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Symposia & Workshops for TDWG 2015 #13

Closed gkampmeier closed 9 years ago

gkampmeier commented 9 years ago

This list of symposia (bottom) and apparently pre-conference training workshops (should not be "pre-training") are in need of more information (abstracts; contact information for Pearce, Parmelon, Reed, Coddington, Seberg, Fourie, who are not in the OCS system) and the topics in particular for the workshops (are these ALL pre-conference??), have redundancies (and the titles are often too long and get truncated) or overlap with one another and should be combined or better defined.

I also need to know which symposia and/or workshops are open to unsolicited (uninvited) submissions.

I am trying to put these in OCS, but need better information and confirmation. This prevents the call for papers going out.

gkampmeier commented 9 years ago

Sorry, my mouse finger slipped ctsakem :( and I haven't figured out how to remove you.

gkampmeier commented 9 years ago

Clearly I have a lot to learn about "assigning" people--it appears that you cannot assign more than one person at a time at least there :(

CynthiaParr-USDA commented 9 years ago

Yeah, this is a job for @hankbart (URGENT). I believe that he and @pmergen have the abstracts that were submitted in a google folder (not sure where?). There is also a spreadsheet here

But this has NOT been updated given what we know about who is not coming (for example, Arthur Chapman's and Hilmar Lapp's events should be removed).

pmergen commented 9 years ago

Hi In the spreadsheet I provided to hank is in Google drive for the tdwg 2015. There is a link also pointing to the abstract provided by the applicants. Also all put in the tdwg 2015 folder. Will look up the link .

pmergen commented 9 years ago

Yes that's the one in the column description is the link to the abstract if submitted as a separate file. For the others they kept the text in the body of their mail and I copies it in description as well. Indeed those who cancelled have to be removed hank has the overview here. We received many more for the trainings before than symposia for the conference. We discussed to move some as advanced workshops to the conference but needs to agree which and if the applicants agree too. As you may read in the file some expected funding. We did not receive so far applications for the task and interest groups.

gkampmeier commented 9 years ago

OK, this helps--looks like there are new ones in here too. I knew about Hilmar, but hadn't heard about Arthur. He had put Antonio on this as well, but it still is to be removed?

For right now, I am putting the workshops in without designating whether or not they are pre-conference or during the conference.

gkampmeier commented 9 years ago

@csparr will you please add me to the spreadsheet (tdwg 2015 folder) so that I can edit? I found a typo and I need to be able to poke around. Add my gmail

gkampmeier commented 9 years ago

There is also an issue with the length of titles. It appears as though they cannot be >100 characters and some of these run on unnecessarily.

gkampmeier commented 9 years ago

What happened to the BHL Africa Symposium? It is not on the sheet, but it is on the list on the website.

hankbart commented 9 years ago

Gail and others,

Sorry for the slow response. Today was a day from hell. Tomorrow is little better, but things will improve as the week wears on. Thanks for taking on the task of organizing the symposia and workshops, Gail. Are you all able to access all of the folders with the symposia and workshop proposals? I’m happy to edit the titles and text down to the OCS limits when I get some time.


From: gkampmeier [] Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 5:24 PM To: tdwg/conferences Cc: Bart, Henry L Subject: Re: [conferences] Symposia & Workshops for TDWG 2015 (#13)

There is also an issue with the length of titles. It appears as though they cannot be >100 characters and some of these run on unnecessarily.

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CynthiaParr-USDA commented 9 years ago

I also could not edit that Google spreadsheet and couldn't add @gkampmeier. I requested access.

gkampmeier commented 9 years ago

Currently I cannot see anything but the spreadsheet, and that only as View Only, which prevents even copying and pasting. I would prefer access to the entire 2015 folder with my gmail account, if someone would do so. Thanks!

I can make some suggestions for titles for your approval if you'd like [text in brackets did not fit]; designation of S02, for example, follows Cyndy's convention from last year so that people sort their symposia talks properly and they go to the proper track directors for review.

Now: S02 - Professional and formal biodiversity informatics training as key for capacity building: state-of-play, challenges [and opportunities]

Suggested: S02 - Formal biodiversity informatics training as key for capacity building: state-of-play, challenges and opportunities

Now: S06 - The role of camera trap programs for biodiversity monitoring and conservation: standards and practices for sharing [data]

Suggested: S06 - The role of camera traps for biodiversity monitoring and conservation: standards and practices for sharing data

Now: W03 - Biodiversity databases, data cleaning and georeferencing, data quality, persistent identifiers, IPT [this is currently an allowable length, but it is not a real title concept and needs to distinguish itself from other workshops that cover much of the same ground]

Suggested: W03 - What you need to know to publish your biodiversity database using GBIF's Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT)

Now: W05 - Biodiversity informatics, dealing with collection management, [collection] digitization, biodiversity networks and portals, [standards, data quality and related issues]

Suggested: W05 - Collection digitization and management using biodiversity portals: following standards and ensuring data quality

Now: W10 - Training for personnel of natural history museums in East Africa (including Ethiopia) [I am unsure what to do about this. Apparently there is a supporting NSF grant for this workshop, but it seems unfair to restrict it to East African participants given what they propose to cover: use of standards for cultural heritage collections; overview of existing technical solutions including PaleoCore; and data collection and georeferencing (treated elsewhere). I suppose it may be explained that preference for supported participants will be given to the target group...? Is there a better title for this that will give an idea of what is covered?] In the spreadsheet this is treated as one workshop, but elsewhere it has been treated as three. What is correct?

