PG-Query: SELECT * FROM table WHERE column = '1'::BIT(1)
Wrong MSSQL-Query SELECT * FROM table column = B'1'
correct MSSQL-Query SELECT * FROM table column = CAST('1' AS BIT(1))
Logic error in deparse.c
Line: 1412
bool needlabel; // it does have an initial value ==> bool needlabel = true;
Line: 1502/ 1503
case BITOID:
appendStringInfo(buf, "B'%s'", extval); <== remove B
it "B" an convert syntax from sybase? MSSQL dont know it.
Operating system
OpenSuse 15.2
Version of tds_fdw 2.0.2
From a psql session, paste the outputs of running \dx
Liste der installierten Erweiterungen
Name | Version | Schema | Beschreibung
file_fdw | 1.0 | public | foreign-data wrapper for flat file access
hstore | 1.3 | public | data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs
plpgsql | 1.0 | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language
postgres_fdw | 1.0 | public | foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers
tablefunc | 1.0 | public | functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab
tds_fdw | 2.0.2 | public | Foreign data wrapper for querying a TDS database (Sybase or Microsoft SQL Server)
uuid-ossp | 1.0 | public | generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)
If you built the package from Git sources, also paste the output of running git log --source -n 1 on your git clone from a console
Issue report
PG-Query: SELECT * FROM table WHERE column = '1'::BIT(1)
Wrong MSSQL-Query SELECT * FROM table column = B'1'
correct MSSQL-Query SELECT * FROM table column = CAST('1' AS BIT(1))
Logic error in deparse.c Line: 1412 bool needlabel; // it does have an initial value ==> bool needlabel = true;
Line: 1502/ 1503 case BITOID: case VARBITOID: appendStringInfo(buf, "B'%s'", extval); <== remove B it "B" an convert syntax from sybase? MSSQL dont know it.
Operating system
OpenSuse 15.2
Version of tds_fdw 2.0.2
From a
session, paste the outputs of running\dx
Liste der installierten Erweiterungen Name | Version | Schema | Beschreibung--------------+---------+------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- file_fdw | 1.0 | public | foreign-data wrapper for flat file access hstore | 1.3 | public | data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs plpgsql | 1.0 | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language postgres_fdw | 1.0 | public | foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers tablefunc | 1.0 | public | functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab tds_fdw | 2.0.2 | public | Foreign data wrapper for querying a TDS database (Sybase or Microsoft SQL Server) uuid-ossp | 1.0 | public | generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)
If you built the package from Git sources, also paste the output of running
git log --source -n 1
on your git clone from a consoleESC[33mcommit 012350f68cea6159d1667b30d939afed05399e4aESC[m HEADESC[33m (ESC[mESC[1;36mHEAD -> ESC[mESC[1;32mmasterESC[mESC[33m, ESC[mESC[1;31morigin/masterESC[mESC[33m, ESC[mESC[1;31morigin/HEADESC[mESC[33m) > Author: RAFAELDEV2016 Date: Fri Nov 27 21:44:34 2020 +0100
Version of PostgreSQL
From a
session, paste the output of runningSELECT version();
foxpro=# SELECT version(); version
PostgreSQL 10.16 on x86_64-suse-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (SUSE Linux) 7.5.0, 64-bit
Version of FreeTDS
freetds-config-1.1.36-lp152.1.1.x86_64 freetds-tools-1.1.36-lp152.1.1.x86_64 freetds-devel-1.1.36-lp152.1.1.x86_64