DEBUG] Time in loading ports: 0us
[DEBUG] Exiting after 7.1 s (7050784us)

CMake Error at scripts/cmake/vcpkg_download_distfile.cmake:32 (message):

      Failed to download file with error: 1
      If you are using a proxy, please check your proxy setting. Possible causes are:

      1. You are actually using an HTTP proxy, but setting HTTPS_PROXY variable
         to `https://address:port`. This is not correct, because `https://` prefix
         claims the proxy is an HTTPS proxy, while your proxy (v2ray, shadowsocksr
         , etc..) is an HTTP proxy. Try setting `http://address:port` to both
         HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY instead.

      2. If you are using Windows, vcpkg will automatically use your Windows IE Proxy Settings
         set by your proxy software. See
         The value set by your proxy might be wrong, or have same `https://` prefix issue.

      3. Your proxy's remote server is out of service.

      If you've tried directly download the link, and believe this is not a temporary
      download server failure, please submit an issue at
      to report this upstream download server failure.

Call Stack (most recent call first):
  scripts/cmake/vcpkg_download_distfile.cmake:270 (z_vcpkg_download_distfile_show_proxy_and_fail)
  scripts/cmake/vcpkg_from_github.cmake:106 (vcpkg_download_distfile)
  ports/zlib/portfile.cmake:2 (vcpkg_from_github)
  scripts/ports.cmake:192 (include)
ganandh commented 1 week ago

If anyone have dll for .net to read and send message function share that I will manage with that

isuruwe commented 1 week ago

If anyone have dll for .net to read and send message function share that I will manage with that


levlam commented 1 week ago


Failed to download file with error: 1

Likely, is blocked in your area.