tdwg / dwc-for-biologging

Darwin Core recommendations for biologging data
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Acoustics: Associating sensor tag data with a single Event #2

Open jdpye opened 6 years ago

jdpye commented 6 years ago

So our choices for Event to associate sensor tag results (in EMoF) are the receiver deployment Event, as it's that receiver that stores the information, or the tag release Event, that has the calibration and configuration for the instrument that made the measurement.

I think we landed on using the receiver in the workshop, but I see a strong case for having it be associated with the tag, especially if the animal Occurrence is also linked to it, and that Occurrence then provides the location information that we would have relied on the receiver for otherwise.

Any thoughts?

Antonarctica commented 6 years ago

I believe the decision was part based on the fact that receiver networks are more of a proper delineated item. So the dataset would be "about" this network has seen these tags (mostly tags released by the same project, but not all observed tags would be made public...).

What you propose would be more "about" these tags were observed at these location (mostly b receivers from the same project, but observations by some receiver would not be included...)

So neither option give a solution for the data gap and some other database would still be required to sort that component as well as some of the issues related to not making all tag or receiver data public.

I guess the second option would be more similar in structure to what you would have for a GPS tag on an animal (position and addition measurement are related to the tag). So that might be an additional argument for what you propose.

jdpye commented 6 years ago

I'm all for keeping the schemas well-aligned between acoustic and GPS datasets. Currently when I'm designing datasets to publish to OBIS they're grouped by tagging effort and external receiver array datasets are included as needed, so this philosophy aligns with my current ideas about publishing datasets to OBIS generally.