On the spreadsheet but not in the list of workshops:

Support in the modules and assist with French - Nicolas Noe - This title makes no sense, but organizer claims support from @pmergen

gkampmeier commented 9 years ago gives the time, place call for papers, track policies, initial announcements of events, and eventually schedule and presentations for the meeting. - Track policies (i.e., presentation types and all symposia and workshops) are listed here along with those people currently assigned as Track Directors for each presentation category. I have not yet notified the symposium and workshop organizers (may be done enmasse through the OCS system) that they need to submit a coherent abstract and also let us know if they are open to having speakers who have not been specifically invited by the organizers to submit talks to their symposium or workshop for consideration.

Please @hankbart @csparr @pmergen look at these pages for errors. Otherwise, it is usable...

pmergen commented 9 years ago

hi check it out here :

hankbart commented 9 years ago


I just reconfigured all of my TDWG 2015 documents in my Google Drive and shared all of them with all of you. You should now be able to see and edit everything I have (all of the symposia, workshop and pre-conference training proposals). Let me know if you can't. I suggest that we do away with this alternate TDWG 2015 folder in Google Drive: Everything in it is duplicated in my drive. Please update me on where you all are editing.


pmergen commented 9 years ago

That is the same google folder I was using for TDWG 2015 (see same link ) so for me it is fine to use that one. I do not have any other TDWG 2015 folder on my side. The others are General TDWG folders for the exec and such, or from previous years conferences.


gkampmeier commented 9 years ago

We should use one or the other (any changes or updates in one place won't be reflected in the other and maintaining parallel sites is inefficient), but whichever we choose, it should not (imho) be an open link for editing (potential for vandalism). It is easy enough to add people (anyone with edit privileges can do it, not just the "owner"), although it is important to find out which email address the person prefers (many of us use our gmail addresses to work with Google Drive). So while I've gotten notices from both Patricia and Hank in my account, please use for any Google Drive access in the future so that I can keep things in one place. Thanks!

pmergen commented 9 years ago

Agreed, I changed the preferences in in can view for everyone with the link and edit for @hankbart @sblum @gkampmeier @csparr and me . if anyone else need edit access they can ask and we grant access.

I am in favour to use the google TDWG 2015 that hank, lucy and me used form the start for this conference and no others should be created for the 2015 event, to avoid confusions. As said they others I have spotted out there are not for the 2015 event and I have seen no other labeled for 2015.

thus this link :

gkampmeier commented 9 years ago

Got my invitation, thanks Pat!

gkampmeier commented 9 years ago

@hankbart I have changed W10, given the information in Google Drive, to be "W10 - Standards, Software, and Tools for Preserving Cultural Heritage" as this is the only abstract available. It doesn't mention PaleoCore in specific, but I am assuming that it falls under "Software" or "Tools". This topic would seem to be an important one for a wider audience. I am wondering if you might consider inviting Denné Reed to solicit talks that might benefit both the participants in the workshop and that of a wider audience on the differences in needs for cultural heritage and the biodiversity that has been traditionally treated by TDWG.

gkampmeier commented 9 years ago

A bit later today, I am going to send out an email to all of the Track Directors (aka Workshop and Symposium organizers) and ask them to submit under the Symposium and Workshop Organizer Abstracts track (adequate for all overarching proposals; I renamed it from an earlier version that only mentioned symposia and have restricted it to entry by Directors and Track Directors), the following with respect to what is now in the system at I am assuming that all of these organizers already know that their topics have been accepted @hankbart ??

Is there anything else I should be including @hankbart @csparr @pmergen ?

CynthiaParr-USDA commented 9 years ago

It is somewhat dangerous to include pre-conference training events in the same OCS as the main meeting. If they must be included, Is there any way these can be CLEARLY indicated as pre-training (maybe in the title?)

Also, I would suggest that by default workshops should not be open to submissions.

gkampmeier commented 9 years ago

Yes, but are ALL of the workshops pre-training and are they all accepted? I think that it may be important to include these in what people see, if for no other reason than to build additional buzz for the meeting. I can make it so that they are not open to submissions or changes by anyone other than their Track Directors.

gkampmeier commented 9 years ago

OK, I made Directors and Track Directors the only ones that could modify the Workshop Tracks. One issue that this may introduce in the future, however, is a quirk we saw in OJS and maybe OCS (I don't remember) that does not appropriately attribute authorship when a record is entered by someone not giving the paper/presentation. This is where we as directors have had to go in and sign in as authors for submitting papers. I don't think this level of sophistication may be expected of any of the Track Directors, and I'm not sure if they have the permissions at that level anyway.

gkampmeier commented 9 years ago

@hankbart The following titles might be changed or I could wait for the track directors to do this from the email I sent out earlier:

I can make some suggestions for titles for your approval if you'd like [text in brackets did not fit]; designation of S02, for example, follows Cyndy's convention from last year so that people sort their symposia talks properly and they go to the proper track directors for review.

