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Audiovisual Core
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Error in definition of the subjectPart concept scheme #257

Open baskaufs opened 1 year ago

baskaufs commented 1 year ago

The definition of the subject part concept scheme ( is erroneously defined as "a SKOS concept scheme for ac:subjectOrientation". This probably was a result of some careless copying and pasting in the source data CSV. An appropriate definition would be "a SKOS concept scheme for parts of organisms".

I think that since this is an outright error, we should be able to handle it under Section 3.2.1 of the VMS without sending it through public comment. It is an error in a normative definition. However, since the defined SKOS Concept Schemes in the controlled vocabularies only serve a technical organizing role, changing this definition should have no impact on implementations.

Since it's not a burning issue I recommend that we just correct it the next time we do a new release of AC.

Archilegt commented 1 year ago

It would be good to take the opportunity to also look at the definition of acorient:r "a SKOS concept scheme for orientation" for consistency. Orientation of what?

baskaufs commented 1 year ago

Maybe "... for orientation of subject parts"?

Archilegt commented 1 year ago

It's a bit more complicated than that. ;) I am still working on #258 but see general comments section on key points for subjectOrientation, and also the subsection for subjectOrientation terms.