tdunning / log-synth

Generates more or less realistic log data for testing simple aggregation queries.
Apache License 2.0
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Error Java.lang.ClassNotFoudException : com.mapr.synth.Synth #45

Open wahidsxm opened 2 years ago

wahidsxm commented 2 years ago

Hello, I created a folder "~/git/target/" and I copied the synth file in it. I also created a schema.synth file with the following informations:

   {"name":"id", "class":"id"},
   {"name":"name", "class":"name", "type":"first_last"},
   {"name":"gender", "class":"string", "dist":{"MALE":0.5, "FEMALE":0.5, "OTHER":0.02}},
   {"name":"address", "class":"address"},
   {"name":"first_visit", "class":"date", "format":"MM/dd/yyyy"}

All other files of the project are stored in "~/git/" folder.

When I execute the command :./target/synth -count 500 -schema schema.synth I get the following error:

Java.lang.ClassNotFoudException : com.mapr.synth.Synth

Can you guys help me solve this issu as I need to stress test my ELK stack.


tdunning commented 2 years ago

The cheesy way that I create the executable probably assumes that the jar file is in the same directory.

Or you haven't compiled the code.

The second is most likely. Do this:

mvn package