tdwg / camtrap-dp

Camera Trap Data Package (Camtrap DP)
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Add columns for unmarked population density estimation using video-recording camera traps #337

Open kfukasawa37 opened 11 months ago

kfukasawa37 commented 11 months ago

I propose some optional columns that enable us to apply a unmarked population density estimator using video-recording camera traps, REST model (Nakashima et al. 2018 J Appl Ecol This method is based on observations of staying time within a detection zone where all the individuals are certain to be detected by the camera trap. Adding the following columns in the deployments.csv and observations.csv is sufficient for applying REST models.

Similar to individualPositionAngle and individualSpeed for random encounter models, stayingTime and stayingTimeCensoringtype are defined for the observed individual identified by individualID. REST model is applicable to both event-based and media-based observations.

I'm preparing a more detailed explanation for description of staying time observations with an toy example. I'll post it later.

kfukasawa37 commented 11 months ago

Thank you for adding it to a 1.1 milestone! In this post I explain about the details for the proposed columns in detections.csv for media- and event-based data.

The figure below is a diagram of an example set of observations in which the X-axes are timeline, and Y-axis is individuals observed. The horizontal blue lines are periods when the individuals were in a detection zone. The bold and thin segments of blue line are recorded and non-recorded range, respectively. Observed staying time of each observation was also shown.

media-based_obs I assumed that ID2 stayed in a detection zone from the start of Obs2 to the end of Obs3 and it was reasonably determined as a continuous stay in the detection zone. Different individualIDs can be given if the two consecutive detections can not be surely determined as the same individual. In such a case, we do not use a left-censored observation when we evaluate mean staying time.

I also assumed that ID2 exited a detection zone at the end of Obs3 and immediately re-entered. It would be a rare case.

The corresponding table is as follows (selected columns were shown). observationID mediaID individualID stayingTime stayingTimeCensoringtype
Obs1 Video1 ID1 28 right
Obs2 Video1 ID2 20 right
Obs3 Video2 ID2 8 left
Obs4 Video2 ID2 5 complete
Obs5 Video2 ID3 30 both


The table of event-based data would be simpler than the media-based data.

observationID eventID individualID stayingTime stayingTimeCensoringtype
Obs1 Obs1 ID1 28 right
Obs23 Obs23 ID2 43 complete
Obs4 Obs4 ID2 5 complete
Obs5 Obs5 ID3 30 both

(Figures in this post were made through discussions with Dr. Yoshihiro Nakashima.)

peterdesmet commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the clear explanation. Regarding the use case where stayingTime = 0: how would the observer know an individual is there if it did not enter the detection zone? Is this a common use case?

peterdesmet commented 10 months ago

I understand the use case and the proposed fields. I have some suggestions on naming, but I'm wondering if this information could not be expressed as timestamps for entry and exit:

With Video1 lasting from T0 to T1 and Video2 from T2 to T3

Alt 1: Two extra timestamp fields

observationID mediaID eventStart eventEnd individualID stayingStart stayingEnd
Obs1 Video1 T0 T1 ID1 T0.2 T1
Obs2 Video1 T0 T1 ID2 T0.4 T1
Obs3 Video2 T2 T3 ID2 T2 T2.3
Obs4 Video2 T2 T3 ID2 T2.6 T2.9
Obs5 Video2 T2 T3 ID3 T2 T3

observationID eventID eventStart eventEnd individualID stayingStart stayingEnd
Obs1 Obs1 T0 T1 ID1 T0.2 T1
Obs23 Obs23 T0 T3 ID2 T0.4 T2.3
Obs4 Obs4 T2 T3 ID2 T2.6 T2.9
Obs5 Obs5 T2 T3 ID3 T2 T3

Alt 2: Using eventStart/eventEnd + censoringtype

And while we are using start and end timestamps to express stays, we might as well use eventStart and eventEnd: they are designed to capture temporal windows, so they don't necessarily need to align with the video start and video end. They can be used to capture the specific time an individual was seen. If we use those fields, we likely need to reintroduce the censor field (as just one extra observations field in Camtrap DP). The presence of values in that field would also indicate that eventStart and eventEnd are restricted to the staying time of an individual.

observationID mediaID eventStart eventEnd individualID stayingTimeCensoringtype
Obs1 Video1 T0.2 T1 ID1 right
Obs2 Video1 T0.4 T1 ID2 right
Obs3 Video2 T2 T2.3 ID2 left
Obs4 Video2 T2.6 T2.9 ID2 complete
Obs5 Video2 T2 T3 ID3 both

observationID eventID eventStart eventEnd individualID stayingTimeCensoringtype
Obs1 Obs1 T0.2 T1 ID1 right
Obs23 Obs23 T0.4 T2.3 ID2 complete
Obs4 Obs4 T2.6 T2.9 ID2 complete
Obs5 Obs5 T2 T3 ID3 both

The stayingTime can be still be captured as:

IF stayingTimeCensoringtype NOT NULL:
  eventEnd - eventStart

Would that cover the use cases you have?

kfukasawa37 commented 10 months ago

Thank you for your consideration about my proposal!

Regarding the use case where stayingTime = 0: how would the observer know an individual is there if it did not enter the detection zone? Is this a common use case?

Yes, it is a common use case. A detection zone is an area where an animal is certainly detected and smaller than the viewshed of the camera trap in general. An animal walking outside a detection zone can be captured by a camera trap by chance with probability less than 1. This figure is an example of animal path which is captured by a camera trap but the staying time is 0.


Alt 1: Alt 2:

I understood that it is preferable to record entry and exit times rather than a staying time. Alt 1 can describe entry and exit times in a detection zone additional to eventStart and eventEnd. It can cope with the situation that a recorded individual passed outside the detection zone if stayingStart and stayingEnd are left blank. However, it can lead a malfunction of a density estimation program if significant digits of time values regarding "event" and "staying" are not equal. Alt 2 is robust to significant digits because stayingTimeCensoringtype defines the procedure to each row of data in the population density estimation. However, eventStart and eventEnd are difficult to be defined for a record that an individual passed outside the detection zone if we consider them as the time of entry and exit of a detection zone.

For both alternatives, I want to include information to distinguish whether the staying time is missing or the individual passed outside the detection zone. It is because we can define staying time as 0 for such a record but can not define the time of entry and exit.

To solve these issues, could you consider the following modifications to Alt 1?

Alternatively, if you want to avoid adding a more column type, allowing stayingTimeCensoringtype to have a value missing in Alt2 also works for a population density estimation. However, it can not solve the difficulty in defining eventEnd and eventStart for a record that an individual passed outside the detection zone within viewshed of camera.

If I have misunderstood your intent, please let me know.