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3D Object Metadata - Darwin Core Hour Input Form 2/16/2017 16:07:38 #47

Open iDigBioBot opened 7 years ago

iDigBioBot commented 7 years ago

A user submitted this information via the Darwin Core Hour webform: Timestamp: 2/16/2017 16:07:38 Please provide a topic of interest: 3D object metadata description in DwC or an extension Are you capable of and interested in participating: Yes Who else would you recommend to participate in the presentation: Doug Boyer, Pat Holroyd, Adam Rountrey, Laura Vietti, Bruce McFadden, Heather Prestridge What resources can you point to: Your name: Gary Motz Your email: Your GitHub username: @garymotz

garymotz commented 7 years ago

Other individuals that have been tagged by @debpaul for potential contributors to this conversation include: Dan Stoner (iDigBio), Alex Ball (NHM-London), Jon Woodward (Harvard MCZ), Jessica Maisano (UT CT), Mike Webster (Cornell Lab of Ornithology), Dave Blackburn (FLMNH), Adam Summers (Univ. Washington). Others to be sure...

hollyel commented 7 years ago

Jon Blundell, Smithsonian Digitization Program Office. He is actively developing a metadata standard for 3D data with a starting point in photogrammetry and very eager to collaborate with the broader community.

debpaul commented 7 years ago

@garymotz @danstoner @hollyel Would the three of you be on board to create this dwc hour webinar please? Note looking at the topic, it could be more than one webinar. Perhaps one on Audubon Core for sharing media data for specimens through an extension. And then one specifically on sharing data for data for 3D media? If yes,please assign to yourselves - and let me know the month/s you think you'd be ready. June? July? August?

danstoner commented 7 years ago

@hollyel Do you have a link or other information on the 3D metadata standard that Jon Blundell is developing? At present I have not seen a need for 3D metadata that goes beyond the existing Audubon Core extension. 99% of providers do a poor job of managing and publishing any meaningful media metadata so having yet another extension seems like it would make this harder, not easier. iDigBio generally provides extension support after it becomes supported by GBIF IPT.

debpaul commented 7 years ago

Hi @hollyel @garymotz @danstoner it would also be great to loop in Nelson Rios from Tulane (GEOLocate developer) b/c he is also developing photogrammetry techniques and would have insights about data standards for this data.

hollyel commented 7 years ago

I'm up for participating and will loop in Jon. Will any of you be at SPNHC? I think it would be worthwhile to have an informal discussion there perhaps and then webinars after if there are enough interested people in attendance? The Smithsonian 3D team will be there.

Right now the metadata standards they are developing are directed more towards the metadata about the raw data and capture process with a goal to develop a 3D data repository and long-term preservation of datasets at specific points in their life cycle. This will include documentation for final models, including how they are processed. I guess it depends on what we deem important for use of the model once it is shared when it comes to integration with DwC and Audubon Core. I can see that it could be as simple as the terms already available, but there is definitely more information there.

garymotz commented 7 years ago

I’m very much in favor of meeting at SPNHC (in)formally to gather a sort of general consensus on how metadata for 3D objects are being recorded. I know that many individuals are developing techniques for digital acquisition of the shape and form of a 3D object, but few that I know of are actively pursuing appropriate descriptive metadata that would facilitate broad utility, replicability, or accessibility of digital 3D collection objects. Similarly, any sort of consensus on best practices for 3D object acquisition, storage, editing, display, archival, etc. is far from being realized.

A mini-meeting of 3D oriented people at SPNHC is a fantastic idea. I’ll be there and am happy to contribute in whatever way that I can.

debpaul commented 7 years ago

@garymotz @hollyel are you both aware of the IIIF group? Tangential to this topic of metadata for 3D objects, but relevant to sharing, display, broad utility, etc. The folks in the digital humanities are movers of this, and note that I hear from Europe, that those mobilizing collections data there, are also interested. [per Elspeth Haston, RBGE, CETAF, SYNTHESYS3]

garymotz commented 7 years ago

@debpaul Yes, I'm quite familiar with this group and their work. We discussed it at the last DwC hour planning meeting and I'm happy to explore it further. Indiana University is a major participating institution as well as a member of the IIIF Consortium. We're interfacing with the IIIF group from a library and information science, digital humanities, cyberinfrastructure, and (increasingly, through my involvement) biodiversity informatics standpoint. We're actively interested in using the IIIF data service and image-viewer APIs to build directly into our online collection repository and digital preservation services.

hollyel commented 7 years ago

@debpaul @garymotz I am aware, but not in the depths of IIIF yet. The Smithsonian 3D team is connected in through the digital humanities, cultural heritage side. I'm definitely interested in learning more about the biodiversity informatics related possibilities.

ekrimmel commented 6 years ago

Covered in DwC Hour #10.

Relevant links from that webinar:

debpaul commented 6 years ago

And i would note that there is now a google group working on standards for 3D called CS3DP | LIB3DVR See!forum/community-standards-for-3d-data-preservation-cs3dp

This group was created to aid in the organization of nationally shared resources for the preservation and management of 3D digital research outputs and the development of shared community driven standards. This informal community of practice has come together to discuss the needs of those working with 3D data, especially in regards to how we might move towards preservation standards and support for 3D scholarship.

hollyel commented 6 years ago

The CS3DP group is actively working on 3D data standards. Is that the one you're looking for?

@debpaul I see you already added it :+1: