tdwg / ac

Audiovisual Core
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Update IPT version of AC #233

Open peterdesmet opened 2 years ago

peterdesmet commented 2 years ago

The Audubon Media Description at (which is used in the IPT) references AC_Subtype_Examples (you can find it twice on the page). This term doesn't appear anymore on There are probably other difference too. Might be good to update so that the latest AC is available to IPT users?

baskaufs commented 2 years ago

This does seem out of date. I would recommend that the IPT get updated after (currently with public comment ending in 4 days) is settled, since this adds two xLiteral terms and changes the usage recommendations on their corresponding non-literal analogs.

There have been a number of changes during the "cleanup" of AC over the last couple years, so a thorough review is probably overdue.

baskaufs commented 2 years ago

John Wieczorek offered on 2022-02-15 to help us set this up. I think we need to get the appropriate XML from him and updated it.

tucotuco commented 2 years ago

The productions versions of the Audubon Media Description extension can be found in The starting point for making an update should be the dated version found in

MattBlissett commented 1 year ago

Noting the renaming of this extension, it should be fine to create the next extension XML definition as audio-visual_YYYY_MM_DD.xml (or similar). It will replace earlier versions so long as the RowType remains the same.

MattBlissett commented 4 months ago

I've started work on this. I'm trying @tucotuco's scripts, branched here:

Initial output:

See also (which we should fix) and (from @magpiedin)