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Establish Task Group for MaterialSample #358

Closed tucotuco closed 2 years ago

tucotuco commented 3 years ago

@Jegelewicz has tentatively agreed to convene a task group around the subject matter of MaterialSample as a result of discussions in issue #314. One of the first orders of business is to figure out who will be the charter core members of the task group. These should all be people who are willing to contribute effort to establishing and achieving the goals of the task group. This message can serve as a call for such help. I will certainly participate. Somewhat hand-in-hand with core membership is establishing a reasonable draft of the scope of the task group. This will help people to decide their level of interest and whether they can commit to providing effort. It will also help in determining the Interest Group under which the Task Group should be chartered. The Executive Committee with the guidance of the Technical Architecture Group can help determine this definitively when the charter is presented or before. Ideas for the scope and tasks can be mined from issue #314 and other issues referenced there and under the Task Group - MaterialSample label. This message also serves as a call for help to define the scope. The Task Group is an ephemeral entity. It's existence and duration are meant to accomplish something tangible. The scope can adapt over time as necessary, but should be established with a reasonably achievable set of goals and deliverables for which a timeline can at least be estimated. I would recommend that one ingredient of a successful task group is to delegate known tasks among core members from the outset. That way people who are responsible, for example, for reporting, can have their objective in mind from the outset and keep on top of it rather than having to scramble with the onerous task of trying to pull together information post-facto. The details of task groups from the standards perspective can be found in the TDWG Process By-laws.

Jegelewicz commented 3 years ago

For anyone who hasn't already seen this, I think it may help if we have all watched @timrobertson100 GBIF Nodes talk "Looking ahead: GBIF data model -

Jegelewicz commented 3 years ago

Another document/organization that might prove useful.

Jegelewicz commented 3 years ago

Thank you to everyone who attended our first round of MaterialSample task group meetings! Invites have been sent for our scheduled meetings, the third Wednesday of each month (for some of you that will be Thursday!). Note the new meeting room and thank you to @rondlg for providing that!

A few assignments: @timrobertson100 or @qgroom can we get an "official" TDWG mailing list set up?

@stanblum The task group would like to open a separate repo in the TDWG GitHub organization so that we can better monitor our discussion and individual issues. Possible? TDWG/material_sample

Finally, I am not sure who would set up our community url, but has been suggested for that.

There are still some unresolved comments on the draft charter.

@cboelling @gdadade @albenson-usgs your comments are still open and there have been some responses. Please review and if you feel that the comment is resolved, close it, if not, perhaps we should bring it here for discussion. I'd like to have a clean draft that we can approve at our next meeting.

Thanks again to everyone!

Jegelewicz commented 3 years ago

Update on Repo for our Task Group:

Hey Teresa,

Thanks for taking the time to catch me up on the material sample discussions, and for adding me to the calendar appointment.

I got a little ahead of the process when I said I would create the repository for the group. The formal process specifies that we don't commit TDWG resources to an interest or task group until the charter has been approved, which formally establishes the group. In this case, I don't expect there will be any objections to forming this group, and the Exec might even approve establishing the repo before the charter is officially reviewed and approved. BUT, I don't want to do that without first passing the question by them. My own judgments don't necessarily carry the day with the Exec. Rather, as an admin of the technical resources, I'm supposed to do what the Exec says.

So, I'm going to hold off creating the repo for now. I'll let them know that a draft is under review, and that the question about scope is still under discussion (wide versus narrow; with you strongly urging a narrow scope). And I'll ask whether they will approve establishing the repo before the charter is approved. I think there will be agreement that this group needs to go forward, one way or another, and the repo can help to organize the effort. The Exec will be meeting again next Tuesday, and I'll try to get them prepared for the question this week.

I hope that's not too disappointing.


Jegelewicz commented 3 years ago

Second notice:

There are still some unresolved comments on the draft charter.

@cboelling @gdadade @albenson-usgs your comments are still open and there have been some responses. Please review and if you feel that the comment is resolved, close it, if not, perhaps we should bring it here for discussion. I'd like to have a clean draft that we can approve at our next meeting.

albenson-usgs commented 3 years ago

Thanks @Jegelewicz - I made a change to the document in suggestion mode to try to address my comment but I don't want to resolve my comment until I get feedback from you and others that the change I made is accepted and makes sense.

Jegelewicz commented 3 years ago

@albenson-usgs right - we will review at the meetings. Thanks!

gdadade commented 3 years ago

Done! One of my comments has a long discussion, maybe we can save it somewhere before removing the comment?

I think we will also need a summary paragraph for the website. That's the text that is shown right below the title, see e.g.

Jegelewicz commented 3 years ago

One of my comments has a long discussion, maybe we can save it somewhere before removing the comment?

No need - the resolved comments can still be viewed on the document.


cboelling commented 3 years ago

Second notice:

There are still some unresolved comments on the draft charter.

@cboelling @gdadade @albenson-usgs your comments are still open and there have been some responses. Please review and if you feel that the comment is resolved, close it, if not, perhaps we should bring it here for discussion. I'd like to have a clean draft that we can approve at our next meeting.

I reviewed the Google Doc and made some suggestions.

baskaufs commented 2 years ago

I believe that this can be closed since the Task Group is chartered and operational: