tdwg / ac

Audiovisual Core
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Update AC satellite website #120

Closed peterdesmet closed 2 years ago

peterdesmet commented 5 years ago


Pages that should return something:

(Markdown) files that can be removed:

peterdesmet commented 5 years ago

@baskaufs @nielsklazenga: some feedback required for the new AC website:

  1. It’s a bit odd to have a homepage (currently blank) and an introduction page. Should the introduction page disappear and become the homepage?
  2. Do you want terms/ or termlist/ for the terms?
  3. Is the order in the navbar ok?
  4. Do you want to maintain files (current setup) or directories guide/ (dwc setup). Both work equally fine: first one is jekyll like, second one allows to organize related files.
nielsklazenga commented 5 years ago

@peterdesmet I had it as 'home/' ( and 'terms/' (, but @baskaufs wanted to keep the old names. I think it's mainly a matter of keeping existing urls alive. I would like it to be consistent with what other standards, e.g. Darwin Core, do.

Order of the nav. bar is fine.

Also for the choice between files or directories, I'd like to follow whatever you decide to do for Darwin Core.

nielsklazenga commented 5 years ago

@peterdesmet Look at all the URLs in They are from the original standard and I think should be kept alive. If they could be redirected to the current pages, I think we can use the URLs that make sense now for these pages.

baskaufs commented 5 years ago

So here is what should (ultimately) happen for every document in a TDWG standard. In the table, the column "current_iri" contains the "permanent IRI" of a standards document. This is the IRI that should appear in the "Latest version:" part of the document header and is the IRI that should always be used in citations for that document. The column "browserRedirectUri" contains the actual URL that retrieves the document. We can change what's in the "browserRedirectUri" column a hundred times if we want, to any URL that is convenient. But the IRI in the "current_iri" column should never change and should always redirect to a human-readable version of the document (i.e. to the URL in the "browserRedirectUri" column).

Except for the Darwin Core documents, the IRIs in the "permanent IRI" column of that table follow a pattern that should be apparent, and is designed to make pattern-based dereferencing easier. The Darwin Core documents don't follow the pattern, but should be maintained as legacy IRIs that may have already been cited many times.

As far as I know the "homepage" doesn't correspond to any known document. So it can go away as far as I'm concerned. The actual "homepage" for the standard is and that's where the "home" link should point.

The "Introduction" page -> redirect to -> was a document that was a ratified part of the standard and can't be messed with without invoking the standards process. The "homepage" is the landing page for the standard, and has the features required for a standards landing page as required by section 3.1 of the SDS. It's not part of the standard and can be changed at will as long as it does the job described for a landing page .

Does this clear things up?

baskaufs commented 4 years ago

IRI dereferencing documents in the is now working and the IRIs given in the header sections of those documents now actually dereference to those documents. The some of the IRIs given in the todo section above are wrong, but the right ones work.

baskaufs commented 3 years ago

I am checking the box for "Decide if site should also live at or rather new". It cannot live at because that IRI denotes the Audubon Core vocabulary itself dereferences to the technical metadata about the vocabulary. I'm not sure how much it matters where the "site" lives. The two things that matter are whether the permanent IRIs for the documents dereference somewhere (they do) and that we have some place to archive AC records (we do: it's the GitHub repo for AC). The important thing is that both of this things are linked to the Audubon Core landing page (, and they are). So I think this is a moot point.

baskaufs commented 3 years ago

Similarly, I'm not sure that "Choose directories or files for guides" is important. Any citation of the guides should be their permanent IRIs, not the page to which they are redirected. Given that outlook, I'm not sure that there is any reason why they can't just have the URLs that they have.

baskaufs commented 3 years ago

@peterdesmet With regards to "Setup homepage (e.g.", can we just set "Home" in the navbar to link to the Audubon Core landing page: ?

baskaufs commented 3 years ago

@peterdesmet I don't know about the three Markdown documents to be removed. I don't see them anywhere in the docs folder where the website lists. The remaining checkboxes "Define navbar" and "Use definition lists for guide metadata" are technical things I don't understand. It seems like the only real thing here that needs to be done is to make the "Home" link on the Navbar point to the AC landing page. If we do that, can we close this issue?

baskaufs commented 3 years ago

@peterdesmet In and a couple minor subsequent commits I fixed the nav bar to mostly match the style that the DwC website now has. I also created a home page that mimics the DwC home page and directs people to key resources in the site.

