tdwg / PlinianCore

A task group of the "Species Information Interest Group" set to develop a set of vocabulary terms that can be used to describe different aspects of biological species
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Proposal for making InvasivenessAtomizedClass able to express IUCN-EICAT and IUCN-SSC-ISSG-content #12

Open PacoPando opened 6 years ago

PacoPando commented 6 years ago

Proposal for making [InvasivenessAtomizedClass]{.underline} able to express IUCN-EICAT and IUCN-SSC-ISSG-content

IUCN has been proposing recently terms and vocabularies to standardize information around invasive species. See:

 > Hawkins, C. L., Bacher, S., Essl, F., Hulme, P. E., Jeschke, J. M.,

Kühn, I., Kumschick, S., Nentwig, W., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., Rabitsch, W., Richardson, D. M., Vilà, M., Wilson, J. R. U., Genovesi, P. and Blackburn, T. M. (2015), Framework and guidelines for implementing the proposed IUCN Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT). Diversity Distrib., 21: 1360--1363. doi:10.1111/ddi.12379

From \<[]{.underline}>


Shyama Pagad, Piero Genovesi, Lucilla Carnevali, Riccardo Scalera and Mick Clout

IUCN SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group: invasive alien species information management supporting practitioners, policy makers and decision takers. Management of Biological Invasions (2015) Volume 6, Issue 2: 127--135


Detailed information on terms and vocabularies at:




These frameworks are called to play a major role in the standardization and management of invasive species information. it is sensible for Plinian Core to be able to hold invasive species information in a way that allows it to express and exchange information with these frameworks.


Plinian Core relies on the [GISIN specification]{.underline} for Invasive species information. A comparative analysis of GISIN and these frameworks allows us to conclude that Plinian Core --counting on mostly on GISIN but also on DwC and TCS-- complies easily with IUCN\'s frameworks except for the aspects that I summarize in the table below. There, I propose some actions and provide notes to open a discussion that hopefully will result in an a new version of Plinian Core that will be able to deal adequately with \"invasive species information\" in detail and with flexibility. Each issue and proposed action is numbered to help us in our discussions. I have opted for presenting all proposed actions under one issue, as all are connected. However, If a particular term receives sufficient attention we may open a dedicated issue for it later on.

The list of terms from the IUCN-EICAT and IUCN-SSC-ISSG frameworks that need attention, along with proposed actions in relation to Plinian Core and some notes follow :


Term: Impact (EICAT)

Proposed action regarding Plinian Core: Adding GISIN: Strenght to InvasivenessAtomizedClass with some consideration to be given to their respective vocabularies


Can be adequately mapped to GISIN: Strenght

Equivalent to CONABIO:80.ii. Intensidad del Impacto/Intensity of impact



Proposed action: Creating an \"ImpactId\" element


To allow to refer to any InvasivenessAtomizedClass in any record from other record or any other



Proposed action: Creating a strenghtQualifier element to specify whether the recorded strength is \"past\", \"current\", \"forecast\"


To support enriched content associated with EICAT impact



Proposed action: Creating an ImpactTimePeriod element



Term: Nature of evidence (EICAT)

Proposed action: Creating an ImpactDataEvidence element based on EICAT\'s \"Nature of evidence\"


Has an EICAT controlled vocabulary:

a. Observed

b. Inferred


Term: Confidence level (EICAT)

Proposed action: Creating an ImpactConfidence element based on EICAT\'s confidence


Has vocabulary (High, Medium,, low)



Proposed action: Creating an ImpactTimePeriod element


to delimit the time the information in the record about invasiveness refers to


Term: Pathway (IUCN-SSC-ISSG)

Proposed action: Adding an IntroductionPathway element


With three suggested vocabularies:

Hulme et al. 2008


IUCN-SSC-ISSG as implemented by GBIF




Term: Mechanism (EICAT)

Proposed action:

1.- Adopting EICAT vocabulary (12 terms) for GISIN:mechanism (already in PliC)

2.- exclude \"mechanism of introduction\" from the application of this term


GISIN defines mechanism as \"Mechanism of introduction or impact to a new location.\", mixing two concepts in one definition. We propose here to limit this term to \"Mechanism of impact in the new location.\"



Term: Essential Documentation (EICAT)

Proposed action: Add remark under \"AncilliaryData\"


To mention that this element is the place for EICAT documentation when referring to invasive species information


Term: Abundance (EICAT)

Proposed action: Expand documentation to indicate that GISIN:distributionas used in Plinian Core is equivalent to EICAT: abundance


It is not equivalent to GISIN:abundance


Term: Occurrence (IUCN SSC ISSG)

Proposed action: Discussing on what vocabularies accept or suggest, see notes


Similar to GISIN:presence ((already included in Plinian Core), but slightly different vocabulary


Similar to dwc:occurrenceStatus


Term: Species Status (IUCN SSC ISSG )

Proposed action: none


Equivalente a GISIN:origin (already included in Plinian Core)


Equivalent to Invasivenes (as in []{.underline})


Equivalent to Dwc:establishmentMeans


Term: Management action classification (EICAT)

Proposed action: Adding remarks and vocabulary for management