tdsmith / homebrew-ham

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Cannot install using home-brew on mac. #8

Closed jeffsauer closed 6 years ago

jeffsauer commented 6 years ago

Did a brew update... brew upgrade... tried to install chirp but it failed. Using daily update 2018-03-16

Having trouble finding module "setuptools"?


iMac:~ jsauer$ brew install tdsmith/ham/chirp Updating Homebrew... ==> Auto-updated Homebrew! Updated 2 taps (caskroom/cask, homebrew/core). ==> New Formulae ghc@8.2 ==> Updated Formulae jenkins

==> Installing chirp from tdsmith/ham ==> Installing dependencies for tdsmith/ham/chirp: pygobject, py2cairo, pygtk, gtk-mac-integration, libxml2 ==> Installing tdsmith/ham/chirp dependency: pygobject ==> Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0% ==> Pouring pygobject-2.28.7_1.high_sierra.bottle.1.tar.gz 🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/pygobject/2.28.7_1: 140 files, 3.2MB ==> Installing tdsmith/ham/chirp dependency: py2cairo ==> Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0% ==> Pouring py2cairo-1.16.3.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz 🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/py2cairo/1.16.3: 15 files, 258KB ==> Installing tdsmith/ham/chirp dependency: pygtk ==> Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0% ==> Pouring pygtk-2.24.0_1.high_sierra.bottle.2.tar.gz 🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/pygtk/2.24.0_1: 591 files, 15.4MB ==> Installing tdsmith/ham/chirp dependency: gtk-mac-integration ==> Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0% ==> Pouring gtk-mac-integration-2.0.8_1.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz 🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/gtk-mac-integration/2.0.8_1: 53 files, 347.3KB ==> Installing tdsmith/ham/chirp dependency: libxml2 ==> Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0% ==> Pouring libxml2-2.9.7.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz ==> Caveats This formula is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local, because macOS already provides this software and installing another version in parallel can cause all kinds of trouble.

If you need to have this software first in your PATH run: echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/libxml2/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile

For compilers to find this software you may need to set: LDFLAGS: -L/usr/local/opt/libxml2/lib CPPFLAGS: -I/usr/local/opt/libxml2/include For pkg-config to find this software you may need to set: PKG_CONFIG_PATH: /usr/local/opt/libxml2/lib/pkgconfig

==> Summary 🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/libxml2/2.9.7: 281 files, 10.4MB ==> Installing tdsmith/ham/chirp ==> Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0% ==> Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0% ==> python2 -c import setuptools... --no-user-cfg install --prefix=/tmp/chirp--homebrew-virtualenv-20180320-83287-apzduk/target --single-version-externally-managed --record=installed.txt Last 15 lines from /Users/jsauer/Library/Logs/Homebrew/chirp/01.python2: python2 -c import setuptools, tokenize file = '' exec(compile(getattr(tokenize, 'open', open)(file).read() .replace('\r\n', '\n'), file, 'exec')) --no-user-cfg install --prefix=/tmp/chirp--homebrew-virtualenv-20180320-83287-apzduk/target --single-version-externally-managed --record=installed.txt

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ImportError: No module named setuptools

If reporting this issue please do so at (not Homebrew/brew or Homebrew/core):

jeffsauer commented 6 years ago

Turns out it was my old HomeBrew install... wasn't being good with my High Sierra upgraded.

Uninstalled and reinstalled HomeBrew. All is good now. Thanks!