tdwg / infrastructure

TDWG infrastructure
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Shutdown of and #70

Closed MattBlissett closed 8 years ago

MattBlissett commented 8 years ago

I've shut down / As far as I could tell, there were no useful running services, this looks like an old system for mailing lists, Subversion and wikis. It could be the predecessor to owl.

Filesystem dumps are in tdwgng:/root/condor-backup.

1.2G Mar 17 11:45 root-fs.tar.xz
1.4G Mar 17 11:46 var-www-fs.tar.xz

I've also shut down /, which perhaps was a test system never used. It was empty, with no user files and no changed configuration; no running services and no external access.

(I'm creating this issue so everyone knows what's happened to these machines.)