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Additional controlled value terms for content description (CVTerms) #271

Open baskaufs opened 2 weeks ago

baskaufs commented 2 weeks ago

At the Image2 iDigBio workshop in June, it came up in discussion that there were two additional terms that probably should be included in the controlled vocabulary that is part of the proposal at, which is ready for public comment. Bar codes are typically found on all kinds of specimen images and envelopes are often included on herbarium specimens that have undergone dissection prior to mounting. If there is support for adding these terms during the public comment period, they probably should be included in the initial vocabulary, as they seem to be obvious omissions.

Proposed term metadata:

Label: Bar Code Definition: a visual pattern that provides machine-readable metadata about a resource Examples: QR code, linear bar codes Controlled string: barCode

Label: Envelope Definition: a small packet attached to specimen mounting material used to contain parts of the specimen that might otherwise be lost. Controlled string: envelope

nielsklazenga commented 2 weeks ago

I think barcode is more commonly written as one word.

The term envelope does not fit the provided definition. The definition describes a fragment packet. We use other packets (or envelopes) for storing bryophyte and fungi specimens.