Now: S02 - Professional and formal biodiversity informatics training as key for capacity building: state-of-play, challenges [and opportunities]

Suggested: S02 - Formal biodiversity informatics training as key for capacity building: state-of-play, challenges and opportunities

Now: S06 - The role of camera trap programs for biodiversity monitoring and conservation: standards and practices for sharing [data]

Suggested: S06 - The role of camera traps for biodiversity monitoring and conservation: standards and practices for sharing data

This is the only outstanding issue I currently see in closing this issue.

gkampmeier commented 9 years ago

One symposium (S03 The Global Genome Biodiversity Network symposium on leveraging DNA and tissue collections in Africa) has no organizers, and hence no Track Directors to review abstracts in the system. We either need to find one or more people to take on this topic, change the direction of the topic if necessary, or pull it. There is at least one paper submitted here (#774 Molecular Inventory of Nigerian Freshwater Ichthyofauna Biodiversity using DNA Barcoding") that is currently unassigned--it was also marked as a Lightning Talk. This abstract can be put into the contributed oral presentations track or changed to a poster if necessary, but the author needs feedback soon on his abstract. I can do this for this abstract at least provisionally, but this symposium topic is not one I know much about. @hankbart

I am also finding that authors need to be reminded to consider how TDWG and the standards we are working to develop, fit into the work they are doing. Many are treating their presentations as ones they might make at a meeting of their scientific discipline...

ctsakem commented 9 years ago

Dear HankI sorry to my slow response for all the communication. the raison is the instability of the internet network in my city. I able to access of the folders with the symposia and workshop proposals if the internet network is better. I would tell you if is not possible.Thank  TSAKEM Samuel Christian Enseignant/Chercheur Chef Services des Etudes et Stages Ecole de Faune de Garoua BP : 271 Garoua-Cameroon Tél: 00237-97692181,  Bureau: 22271838 Domicile: 22846955Email:, Skype: ctsakem    

 Le Mardi 16 juin 2015 3h02, Hank Bart <> a écrit :

Gail and others,

Sorry for the slow response. Today was a day from hell. Tomorrow is little better, but things will improve as the week wears on. Thanks for taking on the task of organizing the symposia and workshops, Gail. Are you all able to access all of the folders with the symposia and workshop proposals? I’m happy to edit the titles and text down to the OCS limits when I get some time.


From: gkampmeier [] Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 5:24 PM To: tdwg/conferences Cc: Bart, Henry L Subject: Re: [conferences] Symposia & Workshops for TDWG 2015 (#13)

There is also an issue with the length of titles. It appears as though they cannot be >100 characters and some of these run on unnecessarily.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub — Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

ctsakem commented 9 years ago

I get the symposia, workshop and pre-conference training proposals folders. Thank

hankbart commented 9 years ago


These are the organizers listed on the original proposal (attached):

Katharine Barker, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution Gabriele Droege, Botanic Garden and the Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Freie Universität Berlin


From: gkampmeier [] Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 9:22 AM To: tdwg/conferences Cc: Bart, Henry L Subject: Re: [conferences] Symposia & Workshops for TDWG 2015 (#13)

One symposium (S03 The Global Genome Biodiversity Network symposium on leveraging DNA and tissue collections in Africa) has no organizers, and hence no Track Directors to review abstracts in the system. We either need to find one or more people to take on this topic, change the direction of the topic if necessary, or pull it. There is at least one paper submitted here (#774 Molecular Inventory of Nigerian Freshwater Ichthyofauna Biodiversity using DNA Barcoding" that is currently unassigned. This abstract can be put into the contributed oral presentations track or changed to a poster if necessary, but the author needs feedback soon on his abstract. I can do this for this abstract at least provisionally, but this symposium topic is not one I know much about. @hankbart

I am also finding that authors need to be reminded to consider how TDWG and the standards we are working to develop, fit into the work they are doing. Many are treating their presentations as ones they might make at a meeting of their scientific discipline...

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gkampmeier commented 9 years ago

@hankbart Thanks, I realize who originally submitted it, but the organizers decided they wouldn't be coming and we kept the topic in hopes there would be someone to take it up.

jmacklin commented 9 years ago

At some point we had talked about making talks all the same length so that attendees could move between parallel sessions easily. Are we trying to provide guidance on this for 2015? It strikes me that with a smaller meeting we may not have that much overlap... Were we thinking 15 or 20 minutes? Anton and I are trying to decide how to structure time in our 90 minute symposium...

Thanks, James

gkampmeier commented 9 years ago

We have advertised that contributed oral presentations and (contributed) computer demos will be 15 minutes, but your question is a good one, as well as the length of sessions. Past years have had 90 minute sessions followed by a 30 minute break. @hankbart