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TDWG infrastructure
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Migrate "TAPIR - TDWG Access Protocol for Information Retrieval" #5

Closed peterdesmet closed 8 years ago

peterdesmet commented 9 years ago

Current URL:

peterdesmet commented 9 years ago

@tdwg/infrastructure, who should I contact for this?

mdoering commented 9 years ago

I'm happy to take this on. There are quite a bit of files to keep online. Especially the alias and output model files hosted here: Those URLs need to be redirected as live tapir instance rely on them

CynthiaParr-USDA commented 9 years ago

There is also content on the dav server

peterdesmet commented 9 years ago

@mdoering is the repository close to being ready for creating a first release? I can add a preferred citation if you want, just need to know the authors.

peterdesmet commented 9 years ago

@mdoering, I noticed there was a citation in the README. I have updated it to reflect the standard preferred citation.


Renato De Giovanni, Markus Döring, Anton Güntsch, Dave Vieglais, Donald Hobern, Javier de la Torre, John Wieczorek, Robert Gales, Roger Hyam, Stanley Blum, Steven Perry. 2010. TDWG Access Protocol for Information Retrieval (TAPIR), Release 1.0, 2009-09-09.


De Giovanni Renato, Döring Markus, Güntsch Anton, Vieglais Dave, Hobern Donald, de la Torre Javier, Wieczorek John, Gales Robert, Hyam Roger, Blum Stanley, Perry Steven. 2010. TDWG Access Protocol for Information Retrieval (TAPIR), Version 1.0. Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG)

peterdesmet commented 8 years ago

@mdoering, where are we on the last remaining checks?

So, ok if I close this issue?

tapir commented 8 years ago

I'm wrongly tagged on this issue. I'm not related to the "tdwg/tapir" project.

peterdesmet commented 8 years ago

@tapir, apologies, I meant @tdwg/tapir

peterdesmet commented 8 years ago

@mdoering created a release ( and the repo is in the hands of the @tdwg/tapir team, so I consider this issue closed.