As far as I'm concerned, this issue can be closes as I'm satisfied with the setup of the website. There are still a few checkboxes in that I don't understand and can't find. I'm happy to ignore them unless you think they are important.

If you concur that this is complete, please close the issue.

MattBlissett commented 3 years ago

I missed this comment in September:

I'm not sure how much it matters where the "site" lives. The two things that matter are whether the permanent IRIs for the documents dereference somewhere (they do) and that we have some place to archive AC records (we do: it's the GitHub repo for AC). The important thing is that both of this things are linked to the Audubon Core landing page (, and they are). So I think this is a moot point.

The point of using or similar rather than is to allow for an easier migration if we should decide to stop using GitHub – we have full control of the former, and control only as far as GitHub allow for the latter.

baskaufs commented 3 years ago

If people have actually linked to the permanent doc URLs, we could move to the subdomain without breaking anything; it would just require changing the redirect URLs. I think most of the links within the website are relative, so they would be fine. The question is how many other places link to the existing paths. I suppose we could search out the ones in TDWG sites and change them, but I don't know how many other places will end up with broken links.

I guess my inclination would be to leave things as they are. If we move from GitHub in the future, there will be exactly the same number of broken links as there would be if we changed to now. So I can't think of an advantage of switching now.

When we set up the website, I didn't know that the subdomain was an option. We should make sure that any new standards websites don't make the same mistake.

nielsklazenga commented 3 years ago

Hi @baskaufs , changing to will not break the paths. As long as the site is in GitHub, those paths will always be there. Try, for example,

So, if we change now, there will be no broken links, but, if we wait until we move the site from GitHub, there will be. I have the AVH website in the Azure CDN, which sets me back about $2 AU per year, so the cost is not really a factor. The site is still managed in GitHub. However, if I ever want to use anything else than Jekyll to create the site, GitHub is not the best option for the site anymore. The TDWG website itself is maintained, but not hosted (I think) in GitHub.

We did not make a mistake. Sites in development always have different URLs from sites in production.

baskaufs commented 3 years ago

Alright, that makes sense @nielsklazenga. I wasn't thinking about that. @MattBlissett do you control the mapping of the domain? Can you map to ? If so, I don't see any reason not to switch over and start changing any links.

MattBlissett commented 3 years ago

I've set up the DNS for, but I don't have admin access on this repository. Could you go to Settings->Pages and set the custom domain to, and tick "Enforce HTTPS" too.

(Alternatively, add me as an administrator to the repository.)

baskaufs commented 3 years ago

@MattBlissett I have made the setting change. It seems to be working now, except that I get a big ugly warning screen from my browser and the error message:

Websites prove their identity via certificates. Firefox does not trust this site because it uses a certificate that is not valid for The certificate is only valid for the following names:,,,,, *,

That may go away because it said there might be a delay of up to a day for the new certificate to work its way through the system. I'll try again tomorrow to see if it's gone away then.

I also tried to add you as a member of the AC team, but it says "this person is not a member of this organization". I'm unclear about what that means. However, I had no problem adding you as an individual with admin access. So I suppose that's good enough, although not clean. @stanblum or another site admin may know how to fix this.

MattBlissett commented 3 years ago works fine for me (no warning), so I think it was just a short delay.

I don't seem to be an admin on this repository, but it doesn't matter. The setup is fine.

baskaufs commented 3 years ago

I don't see the warning any more, so I think we are good to go. Thanks, @MattBlissett !

MattBlissett commented 3 years ago

And you did invite me correctly, the email from GitHub had gone to my personal address.

baskaufs commented 2 years ago

Although I don't see that every item in the list of the first comment have been completed, I don't actually know what needs to be done with respect to them. If they are a burning issue for anyone, they can re-open this issue, or better yet, open a different issue the addresses the specific problem to be solved.