tdwg / infrastructure

TDWG infrastructure
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Migrate "Taxonomic Concept Transfer Schema" #8

Open peterdesmet opened 9 years ago

peterdesmet commented 9 years ago

Current URL:

peterdesmet commented 9 years ago

@tdwg/infrastructure, can anyone provide me with background information on the "Taxonomic Concept Transfer Schema" standard? Who should I contact to make decisions and manage the standard on GitHub?

mdoering commented 9 years ago

Jessie Kennedy and roger hyam are good starts

sblum commented 9 years ago

This was done under the "Taxonomic Names and Concepts" Interest Group, and Rich Pyle is currently the convener. Jessie and Roger are most knowledgable about how the current standard was produced.

peterdesmet commented 8 years ago

Are any of them on GitHub? If not, can you send me their email addresses?

mdoering commented 8 years ago


sblum commented 8 years ago

Rich is on expedition in Pohnpei (island in the Pacific). Back in a week or two, I think.