tdsmith / homebrew-ham

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Crash in gtkosx_application.Application.set_dock_icon_pixbuf #10

Open elvis-epx opened 6 years ago

elvis-epx commented 6 years ago

After upgrading some libs (GTK is probably culprit), chirp no longer works

/Users/epx $ chirpw
2018-06-07 18:30:49.477 python2.7[14866:1061292] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSImageCacheException', reason: 'Cannot lock focus on image <NSImage 0x7f8260087200 Size={0, 0} Reps=(
)>, because it is size zero.'
*** First throw call stack:
    0   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff3a6f532b __exceptionPreprocess + 171
    1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff61863c76 objc_exception_throw + 48
    2   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff3a786dcd +[NSException raise:format:] + 205
    3   AppKit                              0x00007fff37d64ca1 -[NSImage _lockFocusOnRepresentation:rect:context:hints:flipped:] + 316
    4   AppKit                              0x00007fff37d64b5e __51-[NSImage lockFocusWithRect:context:hints:flipped:]_block_invoke + 82
    5   AppKit                              0x00007fff37d284d8 -[NSImage _usingBestRepresentationForRect:context:hints:body:] + 164
    6   AppKit                              0x00007fff37d64b03 -[NSImage lockFocusWithRect:context:hints:flipped:] + 162
    7   AppKit                              0x00007fff37dc8eda -[NSImage lockFocusFlipped:] + 123
    8   libgtkmacintegration-gtk2.2.dylib   0x000000010f1ff7e4 nsimage_from_pixbuf + 201
    9   libgtkmacintegration-gtk2.2.dylib   0x000000010f1feec6 gtkosx_application_set_dock_icon_pixbuf + 29
    10              0x000000010c3f72bb _wrap_gtkosx_application_set_dock_icon_pixbuf + 119
    11  Python                              0x0000000109e35367 PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 19822
    12  Python                              0x0000000109e39489 fast_function + 196
    13  Python                              0x0000000109e3526a PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 19569
    14  Python                              0x0000000109e303e2 PyEval_EvalCodeEx + 1562
    15  Python                              0x0000000109dd6ce4 function_call + 327
    16  Python                              0x0000000109db9160 PyObject_Call + 97
    17  Python                              0x0000000109dc3a0d instancemethod_call + 163
    18  Python                              0x0000000109db9160 PyObject_Call + 97
    19  Python                              0x0000000109dff62e slot_tp_init + 64
    20  Python                              0x0000000109dfc78c type_call + 182
    21  Python                              0x0000000109db9160 PyObject_Call + 97
    22  Python                              0x0000000109e35354 PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 19803
    23  Python                              0x0000000109e303e2 PyEval_EvalCodeEx + 1562
    24  Python                              0x0000000109e2fdc2 PyEval_EvalCode + 32
    25  Python                              0x0000000109e517ab run_mod + 49
    26  Python                              0x0000000109e51852 PyRun_FileExFlags + 130
    27  Python                              0x0000000109e513d4 PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags + 706
    28  Python                              0x0000000109e62f54 Py_Main + 3136
    29  libdyld.dylib                       0x00007fff6247d015 start + 1
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException
Abort trap: 6
aflores commented 6 years ago

+1 on MacOS High Sierra 10.13.5 (and 10.13.4) Looks like it might be a gtkosx issure rather than Chirp's

Is there anything I can do to help? Thx

tdsmith commented 6 years ago

It sure is broken. :( I don't see anything in GNOME's Bugzilla that looks like this bug. It would be good to figure out whose bug this is -- e.g. whether setting a dock icon on a Application is just Broken or whether chirp is miscalling it or homebrew is misbuilding it.

tdsmith commented 6 years ago

Worked around it for now, but the dock icon will be missing. brew update && brew upgrade should give you a chirp back.

elvis-epx commented 6 years ago

Did work, thanks a lot!

tdsmith commented 6 years ago

I'm gonna leave this open since I'm not super happy with the workaround; losing the dock icon kinda sucks.

tdsmith commented 6 years ago

Upstream bug: