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BDQ Core - VOCABULARY of terms #152

Open Tasilee opened 5 years ago

Tasilee commented 5 years ago

Terms in the bdqffdq namespace are from the Fitness for Use Framework (Viega et al. 2017). Use the reference to the Framework Definitions for more details and examples. The use of a vocabulary term in a test specification without a namespace prefix (sometimes represented in all UPPER CASE), implies that the bdq: or bdqffdq: namespace is applicable. Note that wherever "DQ" is used in a definition it implies "Data Quality" and wherever "FFU Framework" is used it refers to the "Fitness for Use Framework" (Veiga et al. 2017).

namespace:Term Term Definition Context Comment
bdqffdq:ActedUpon ActedUpon A bdqffdq:InformationElement that is the primary focus of a test bdqffdq:InformationElement
bdq:Alien-Species Alien-Species Research uses for occurrence data of alien species where 1) the information elements concern what organism occurred where and when and the means, degree, and pathways of establishment, and 2) that are used for analysis of spatial and/or temporal patterns of biodiversity (see examples in Groom et al. (2019). Improving Darwin Core for research and management of alien species. bdqffdq:UseCase
bdq:Ambiguous Ambiguous Used to report where bdq:Conformance is not satisfied due to bdqffdq:InformationElements not being unambiguously resolvable by a bdq:sourceAuthority. bdqffdq:DataQualityDimension
bdq:AMENDED AMENDED Used to indicate that a response for a bdqffdq:Amendment contains a proposed change to a record in the bdq:Response.result. bdq:Response.status Applies only to a bdqffdq:Amendment.
bdqffdq:Amendment Amendment A Data Quality needs level concept that describes a run of a test that proposes changes based on some data quality enhancement. The AMENDMENT concept in the Tests involves data that were amended by modification or addition of a value or values following defined bdqffdq:Criteria of a run result that includes a status of (bdq:AMENDED, bdq:FILLED_IN, bdq:TRANSPOSED, etc) as well as the proposed changes to values from the original data. FFU Framework: Class Formally in the Fitness for Use Framework (Veiga et al. 2017), the description of a test that can propose a change is a bdqffdq:Enhancement, while the corresponding report level concept is a bdqffdq:Amendment.
bdqffdq:AmendmentMethod AmendmentMethod A Data Quality solutions level concept describing the relationship between a bdqffdq:Specification (technical description of a test) and a bdqffdq:Enhancement in the context of bdqffdq:ResourceType (bdqffdq:SingleRecord or bdqffdq:MultiRecord) and associated bdqffdq:InformationElements. FFU Framework: Class Veiga et al. (2017).
bdqffdq:AmendmentPolicy AmendmentPolicy A Data Quality needs level concept that describes how some bdqffdq:contextualizedEnhancement relates to a bdqffdq:UseCase. This relationship defines which amendments are supported by a given use case. FFU Framework: Class Veiga et al. (2017).
bdqffdq:amendmentProperties amendmentProperties Sub properties of bdqffdq:ObjectProperties that apply to amendment concepts such as bdqffdq:AmendmentPolicy (DQ needs), bdqffdq:AmendmentMethod (DQ solutions) and bdqffdq:Amendment (DQ reports). FFU Framework: ObjectProperty Veiga et al. (2017).
bdqffdq:AmendmentReport AmendmentReport A Data Quality report level concept that results from a bdqffdq:Amendment that proposed changes to a bdqffdq:InformationElement. FFU Framework: Class Veiga et al. (2017).
bdq:annotationAlertIf annotationAlertIf Optionally establishes if an annotation exists within a bdq:annotationSystem by describing the criteria for relating annotations in the system to records in a bdq:ParameterizedTest. bdq:Parameter Used in test "ANNOTATION_ISSUE_NOTEMPTY" (fecaa8a3-bbd8-4c5a-a424-13c37c4bb7b1).
bdq:annotationSystem annotationSystem Optionally established a system for annotations within a bdq:ParameterizedTest with the default being the w3c Annotations Data Model's "oa:Annotation" bdq:Parameter Used in test "ANNOTATION_ISSUE_NOTEMPTY" (fecaa8a3-bbd8-4c5a-a424-13c37c4bb7b1).
bdqffdq:Assertion Assertion The bdqffdq:Assertion type in FFDQ is the fundamental concept that makes up a bdqffdq:DataQualityReport. bdqffdq:Assertion can be any one of four types (represented as subClasses), bdqffdq:Measure, bdqffdq:Validation, bdqffdq:Issue, and bdqffdq:Amendement. FFU Framework: Class Veiga et al. (2017). The assertion concept consists of a bdqffdq:Specification (the technical description of a performed test), a bdqffdq:DataResource (initial values of input data expressed in terms of some controlled vocabulary), the bdqffdq:Mechanism (external service, actor, or code that performs the test), and some form of bdqffdq:Result.
bdq:ASSUMEDDEFAULT ASSUMEDDEFAULT A bdqffdq:Amendment that replaces a bdq:EMPTY term with a predefined default bdq:Parameter value. bdq:Response Would be used only in an extension or in bdq:Response.comment, bdq:Response.status value for this case is bdq:AMENDED.
bdq:Biotic-Relationships Biotic-Relationships Research uses for relationships between organisms where 1) the information elements concern what organisms have a relationship and 2) that are used for analysis of the relationship of one organism to another (see examples in ​​Poelen JH, Simons JD, Mungall CJ. (2014). Global Biotic Interactions: An open infrastructure to share and analyze species-interaction datasets. Ecological Informatics, 24, 148–159. bdqffdq:UseCase
bdq:COMPLETE COMPLETE A bdqffdq:Assertion of a bdqffdq:Measure where data are present and sufficiently comprehensive for use. bdq:Response.result
bdq:Completeness Completeness The extent to which data are present and sufficiently comprehensive for use. bdqffdq:DataQualityDimension Definition from the Fitness for Use Framework: Data Quality Dimensions Document (Link needed to RDF document -
bdq:Conformance Conformance Conforms to a format, syntax, data type, range, or standard of the bdqffdq:InformationElement. bdqffdq:DataQualityDimension Definition from the Fitness for Use Framework: Data Quality Dimensions Document (Link needed to RDF document -
bdq:COMPLIANT COMPLIANT A bdq:ExpectedResponse of a bdqffdq:Validation where the data conforms to the test bdqffdq:Criterion. bdq:Response.result Applies only to bdqffdq:Validations.
bdqffdq:ComposedOf ComposedOf Describes the properties from a controlled vocabulary that compose a bdqffdq:InformationElement. For example, a bdqffdq:InformationElement may be bdqffdq:composedOf properties such as dwc:day, dwc:month and dwc:year. FFU Framework: ObjectProperty Veiga et al. (2017).
bdq:Consistency Consistency Agreement among related bdqffdq:InformationElements that are present in the data. Note that missing bdqffdq:InformationElements do not make a test bdq:Inconsistent. bdqffdq:DataQualityDimension Definition from the Fitness for Use Framework: Data Quality Dimensions Document (Link needed to RDF document -
bdq:CONSISTENT CONSISTENT Identifies inconsistency among values between bdqffdq:InformationElements. bdq:Response.result
bdqffdq:Consulted Consulted A bdqffdq:InformationElement that was referenced in a test but was not the primary focus of the test. bdqffdq:InformationElements
bdqffdq:ContextualizedCriterion ContextualizedCriterion Describes an instance of the criterion concept in terms of the associated bdqffdq:InformationElements from some controlled vocabulary (fields actedUpon or consulted), and a bdqffdq:ResourceType of bdqffdq:SingleRecord or bdqffdq:MultiRecord. FFU Framework: Class Veiga et al. (2017).
bdqffdq:ContextualizedDimension ContextualizedDimension Describes an instance of the bdqffdq:Dimension concept in terms of the associated bndqffdq:InformationElements from some controlled vocabulary (fields actedUpon or consulted), and a bdqffdq:ResourceType of bdqffdq:SingleRecord or bdqffdq:MultiRecord. FFU Framework: Class Veiga et al. (2017).
bdqffdq:ContextualizedEnhancement ContextualizedEnhancement Describes an instance of the bdqffdq:Enhancement concept in terms of the associated bdqffdq:InformationElements from some controlled vocabulary (fields actedUpon or consulted), and a bdqffdq:ResourceType of bdqffdq:SingleRecord or bdqffdq:MultiRecord. FFU Framework: Class Veiga et al. (2017).
bdqffdq:ContextualizedIssue ContextualizedIssue Describes an instance of the bdqffdq:Issue concept in terms of the associated bdqffdq:InformationElements from some controlled vocabulary (fields actedUpon or consulted), and a bdqffdq:ResourceType of bdqffdq:SingleRecord or bdqffdq:MultiRecord. FFU Framework: Class Veiga et al. (2017).
bdq:CONVERTED CONVERTED A conversion has been proposed to values in the bdqffdq:InformationElements to conform with a targeted reference system. bdq:Response See Test "AMENDMENT_COORDINATES_CONVERTED" (620749b9-7d9c-4890-97d2-be3d1cde6da8).
bdq:COORDINATES COORDINATES Represents the combination of the Darwin Core terms dwc:decimalLatitude and dwc:decimalLongitude. bdqffdq:InformationElement
bdqffdq:coversUseCase coversUseCase Used by concepts in the Data Quality needs category to describe the relationship between DQ Policies (bdqffdq:ValidationPolicy, bdqffdq:AmendmentPolicy, bdqffdq:MeasurementPolicy) and an instance of the bdqffdq:UseCase covered by that policy. FFU Framework: ObjectProperty Veiga et al. (2017).
bdqffdq:Criterion Criterion Describes the criterion a bdqffdq:Validation test uses to determine compliance. For example, "The value of dwc:basisOfRecord of bdqffdq:SingleRecords must be in the controlled vocabulary". FFU Framework: Class Veiga et al (2017).
bdqffdq:criterionInContext criterionInContext Describes the relationship between a bdqffdq:Validation concept in the FFU Framework (needs, solutions, reports) and a bdqffdq:contextualizedCriterion. FFU Framework: ObjectProperty Veiga et al. (2017).
bdq:dataID dataID The local (to bdq:ValidationData) integer indentifier for the Validation Data record bdq:ValidationData
bdqffdq:DataQualityDimension DataQualityDimension Describes the aspect of data quality (accuracy, precision, completeness, etc.) that a test examines. For example, "precision" in "coordinate percision of single records". Includes Completeness (q.v.), Conformance (q.v.), Consistency (q.v.), Likeliness (q.v.), Reliability (q.v.), and Resolution (q.v.). FFU Framework: Class Note that the fail (bdq:NOT_COMPLIANT) assertions from running a test are one of: bdq:Ambiguous, bdq:Incomplete, bdq:Inconsistent, bdq:Invalid, or bdq:Unlikely.
bdqffdq:DataQualityReport DataQualityReport A set of bdqffdq:Assertions (bdqffdq:Measures, bdqffdq:Validations bdqffdq:Issues and bdqffdq:Amendments) that represent the output of a test run produced by a bdqffdq:Mechanism designed to assess the fitness for use of the tested data for a particular purpose as. FFU Framework: Class Veiga et al. (2017). Fitness For Use Framework
bdqffdq:DataResource DataResource Describes a data resource described in terms of a controlled vocabulary such as dwc and represents the original values of the data operated on by an assertion test (i.e. an instance of dwc:Occurrence). FFU Framework: Class Veiga et al (2017).
bdq:DefaultSourceAuthority DefaultSourceAuthority A default where a required bdq:Parameter or a bdq:sourceAuthority (q.v.) has not been provided. bdq:Parameter
bdq:defaultGeodeticDatum defaultGeodeticDatum Optionally established the default datum in a bdq:ParameterizedTest. A default datum is supplied in cases where a bdq:Parameter is not set at the time the test is run. bdq:Parameter See test AMENDMENT_GEODETICDATUM_ASSUMEDDEFAULT (7498ca76-c4d4-42e2-8103-acacccbdffa7).
bdq:defaultValue defaultValue A preselected value (e.g. year, elevation) where a required bdq:Parameter value has not been provided. bdq:Parameter
bdqffdq:dimensionInContext dimensionInContext Describes the relationship between a bdqffdq:Amendment concept in the FFU Framework (needs, solutions, reports) and a bdqffdq:ContextualizedDimension. FFU Framework: ObjectProperty Veiga et al. (2017).
dwc: dwc: A namespace to indicate Darwin Core terms and which are listed in the dwcffdq:InformationElements of each Test. Data
bdq:earliestValidDate earliestValidDate Optionally establishes the earliest date in a bdq:ParameterizedTest. A default date is supplied in cases where a bdq:Parameter is not set at the time the test is run. bdq:Parameter
bdq:EMPTY EMPTY A bdqffdq:InformationElement that is either not present or does not contain any characters or values other than those in the range U+0000 to U+0020. Data Note: A bdqffdq:InformationElement containing invalid characters (e.g. letters in an information element that would be expected to contain integers) or values (including string serializations of the NULL value) are NOT_EMPTY and may be separately detected.
bdqffdq:Enhancement Enhancement Describes the enhancement to the original data performed by a bdqffdq:Amendment test. For example, "Recommends valid value for taxon name in a single record". FFU Framework: Class Veiga et al (2017).
bdqffdq:enhancementInContext enhancementInContext Describes the relationship between a bdqffdq:Amendment concept in FFU Framweork (needs, solutions, reports) and a bdqffdq:ContextualizedEnhancement. FFU Framework: Object Property Veiga et al. (2017)
EPSG: EPSG A pseudo-namespace referenced in dwc:datum to indicate the EPSG API where the numeric value following the colon is used as the search key. Example: EPSG:4326. Data
bdq:Examples Examples Provide one pass (i.e. COMPLIANT) example and one fail (NON_COMPLIANT) example for each test. bdq:Parameter
bdq:ExpectedResponse ExpectedResponse bdq:ExpectedReponse is one of the properties of a bdqffdq:Specification used in the markdown of the tests in the bdq GitHub. bdq:Response
bdq:EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET A bdq:Response was not generated because a bdq:sourceAuthority was not available or was off-line. If the test is run at a later time, it may produce a different result. bdq:Response.status
bdq:FILLED_IN FILLED_IN A bdqffdq:Amendment where a value has been proposed for a bdqffdq:InformationElement that has no value. bdq:Response
bdq:FOUND FOUND The value in a bdqffdq:InformationElement that matched a value in a bdq:sourceAuthority. bdq:Response Use bdq:COMPLIANT for bdq:Response.result, and include this in bdq:Response.comments or bdq:Response.qualifier.
gbif: gbif: A pseudo-namespace referenced in dwc:taxonID to indicate the GBIF API where the numeric value following the colon is used as the search key. Example: gbif:8102122. Data
bdq:GEOGRAPHY GEOGRAPHY A combination of Darwin Core administrative geography terms dwc:continent, dwc:country, dwc:countryCode, dwc:stateProvince, dwc:county, dwc:municipality. bdqffdq:InformationElement
bdq:geospatialLand geospatialLand Polygons derived from a union of Natural Earth vectors for Land and for Minor Islands at 1:10,000,000 resolution. bdq:Parameter See VALIDATION_COORDINATES_TERRESTRIALMARINE (b9c184ce-a859-410c-9d12-71a338200380)
bdq:GUID GUID Gobally Unique Identifier. In this document, the GUID for a test is a UUID (128-bit universally unique identifier) which identifies the test. Data GUID is intended to identify the tests for machine consumption, "Label" is used for human consumption.
bdqffdq:hasCriterion hasCriterion Used to link the derived concept of a bdqffdq:ContextualizedCriterion to the fundamental concept of a bdqffdq:Criterion. FFU Framework: ObjectProperty Veiga et al (2017).
bdqffdq:hasDimension hasDimension Used to link the derived concept of a bdqffdq:ContextualizedDimension to the fundamental concept of a bdqffdq:Dimension. FFU Framework: Object Property Veiga et al. (2017).
bdqffdq:hasEnhancement hasEnhancement Used to link the derived concept of a bdqffdq:ContextualizedEnhancement to the fundamental concept of a bdqffdq:Enhancement. FFU Framework: Object Property Veiga et al. (2017).
bdqffdq:hasInformationElement hasInformationElement Provides a relationship between FFDQ concepts and the information elements. For example, bdqffdq:ContextualizedCriterion uses this property along with bdqffdq:hasResourceType to define a criterion in the context of related information elements. FFU Framework: Object Property Veiga et al. (2017).
bdqffdq:hasIssue hasIssue Used to link the derived concept of a bdqffdq:ContextualizedIssue to the fundamental concept of a Problem. FFU Framework: Object Property Veiga et al. (2017).
bdqffdq:hasResourceType hasResourceType Provides additional metadata, along with the bdqffdq:InformationElements, that describes the level (bdqffdq:SingleRecord or bdqffdq:MultiRecord) at which the FFDQ concept operates. For example, a bdqffdq:enhancementInContext with resource type of bdqffdq:MultiRecord could be used to define a bdqffdq:Amendment that applies at the level of multiple record values. FFU Framework: Object Property Veiga et al. (2017).
bdqffdq:hasSpecification hasSpecification Describes the relationship between a derived FFDQ concept and the fundamental concept of a bdqffdq:Specification (technical description of a test). FFU Framework: Object Property Veiga et al. (2017).
bdqffdq:hasStatus hasStatus Used in the bdqffdqReport concept to describe result status. For example, in the case of a bdqffdq:Validation result, values could be bdq:COMPLIANT or bdq:NON_COMPLIANT. FFU Framework: Object Property Veiga et al. (2017).
bdqffdq:Implementation Implementation The FFDQ derived concept of a bdqffdq:Implementation describes the relationship between a bdqffdq:Specification (technical description of a test) and the bdqffdq:Mechanism that implements it. FFU Framework: Class Veiga et al (2017).
bdqffdq:implementedBy implementedBy Describes the link between the bdqffdq:Implementation concept in FFDQ and the bdqffdq:Mechanism that implements some bdqffdq:Specification (also defined in bdqffdq:Implementation). FFU Framework: Object Property Veiga et al. (2017).
bdqffdq:ImprovementTarget ImprovementTarget The bdqffdq:ImprovementTarget concept in FFDQ describes which bdqffdq:Measures and bdqqffdq:Validations are improved by some bdqffdq:Amendment. bdqffdq:ImprovementTarget includes relationships between a bdqffdq:contextualizedEnhancement (for a bdqffdq:Amendment) and one or more bdqffdq:contextualizedCriterion (link to bdqffdq:Validations) or bdqffdq:contextualizedDimension (link to bdqffdq:Measures). FFU Framework: Class Veiga et al (2017).
bdqffdq:improvedBy improvedBy Object property that describes a bdqffdq:Enhancement, as part of the bdqffdq:ImprovementTarget, that would improve data acted upon by some set of bdqffdq:Measures or bdqffdq:Validations. FFU Framework: Object Property Veiga et al. (2017).
bdq:includeEventDate bdq:includeEventDate Allows dwc:eventDate to be excluded in a bdq:ParameterizedTest. The default is to include the event date in the test, but it may be excluded to allow an identification to be prior to the event date. bdq:Parameter Used in test "VALIDATION_DATEIDENTIFIED_INRANGE" (dc8aae4b-134f-4d75-8a71-c4186239178e).
bdq:Incomplete Incomplete Where a bdqffdq:InformationElement does not contain sufficient information to satisfy the scope of the test. bdqffdq:DataQualityDimension
bdq:Inconsistent Inconsistent Where the Data Quality Dimension (q.v.): Consistency (q.v.) is not satisfied due to inconsistent values between the different Information Elements (q.v.) of a single record. bdqffdq:DataQualityDimension
bdqffdq:InformationElement InformationElement A bdqffdq:InformationElement identifies a portion of data to which a test pertains. The bdqffdq:InformationElement in FFDQ can be represented as a single or composite element that consists of one or more terms from a controlled vocabulary (fields actedUpon or consulted by an assertion test) that identifies concepts in data relevant to a use case. An abstraction or a concrete term that represents relevant content (e.g., coordinates; dwc.decimalLatitude, dwc:decimalLongitude). FFU Framework: Class For the test descriptions, bdqffdq:InformationElements are concrete Darwin Core terms, to remove ambiguity for implementors. Veiga et al (2017).
bdq:INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET A bdq:Response.status where values of the bdqffdq:InformationElement were insufficient to run the test. If the test is run at a later time on unmodified data, it should produce the same bdq:Response. bdq:Response.status
bdq:interpretedAs interpretedAs (1) For Implementors, where Darwin Core data are serialized as strings, but the test refers to data as numeric or other non-string data type, can the string value be parsed into the target data type in the language of implementation (e.g., "1" as the integer 1), (2) matching a representation of a value unambiguously onto a controlled vocabulary (e.g., ‘WGS84’ to ’EPSG:4326’), or (3) interpreting the representation of a numeric value (e.g., a roman numeral) as a number (e.g., an integer). Data
bdq:Invalid Invalid Where the bdqffdq:DataQualityDimension: bdq:Conformance is not satisfied due to bdqffdq:InformationElements containing non-standard values. bdqffdq:DataQualityDimension
bdqffdq:Issue Issue A Data Quality needs level concept that flags issue or problems with the data. In the context of the tests, bdqffdq:Issue(s) are all either bdq:POTENTIAL_ISSUE, bdq:IS_ISSUE where potential problems are flagged and may need examination by the user to determine if data have quality for their use; or bdq:NOT_ISSUE. FFU Framework: Class Veiga et al (2017).
bdqffdq:issueInContext issueInContext Describes the relationship between a bdqffdq:Issue concept in FFU Framework (needs, solutions, reports) and a bdqffdq:ContextualizedIssue. FFU Framework: Object Property Veiga et al. (2017).
bdqffdq:IssueMethod IssueMethod A Data Quality solutions level concept describing the relationship between a bdqffdq:Specification (technical description of a test) and a bdqffdq:Issue in the context of bdqffdq:ResourceType (bdqffdq:SingleRecord or bdqffdq:MultiRecord) and associated bdqffdq:InformationElements. FFU Framework: Class In Veiga et al. (2017) this was treated as "ProblemMethod"
bdqffdq:IssuePolicy IssuePolicy A Data Quality needs level concept that describes how some bdqffdq:contextualizedIssue relates to a bdqffdq:UseCase. This relationship defines which bdqffdq:Issues are supported by a given bdqffdq:UseCase. FFU Framework: Class In Veiga et al. (2017) this was treated as "ProblemPolicy"
bdqffdq:issueProperties issueProperties Sub properties of bdqffdq:ObjectProperties that apply to bdqffdq:Issue concepts such as bdqffdq:IssuePolicy (DQ needs), bdqffdq:IssueMethod (DQ solutions) and bdqffdq:Issue (DQ reports). FFU Framework: Object Property In Veiga et al. (2017) treated as "ProblemProperties"
bdqffdq:IssuesReport IssuesReport A Data Quality report level concept that results from a bdqffdq:Issue that flagged a problem in a test as bdq:IS_ISSUE, bdq:POTENTIAL_ISSUE or bdq:NOT_ISSUE. FFU Framework: Class Veiga et al. (2017).
bdq:IS_ISSUE IS_ISSUE A bdq:Response.result for a bdqffdq:Issue that flags where the data do not have sufficient quality for a use. bdq:Response.result
rdfs:label label See: RDF representations skos:preferredLabel/skos:label may be prefered.
bdq:latestValidDate latestValidDate Optionally establishes the latest date in a bdq:ParameterizedTest. A default date is supplied in cases where a bdq:Parameter is not set at the time the test is run. bdq:Parameter
bdq:Likeliness Likeliness The likelihood of Darwin Core Term(s) having true or expected values. bdqffdq:DataQualityDimension Definition from the Fitness for Use Framework: Data Quality Dimensions Document (Link needed to RDF document -
bdq:LineNumber LineNumber The sequence number of the data record in the bdq:ValidationData bdq:ValidationData
bdq:LineForTest LineForTest A local to bdq:ValidationData identifier for test records within one test bdq:ValiationData
bdq:maximumValidDepthInMeters maximumValidDepthInMeters Optionally establishes the maximum depth in a bdq:ParameterizedTest. A default depth is supplied in cases where a bdq:Parameter is not set at the time the test is run. bdq:Parameter
bdq:maximumValidElevationInMeters maximumValidElevationInMeters Optionally establishes the highest elevation in a bdq:ParameterizedTest. A default elevation is supplied in cases where a bdq:Parameter is not set at the time the test is run. bdq:Parameter
bdqffdq:Measure Measure A Data Quality needs level concept that describes a run of a test that performs a measurement according to some data quality dimension. In FFDQ, the Measure concept consists of a run result of COMPLETE or NOT_COMPLETE, a value of the measurement (i.e. a measure of dwc:eventDate duration in seconds) or counts of the number of tests from a run where bdq:Response.result was bdq:NOT_COMPLIANT, or bdq:PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET in bdqffdq:Validation tests, or was bdq:AMENDED in bdqffdq:Amendment tests. FFU Framework: Class Veiga et al. (2017).
bdqffdq:MeasurementMethod MeasurementMethod A Data Quality solutions level concept describing the relationship between a bdqffdq:Specification (technical description of a test) and a bdqffdq:Dimension in the context of bdqffdq:ResourceType (bdqffdq:SingleRecord or bdqffdq:MultiRecord) and associated bdqffdq:InformationElements. FFU Framework: Class Veiga et al (2017).
bdqffdq:MeasurementPolicy MeasurementPolicy A Data Quality needs level concept that describes how some bdqffdq:contextualizedDimension relates to a bdqffdq:UseCase. This relationship defines which bdqffdq:Measures are supported by a given bdqffdq:UseCase. FFU Framework: Class Veiga et al (2017).
bdqffdq:measurementProperties measurementProperties Sub properties of bdqffdq:ObjectProperties that apply to measurement concepts such as bdqffdq:MeasurementPolicy (DQ needs), bdqffdq:MeasurementMethod (DQ solutions) and bdqffdq:Measure (DQ reports). FFU Framework: Object Property Veiga et al. (2017).
bdqffdq:MeasurementReport MeasurementReport A Data Quality report level concept that describes the results of a run of a test that performs a measurement according to some data quality dimension. FFU Framework: Class Veiga et al. (2017).
bdqffdq:Mechanism Mechanism The FFDQ concept of bdqffdq:Mechanism describes the entity that performs an assertion test (code, external service, actor, etc.). Tied to a bdqffdq:Specification via the concept of a bdqffdq:Implementation. FFU Framework: Class Veiga et al (2017).
bdq:minimumValidDepthInMeters minimumValidDepthInMeters Optionally establishes the minimum depth in a bdq:ParameterizedTest. A default depth is supplied in cases where a bdq:Parameter is not set at the time the test is run. bdq:Parameter
bdq:minimumValidElevationInMeters minimumValidElevationInMeters Optionally establishes the lowest elevation in a bdq:ParameterizedTest. A default elevation is supplied in cases where a bdq:Parameter is not set at the time the test is run. bdq:Parameter
bdqffdq:MultiRecord MultiRecord A data set composed of one or more bdqffdq:SingleRecords. FFU Framework: namedIndividual Veiga et al. (2017).
non-printing characters non-printing characters ASCII 0-32 and 127 decimal. Non printing characters or formatting marks that are not displayed at printing. These may include pilcrow, space, non-breaking space, tab character. etc. For the purposes of the tests they are treated as bdq:EMPTY. Data
bdq:NOT_AMENDED NOT_AMENDED A bdq:Result.status that indicates that a bdq:Response for a bdqffdq:Amendment proposed no change. bdq:Response.status
bdq:NOT_COMPLETE NOT_COMPLETE An assertion of a bdqffdq:Measure on a bdqffdq:MultiRecord where not all the bdqffdq:Validation bdq:Response.result from all included records in the dataset are bdq:COMPLIANT. bdq:Response.result The scope in the Fitness of Use Framework (Veiga et al. (20117) is broader.
bdq:NOT_COMPLIANT NOT_COMPLIANT A bdq:Response.result of a bdqffdq:Validation where the data do not conform to the Test bdqffdq:Criterion. Result.status
bdq:NOT_ISSUE NOT_ISSUE The bdq:Response of a test of type bdqffdq:Issue where no potential problems were detected. bdq:Response.result
bdq:NOTEMPTY NOTEMPTY The value of a bdqffdq:InformationElement that is present and has content (cf. bdq:EMPTY) Data
null null A value that is used in some databases to signify that a value is unknown or missing. It may be represented in serializations by "NULL", "Null", "null". "/n", "9999", etc. These should be treated as bdq:NOTEMPTY. Data
bdq:OUTOFRANGE OUTOFRANGE The value in a bdqffdq:InformationElement that is outside an acceptable range for that bdqffdq:InformationElement. bdq:Response Use in bdq:Response.qualifier or bdq:Response.comment.
bdq:Parameter Parameter A value provided to a test that changes the behavior of a test to fit a particular user need within the scope of the test. Either 1) a link to a bdq:sourceAuthority to find matching values, or 2) a value used to define limits for a bdqffdq:InformationElement. Data
bdq:paramaterizedTest paramaterizedTest A test that allows a bdq:Parameter to be set prior to the test being run. Where a bdq:Parameter value has not been provided, a default is specified within the test. Test
bdq:POLYNOMIAL POLYNOMIAL Represents a combination of the Darwin Core terms dwc:genericName, dwc:specificEpithet, dwc:infraspecificEpithet. bdqffdq:InformationElement See test "VALIDATION_POLYNOMIAL_CONSISTENT" (17f03f1f-f74d-40c0-8071-2927cfc9487b)
bdq:POTENTIAL_ISSUE POTENTIAL_ISSUE A bdq:Response.result for a bdqffdq:Issue that flags where the data may not have sufficient quality for a use. See also bdq:IS_ISSUE and bdq:NOT_ISSUE. The user will need to evaluate if the data is fit for their particular use or not. bdq:Response.result
bdq:PRECISIONINSECONDS PRECISIONINSECONDS The length of the period of an event in seconds. bdq:Response This is description of the bdq:Response.result from this bdqffdq:Measure, where the result is a numeric value in seconds. See Test "MEASURE_EVENTDATE_DURATIONINSECONDS" (56b6c695-adf1-418e-95d2-da04cad7be53).
bdq:PREREQUISITESNOTMET PREREQUISITESNOTMET A test of type bdqffdq:Measure that counts the number of tests of type bdqffdq:Validation that did not run due to one or more prerequisites not being met (e.g. bdq:INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOTMET and bdq:EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOTMET) bdq:Response See test "MEASURE_VALIDATIONTESTS_PREREQUISITESNOTMET" (49a94636-a562-4e6b-803c-665c80628a3d).
bdqffdq:Profile Profile a Data Quality needs level concept describing the bdqffdq:UseCases that make up some data quality operation such as the behavior of a single actor or workflow producing the relevant bdqffdq:Assertions. FFU Framework: Class Veiga et al. (2017).
bdq:PROPOSED PROPOSED A test of type bdqffdq:Measure that pertains to a bdqffdq:Amendment where an action to modify a value in some way through a change or addition is recommended. bdq:Response Example see test "MEASURE_AMENDMENTS_PROPOSED" (03049fe5-a575-404f-b564-ae63f5a1cf8b).
bdq:Record-Management Record-Management Management of the quality of biodiversity data records (see examples in Rees ER & Nicholls M (2020) Data Quality Use Case Study Results bdqffdq:UseCase
bdq:Reliability Reliability Measure of how the data values agree with an identified source of truth. The degree to which data correctly describes the truth (object, event or any abstract or real 'thing'). bdqffdq:DataQualityDimension Definition from the Fitness for Use Framework: Data Quality Dimensions Document (Link needed to RDF document -
bdq:Resolution Resolution Refers to the data having sufficiently detailed information. Measure of the granularity of the data, or the smallest measurable increment. bdqffdq:DataQualityDimension Definition from the Fitness for Use Framework: Data Quality Dimensions Document (Link needed to RDF document -
bdq:Response Response The report from a single execution of a single test, consisting of bdq:Response.status, bdq:Response.result, bdq:Response.comment, and optionally, bdq:Response.qualifier. bdq:Response Parent of RESULT and RESULT_STATUS in the Fitness for Use Framework (Viega et al. 2017).
bdq:Response.comment Response.comment Human readable interpretation of the results of the test. Response
bdq:Response.qualifier Response.qualifier Additional structured information that qualifies the bdq:Response, intended as an extension point for uncertainty. bdq:Response
bdq:Response.result Response.result The element in a bdq:Response containing the value returned by the particular test (bdqffdq:Validation, bdqffdq:Amendment, bdqffdq:Measure, or bdqffdq:Issue) bdq:Response
bdq:Response.status Response.status A metadata element in a bdq:Response indicating whether a particular test (bdqffdq:Validation, bdqffdq:Amendment, bdqffdq:Measure, or bdqffdq:Issue) was able to be performed or not. bdq:Response
bdqffdq:ResourceType ResourceType In FFDQ the concept of bdqffdq:ResourceType has instances for bdqffdq:SingleRecord or bdqffdq:MultiRecord. FFU Framework: Class Veiga et al. (2017).
bdqffdq:Result Result The report bdqffdq:Result concept in FFDQ is represented as a value or a bdqffdq:ResultStatus for bdqffdq:Measures, just a bdqffdq:ResultStatus for bdqffdq:Validations and a bdqffdq:ResultStatus as well as values for changes proposed by bdqffdq:Amendments. FFU Framework: Class Veiga et al. (2017).
bdqffdq:ResultStatus ResultStatus Depending on the assertion type would have values of bdq:COMPLIANT or bdq:NOT_COMPLIANT for a bdqffdq:Validation, bdq:COMPLETE or bdq:NOT_COMPLETE for a bdqffdq:Measure, bdq:AMENDED, bdq:FILLED_IN, bdq:TRANSPOSED, bdq:NOT_AMENDED for a bdqffdq:Amendment and bdq:IS_ISSUE, bdq:POTENTIAL_ISSUE or bdq:NOT_ISSUE for a bdqffdq:Issue FFU Framework: Class Veiga et al. (2017). Note that a separate concept describes the resultstate with values of bdq:INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET and bdq:EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET.
Roman numerals Roman numerals Roman numerals are interpreted as the equivalent integer for months (e.g. "X" as "10") in appropriate tests. Roman numerals may not be unambiguously interpreted for other Darwin Core terms such as dwc:day or in text fields as they may mean unknown or something else entirely. Data
bdq:RUN_HAS_RESULT RUN_HAS_RESULT A bdq:Response.status that implies that a result was correctly generated. bdq:Response.status Applies to bdqffdq:Validations, bdqfdfq:Measures, and bdqffdq:Issues, but not bdqffdq:Amendments. See Fitness for Use Framework definition in Need link to OWL Document @chicoreus. See also bdq:INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET and bdq:EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET
bdqffdq:SingleRecord SingleRecord A record from a dataset without dependencies on any other record. FFU Framework: namedIndividual Veiga et al. (2017). Note that all the current tests are run on a bdqffdq:SingleRecord, of Darwin Core data, and not designed to be run across a bdqffdq:MultiRecord, except for bdqffdq:MultiRecord bdqffdq:Measures.
bdq:sourceAuthority sourceAuthority An authority using the "bdq" namespace that provides a reference for values required for a test evaluation. Where the test is a bdq:ParameterizedTest a bdq:defaultSourceAuthority ("bdq:sourceAuthority default = xxx") is specified. bdq:Parameter
bdq:spatialBufferInMeters spatialBufferInMeters A buffer in meters from a polygon (geopolitical boundary, coastline, etc.). bdq:Parameter
bdq:Spatial-Temporal Patterns Spatial-Temporal Patterns Research uses for biodiversity occurrence data where 1) the information elements concern what organism occurred where and when and 2) that are used for analysis of spatial and/or temporal patterns of biodiversity (see examples in Rees ER & Nicholls M (2020) Data Quality Use Case Study Results bdqffdq:UseCase
bdqffdq:Specification Specification A technical description of the performed test upon which a bdqffdq:Implementation could be made. bdq:Response
bdq:STANDARD STANDARD A bdqffdq:Amendment where a value in a bdqffdq:InformationElement is proposed from a bdq:sourceAuthority. bdq:Response Use in bdq:Response.qualifier or bdq:Response.comment.
bdq:STANDARDIZED STANDARDIZED A bdqffdq:Amendment where a bdq:STANDARD value for a bdqffdq:InformationElement is proposed. bdq:Response Use bdq:AMENDED as the bdq:Response.status, report bdq:STANDARDIZED in a bdq:Response.qualifier or in a bdq:Response.comment.
bdq:targetCRS targetCRS The Coordinate Reference System (CRS) used as the output when converting coordinates from one CRS to another. The default is EPSG:4326. bdq:Parameter Used in the test AMENDMENT_COORDINATES_CONVERTED (620749b9-7d9c-4890-97d2-be3d1cde6da8).
bdqffdq:targetedCriterion targetedCriterion The bdffdq:Criterion targeted by some enhancement via the bdqffdq:ImprovementTarget object. FFU Framework: Object Property Veiga et al. (2017).
bdqffdq:targetedDimension targetedDimension The bdqffdq:Dimension targeted by some enhancement via the bdqffdq:ImprovementTarget object. FFU Framework: Object Property Veiga et al. (2017).
bdqffdq:targetedIssue targetedIssue The bdqffdq:Issue targeted by some problem via the bdqffdq:ImprovementTarget object. FFU Framework: Object Property Veiga et al. (2017).
bdq:Taxon-Management Taxon-Management Management of the quality of taxonomic names (see examples in Rees ER & Nicholls M (2020) Data Quality Use Case Study Results bdqffdq:UseCase
bdq:taxonomyIsMarine taxonomyIsMarine Marine/non-marine status obtained from the World Register of Marine Species (WORMS) database bdq:Parameter See VALIDATION_COORDINATES_TERRESTRIALMARINE (b9c184ce-a859-410c-9d12-71a338200380).
bdq:TERRESTRIALMARINE TERRESTRIALMARINE A terrestrial taxon that has geographic coordinates that fall within terrestrial boundaries; or a marine taxon that has geographic coordinates that fall within marine boundaries. bdq:Response Use bdq:AMENDED as the bdq:Response.status, report bdq:TERRESTRIALMARINE in a bdq:Response.qualifier or in a bdq:Response.comment. See test "VALIDATION_COORDINATES_TERRESTRIALMARINE" (b9c184ce-a859-410c-9d12-71a338200380).
bdq:TestField testFields Column heading in the markdown of the tests in the bdq GitHub that list all the normative and informative metadata elements that describe a Data Quality Test Test
bdq:TestPrerequisite TestPrerequisite Conditions that must be met for a test to be run (e.g., fields having values, tests that need to be run before the current test, availability of a bdq:sourceAuthority) Test See for example, INTERNAL_PREREQUISTES_NOT-MET (q.v.) and EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET (q.v.).
bdq:TestType TestType There are four types of tests, viz. bdqffdq:Validation, bdqffdq:Amendment, bdqffdq:Issue, and bdqffdq:Measure. Test  
bdq:TRANSPOSED TRANSPOSED The sign and/or value of one or more bdqffdq:InformationElements were swapped. bdq:Response Use bdq:AMENDED as the bdq:Response.status, report bdq:TRANSPOSED in a bdq:Response.qualifier or in a bdq:Response.comment. See Test "AMENDMENT_COORDINATES_TRANSPOSED" (f2b4a50a-6b2f-4930-b9df-da87b6a21082).
bdq:Unlikely Unlikely The bdqffdq:DataQualityDimension: bdq:Likeliness is not satisfied due to the bdq:InformationElements containing a value that is not likely to occur (for example where the geographic coordinates are "0", "0"). bdqffdq:DataQualityDimension Needs a bdq:Response.qualifier (q.v.) response for the uncertainty.
bdqffdq:UseCase UseCase The bdqffdq:UseCase concept in FFDQ describes some data quality control use case. The bdqffdq:Amendment, bdqffdq:Measure and bdqffdq:Validation policies that make up a bdqffdq:UseCase define which bdqffdq:Assertions cover a given bdqffdq:UseCase. FFU Framework: Class An example of a bdqffdq:UseCase could be "Check for internal consistency of dates", with bdqffdq:Validation policies for checking consistency between atomic date fields and a bdqffdq:Amendment such as "eventDate filled in from verbatim". Veiga et al. (2017).
bdqffdq:Validation Validation A Data Quality needs level concept that describes a run of a test for validity. The bdqffdq:Validation concept in the Tests consists of a run with a bdq:Response:result of bdq:COMPLIANT or bdq:NOT_COMPLIANT and a bdqffdq:Criterion that describes the conditions for validity that result in a status of bdq:COMPLIANT. FFU Framework: Class Veiga et al. (2017).
bdq:ValidationData ValidationData Test data set established for testing Test Implementations Data
bdqffdq:ValidationMethod ValidationMethod TA Data Quality solutions level concept describing the relationship between a bdqffdq:Specification (technical description of a test) and a bdqffdq:Criterion in the context of a bdqffdq:ResourceType (bdqffdq:SingleRecord or bdqffdq:MultiRecord) and associated bdqffdq:InformationElements. FFU Framework: Class Veiga et al. (2017).
bdqffdq:ValidationPolicy ValidationPolicy A Data Quality needs level concept that describes how some bdqffdq:contextualizedCriterion relates to a bdqffdq:UseCase. This relationship defines which validations are supported by a given bdqffdq:UseCase. FFU Framework: Class Veiga et al. (2017).
bdqffdq:validationProperties validationProperties Sub properties of bdqffdq:ObjectProperties that apply to validation concepts such as bdqffdq:ValidationPolicy (DQ needs), bdqfdq:ValidationMethod (DQ solutions) and bdqffdq:Validation (DQ reports). FFU Framework: Object Property Veiga et al. (2017).
bdqffdq:ValidationReport ValidationReport A Data Quality report level concept that reports the results of a run of a bdqffdq:Validation test on some data. FFU Framework: Class Veiga et al. (2017).
bdq:VERBATIM VERBATIM An original value. bdqffdq:InformationElement
white space white space 1) A field that only includes white space (blanks) is treated as bdq:EMPTY (q.v.). 2) In bdqffdq:Validation tests (q.v.) that require the looking up of a bdq:sourceAuthority, leading and/or trailing white space will cause the test to fail as no preprocessing is carried out on the data. These leading and trailing white spaces may be stripped out in a subsequent bdqffdq:Amendment and thus pass when the bdqffdq:Validation test is run again. Data
bdq:YEARMONTHDAY YEARMONTHDAY Represents a combination of the Darwin Core terms dwc:year, dwc:month, dwc:day. bdqffdq:InformationElement
bdq:YEARSTARTDAYOFYEARENDDAYOFYEAR YEARSTARTDAYOFYEARENDDAYOFYEAR Represents a combination of the Darwin Core terms dwc:year, dwc:startDayOfYear, dwc:endDayofYear. bdqffdq:InformationElement

Supplement: GitHub Label Terms These are terms that are outside the Standard but that have been used as either GitHub Labels or TestFields in the BDQ GitHub

namespace:Term Label Definition Context Comment
bdqtag:Amendment Amendment A label to indicate a test of type AMENDMENT which may propose a change or addition to at least one Darwin Core term that is intended to improve one or more components of the quality of the record. GitHub Label See bdqffdq:Amendment
bdqtag:CORE CORE Tests for evaluating biodiversity data quality as represented by the values of Darwin Core terms. CORE tests address identified user needs, are widely applicable, informative, unambiguous, well defined, and straight forward to implement. GitHub Label
bdqTestField:Darwin Core Class Darwin Core Class The Information Element in the original terms of the framework, the general sort of information this test operates on. TestField
bdqTestField:Data Quality Dimension Data Quality Dimension The data quality dimension for this test. See bbqffdq:DataQualityDimension. TestField
bdqTestField:Description Description A non-technical description of what the test does, intended for consumers of data quality reports in concert with the bdq:Response.comment. TestField
bdqtag:DO NOT IMPLEMENT DO NOT IMPLEMENT Tests that are not CORE (cf. bdqtag:CORE) and not recommended to be implemented with the current level of understanding for one or more reasons: Available vocabularies are ambiguous; the test is too complex to implement concisely; implementation is expected to lead to ambiguous or inaccurate results. GitHub Label
bdqTestField:Example Implementations (Mechanisms) Example Implementations (Mechanisms) Known Mechanisms with implementations of the test. TestField
bdqTestField:Examples Examples A ’pass’ and a ‘fail’ example of test data. All examples listed are present in the the validation data suite. TestField
bdqTestField:Expected Response Expected Response The specification for implementors describing the expected behavior of the test. See bdqffdq:Specification TestField = bdqffdq:Specification
bdqTestField:GUID GUID see bdq:GUID TestField
bdqtag:Immature/Incomplete Immature/Incomplete Tests where substantial work is needed to develop the specification to the point where the test can be reliably and usefully implemented. This may indicate work that is wholly internal to the test specification such as developing a consistent Expected Response, or may indicate that external work is needed to develop an agreed vocabulary for values of the tested term. An immature/incomplete test may be made CORE, Supplementary, or DO NOT IMPLEMENT when relevant criteria are satisfied.
bdqTestField:Information Elements Acted Upon Information Elements Acted Upon A list of the specific Darwin Core terms that are the focus of a test. TestField
bdqTestField:Information Elements Consulted Information Elements Consulted AA list of Darwin Core terms that are consulted in the evaluation of the Information Elements ActedUpon. TestField
bdqtag:ISO/DCMI STANDARD ISO/DCMI STANDARD A reference to either an ISO (International Organization for Standardization) Standard or a DCMI (Dublin Core Metadata Initiative) Standard GitHub Label
bdqtag:Issue Issue A label to indicate a test of type ISSUE, where potential problems are flagged and may need examination by the user to determine if data have quality for their use. GitHub Label see bdqffdq:Issue
bdqTestField:Label Label A human readable label identifying the test. The labels largely follow the pattern TYPE_INFORMATIONELEMENT_STATUS. TestField cf. rdfs:label
bdqTestField:Link to Specification Source Code Link to Specification Source Code A link to code that implements the test. TestField
bdqtag:Measure Measure A label to indicate a test of type MEASURE that performs a measurement according to some data quality dimension. GitHub Label See bdqffdq:Measure
bdqtag:NAME NAME A label to indicate that the test is related to Darwin Core terms in the dwc:Taxon Class. GitHub Label
bdqtag:NEEDS WORK NEEDS WORK A label that indicates that an issue (Test) requires more work before finalising. GitHub Label
bdqTestField:Notes Notes Additional, non-normative comments that the Task Group believed necessary for an accurate understanding of the test or issues that implementers needed to be aware of. TestField
bdqtag:OTHER OTHER A label to indicate that the test is related to Darwin Core terms other than Classes dwc:Taxon, dwc:Location or dwc:Event. GitHub Label
bdqtag:Parameterized Parameterized A label for a test that requires a bdq:Parameter to be set prior to a bdq:parameterizedTest being run. GitHub Label
bdqTestField"Parameter(s) Parameter(s) Any parameters that change the behavior of the test for a subset of users with special data quality needs within the domain. TestField
bdqTestField:References References A list of references pertinent to the test. TestField
bdqTestField:Source Source The origin of the concept of the test. TestField
bdqTestField:Source Authority Source Authority A reference to an external (non-Darwin Core) authority required for the test. See bdq:sourceAuthority TestField
bdqtag:SPACE SPACE A label to indicate that the test is related to Darwin Core terms in the dwc:Location Class. GitHub Label
bdqTestField:Specification Last Updated Specification Last Updated The last date a change was made to a test that affects the operation of the test. TestField
bdqtag:Supplementary Supplementary Tests regarded as not CORE (cf. bdqtag:CORE) because of one or more reasons: Not widely applicable; not clearly matched to an identified data quality need; not informative concerning the 'quality' or lack of quality of the data; likely to return a high percentage of either bdq:NOT_COMPLIANT or bdq:POTENTIAL_ISSUE records. A Supplementary test MAY be implemented in a local implementation if a suitable use case exists. GitHub Label A Supplementary test may be made CORE at a later time.
bdqTestField:Term-Actions Term-Actions Equivalent to the bdqTestField:Label without the leading Test Type. TestField
bdqtag:Test Test Tests created by TG2, either CORE, Immature/Incomplete, Supplementary, or DO NOT IMPLEMENT. GitHub Label
bdqTestField:Test Type Test Type The Type of assertion that the test produces, Measure, Validation, Amendment, Issue. TestField
bdqtag:TG1 TG1 Issues pertinent to Task Group 1 (Framework on Data Quality) of the TDWG Data Quality Interest Group. GitHub Label
bdqtag:TG2 TG2 Issues including Tests, developed by, or pertinent to Task Group 2 (Data Quality Tests and Assertions) of the TDWG Data Quality Interest Group. GitHub Label
bdqtag:TG3 TG3 Issues pertinent to Task Group 3 (Data Quality Use Cases) of the TDWG Data Quality Interest Group. GitHub Label
bdqtag:TG4 TG4 Issues pertinent to Task Group 4 (Best Practices for Development of Vocabularies of Value) of the TDWG Data Quality Interest Group. GitHub Label
bdqtag:TIME TIME A label to indicate that the test is related to Darwin Core terms in the dwc:Event Class. GitHub Label
bdqtag:Validation Validation A label to indicate a test of type VALIDATION that describes a run of a test for validity against a set of criteria. GitHub Label See bdqffdq:Validation
bdqtag:VOCABULARY VOCABULARY A label to indicate that a bdqlabel:Test requires a Vocabulary GitHub Label
ArthurChapman commented 2 years ago

Added terms: ISSUE, NO_ISSUE, _POTENTIAL_ISSUE to table with no definitions - ready for export to Test Data V14 for discussion.

chicoreus commented 2 years ago

For EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET, we'll need some guidance for implementors around local caches for vocabularies. Perhaps guidance that a check for an external vocabulary may be cached, and at the start of a run of tests, the implementation should check that the source is available, and report EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if it is not available at that time, or else give some (relatively short, no more than a few days) period where a cache may be used for an external vocabulary for a run of tests, or perhaps longer.

ArthurChapman commented 2 years ago

Updated some definitions following ZOOM discussion on 2022-04-30. Added two new terms: bdq:spatialBufferInMeters and Test Cristeria. Deleted a few redundant terms we are no longer using in the tests. To be continued following further ZOOM discussions.

ArthurChapman commented 2 years ago

Further updates following ZOOM meeting of 2022-04-09. Modified terms up to and including GUID (except for CORE which needs revisiting). Some terms deleted as no longer in use.

ArthurChapman commented 2 years ago

After many ZOOM meetings, we have agreed on the definitions in the Vocabulary and all have been updated as of today. There is more work to be done (especially in the third and fourth columns) and I am sure we will revisit a few definitions from time to time

Tasilee commented 2 years ago

Modified "Data Quality Report" definition and added definition for "Assertion".

ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

Added two new terms to the Vocabulary. They may need rewording.

| Roman Numerals | Roman numerals are interpreted for months (e.g. "X" as "10") in appropriate tests. They are not interpreted for days as "x", "X", etc. can not be unambiguously interpreted as they may mean unknown. | Data |

| White space | 1) A field that only includes white space (blanks) is treated as EMPTY (q.v.). 2) In VALIDATION tests (q.v.) that require the looking up a Source Authority (q.v.), leading and/or trailing white space will cause the test to fail as no preprocessing is carried out on the data. These leading and trailing white spaces may be stripped out in a subsequent AMENDMENT (q.v.). and thus pass when the VALIDATION test is run again. | Data |

Tasilee commented 1 year ago

Thanks Arthur

Can I suggest....

| Roman Numerals | Roman numerals are interpreted as the equivalent integer for months (e.g. "X" as "10") in appropriate tests. Roman numerals may not be unambiguously interpreted for other Darwin Core terms such as dwc:day or in text fields as they may mean unknown or something else entirely. | Data |


On Mon, 12 Dec 2022 at 10:54, Arthur Chapman @.***> wrote:

Added two new terms to the Vocabulary. They may need rewording.

| Roman Numerals | Roman numerals are interpreted for months (e.g. "X" as "10") in appropriate tests. They are not interpreted for days as "x", "X", etc. can not be unambiguously interpreted as they may mean unknown. | Data |

| White space | 1) A field that only includes white space (blanks) is treated as EMPTY (q.v.). 2) In VALIDATION tests (q.v.) that require the looking up a Source Authority (q.v.), leading and/or trailing white space will cause the test to fail as no preprocessing is carried out on the data. These leading and trailing white spaces may be stripped out in a subsequent AMENDMENT (q.v.). and thus pass when the VALIDATION test is run again. | Data |

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ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

I have included: | bdq:includeEventDate | Allows dwc:eventDate to be excluded in a parameterized test. The default is to include the event date in the test, but it may be excluded to allow an identification to be prior to the event date. | Parameter | Used in test #76 VALIDATION_DATEIDENTIFIED_INRANGE (dc8aae4b-134f-4d75-8a71-c4186239178e) |

Note - we need to decide how we wish to cross reference tests in the comments - the above is one suggestion.

tucotuco commented 1 year ago

We'll have to refer to the test GUIDs eventually rather than the issue numbers, no?

Tasilee commented 1 year ago

So, is there agreement on how we do this? Maybe as NAME:Guid so we have human and machine readable references? For example


or using brackets etc?

tucotuco commented 1 year ago

Looks like Arthur has made an edit to refer to the test name and it's GUID, "VALIDATION_DATEIDENTIFIED_INRANGE (dc8aae4b-134f-4d75-8a71-c4186239178e)". To me that (the parenthetical identifier) nicely conveys that there are two ways to refer to it.

ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

I think that is the neatest and simplest @tucotuco

Tasilee commented 1 year ago

OK, @ArthurChapman, could you then edit the links in the Vocabulary accordingly?

ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago


ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

I have begun checking the Vocabulary. Many minor changes will be made. I will only comment on new terms added etc. One thing I am checking is the CONTEXT and the COMMENTS. A discussion will be needed on COMMENTS once I have done a run through.

Added term: Test Type

Changed the formatting to make Test Types 'Upper Case'

ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

We appear to have a discrepancy between the definitions of EMPTY and of non-printing characters

Under EMPTY we say "Note: A field containing non-printing or other invalid characters or values (including serializations of NULL values) are NOT_EMPTY and may be separately detected."

However under non-printing characters we say "For the purposes of the tests they are treated as EMPTY."

Should not the latter definition say "For the purposes of the tests they are treated as NOT_EMPTY." ?

Tasilee commented 1 year ago

Nope, as I remember @chicoreus saying that they would be treated as EMPTY and all the test data is setup for that.

ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

OK - then I will change the definition of EMPTY

ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

The definition of EMPTY (especially the Note) has been changed to the following

"A field that is either not present or does not contain any characters or values other than white space. Note: A field containing invalid characters or values (including serializations of NULL values) are NOT_EMPTY and may be separately detected but fields containing only non-printing characters (q.v.) are treated as EMPTY."

ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

Following discussion with @Tasilee on how we treat issues such as bdq.minimumDepthInMeters - where it has been suggested that we add just "bdq.minimumValidDepthInMeters" in the Parameter(s) and "bdq.minimumValidDepthInMeters default = "0"" in the Source Authority to be consistent with what has been done in other parameterized tests where we use bdq:sourceAuthority. i.e. we treat namespace terms such as "bdq:minimumValidDepthInMeters" as an equivalent to "bdq:sourceAuthority" as Source Authorities.

Thus, I have changed the definition of Source Authority from:

A vocabulary or standard to use to look up a value in an Information Element (q.v.). See also bdq:sourceAuthority (q.v.).

to (wording added in BOLD):

A vocabulary or standard to use to look up a value (or a supplied numerical value in a parameterized test) in an Information Element (q.v.). See also bdq:sourceAuthority (q.v.).

Tasilee commented 1 year ago

Looks appropriate to me.

ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

I have added two new values into the Vocabulary. I have given them the Context "Data" but I am not sure this is correct

epsg: | A pseudo-namespace referenced in dwc:datum to indicate the EPSG API where the numeric value following the colon is used as the search key. Example: epsg:4326. | Data |

gbif: | A pseudo-namespace referenced in dwc:taxonID to indicate the GBIF API where the numeric value following the colon is used as the search key. Example gbif:8102122. | Data |

ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

I have added a new term into the Vocabulary

| bdq:defaultGeodeticDatum | Optionally established the default datum in a parameterized test (q.v.). A default datum is supplied in cases where a parameter (q.v.) is not set at the time the test is run. | Parameter | See test AMENDMENT_GEODETICDATUM_ASSUMEDDEFAULT (7498ca76-c4d4-42e2-8103-acacccbdffa7). |

Tasilee commented 1 year ago

I wouldn't use 'Optional'. Maybe...

If dwc:geodeticDatum is EMPTY, set the value to the default geodetic datum. | Parameter | See test AMENDMENT_GEODETICDATUM_ASSUMEDDEFAULT (7498ca76-c4d4-42e2-8103-acacccbdffa7). |

ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

They all say Optionally. Your suggestion is covered in the Expected Response - the Vocabulary isn't where that goes.

ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

Changed epsg: to EPSG: throughout document

ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

Changed definition of EMPTY. See comment by @chicoreus

ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

Added a new term in line with test #43

| bdq:targetCRS | The Coordinate Reference System (CRS) used as the output when converting coordinates from one CRS to another. The default is EPSG:4326. | Parameter | Used in the test AMENDMENT_COORDINATES_CONVERTED (620749b9-7d9c-4890-97d2-be3d1cde6da8) |

ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

Added two new terms and deleted bdq:annotation (replaced by bdq:annotationAlertIf)

| | bdq:annotationAlertIf | Optionally establishes if an annotation exists within a bdq:annotationSystem (q.v.) by describing the criteria for relating annotations in the system to records in a Parameterized Test (q.v.)." | Parameter | Used in test "ANNOTATION_ISSUE_NOTEMPTY" (fecaa8a3-bbd8-4c5a-a424-13c37c4bb7b1). |

| | bdq.annotationSystem | Optionally established a system for annotations within a Parameterized Test (q.v.) with the default being the w3c Annotations Data Model's "oa:annotation" | Parameter | Used in test "ANNOTATION_ISSUE_NOTEMPTY" (fecaa8a3-bbd8-4c5a-a424-13c37c4bb7b1). |

Tasilee commented 1 year ago

Typo bdq.annotationSystem to bdq:annotationSystem

I'm unsure about oa:target

ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

oa:target is part of the W3C ao:annotation

chicoreus commented 1 year ago

@Tasilee good catch, that should be oa:hasTarget

chicoreus commented 1 year ago

The relevant terms are oa:Annotation and oa:hasTarget I think previous iterations had a Target class, the W3C web annotation data model does not.

ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

Updated #29 in accord with @chicoreus comments above. and changed ao:annotation to ao:Annotation in definition of bdq:annotationSystem

ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

Should we separate out the square bracket sourceAuthority examples into separate entities. Now includes just under bdq:sourceAuthority

Tasilee commented 1 year ago

Good pickup @ArthurChapman: I'd say "Yes"

ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

I thought there were 5 - there are only three now - and they occur in only two tests

bdq:sourceAuthority[countryshapes] in #73 bdq:sourceAuthority[geospatialland] and bdq:sourceAuthority[taxonomyismarine] in #51

ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

If we do change these - I would suggest

bdq:sourceAuthority[countryshapes] --> bdq:countryShapes
bdq:sourceAuthority[geospatialland] --> bdq:geospatialLand
bdq:sourceAuthority[taxonomyismarine] -->  bdq:taxonomyIsMarine
Tasilee commented 1 year ago

I think your suggestion is in line with there way we have been thinking

ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

Following ZOOM discussion of 2023-07-03/04

Updated comment for AMENDMENT to read

Formally in the Fitness for Use Framework (Veiga et al.), the description of a test that can propose a change is an Enhancement, while the corresponding report level concept is an Amendment. Tests tagged as Amendments are Enhancements at the data quality needs level in the Framework.

ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

Following ZOOM discussion of 2023-07-03/04

@chicoreus to look at the wording of Assertion, MEASURE and VALIDATION

ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

Following ZOOM discussion of 2023-07-/03/04

Updated the comment for all the Data Quality Dimension terms (Completeness, Conformance, Consistency, Likeliness, Reliability, and Resolution) to

Definition from the Fitness for Use Framework: Data Quality Dimensions Document (Link needed to RDF document -

NB we need to update these once we have aa formal link to the RDF Document on Data Quality Dimensions.

ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

Following ZOOM discussion of 2023-07-/03/04

Comments added to Data Quality Dimension and Data Quality Report

"Link to OWL Document"

NB This link needs to be added once we have a final permanent link address @chicoreus

ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

Following ZOOM discussion of 2023-07-/03/04

Comments with reference to the Fitness for Use Framework deleted for all the Warning Types viz,

Ambiguous (q.v.), Incomplete (q.v.), Inconsistent (q.v.), Invalid (q.v.), Unlikely (q.v.)

ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

Following ZOOM discussion of 2023-07-/03/04

Deleted comments with reference to FFU Framework for as these were out of date.


ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

Following ZOOM discussion of 2023-07-/03/04

For RUN_HAS_RESULT - changed comment from:



Applies to VALIDATIONS, MEASURES, and ISSUES, but not AMENDMENTS. See Fitness for Use Framework definition in Need link to OWL Document. See also INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET (q.v.) and EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET (q.v.) | See Fitness for Use Framework definition in Need link to OWL Document


ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

Following ZOOM discussion of 2023-07-/03/04

Added a new term

| Specification | A technical description of the performed test upon which an implementation could be made. | Response | |

modified Expected Response to read

| Expected Response | A term used in place of Specification (q.v.) in the markdown of the tests in the bdq GitHub. | Response | |

deleted "Test Criteria" as is a discontinued term we use in the tests and which was later replaced by Expected Response.

ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

Following ZOOM discussion of 2023-07-/03/04

Changed the comment for "Single Record" to

All the current tests are run on a single record and not designed to be run across multi records.

ArthurChapman commented 1 year ago

Context for "single record" changed to "Resource Type"