tdunning / log-synth

Generates more or less realistic log data for testing simple aggregation queries.
Apache License 2.0
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Flatten + zip w/ CSV generates Nulls #21

Closed andypern closed 9 years ago

andypern commented 9 years ago

For JSON the flatten method seems to work OK;

Here's schema file:

[ { "name": "z", "class": "flatten", "value": { "class": "zip", "fields": "latitude, longitude"} }


w/ JSON:

{"z-longitude":"-85.96","z-latitude":"39.35"} {"z-longitude":"-74.63","z-latitude":"44.97"}

when I specify CSV:

null null null

I tried verbose=true/false, same thing.

tdunning commented 9 years ago

Changed flatten semantics to make this make more sense to users.