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TDWG infrastructure
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GBIF/TDWG biodiversity data quality interest group #48

Open pmergen opened 8 years ago

pmergen commented 8 years ago

DQ Group 2 ? Group lead by Lee Belbin. To clarify full name and point to charter of the group. the group will not have a session at TDWG 2015

pmergen commented 8 years ago

This is thus a Data quality IG chaired by Arthur Chapman with 3 task groups TG1 - Framework (Allan Koch Veiga) TG2 - Tools, services and workflows (Lee Belbin) TG3 - Case studies (Miles Nicholls - ALA) the group is managed at GBIF as the old TDWG website could not put the charters online when they were approved. It is thus now a GBIF+TDWG group. to is to check if there are charter texts here : which should be revised by the respective conveners and which could than be shown on the TDWG activities. To discuss if they keep the group also alive in the GBIF community site and we collaborate on it.

There will be a report send for TDWG 2015 executive on their progress, but seems no specific session needed at TDWG, but one representative (name to confirm) may present their activities at the meeting.

pmergen commented 8 years ago

latest will just sent a report that can be used at the exec and slide for Cyndy to present in her presentation about the group if relevant.

pmergen commented 8 years ago

new charter text are available here :