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How to handle presentation files from Annual Meetings #85

Open gkampmeier opened 7 years ago

gkampmeier commented 7 years ago

At the Jan. 2017 TDWG Exec it was agreed that we need a more permanently accessible and secure (cannot be tampered with) repository for presentations (both uploaded files and a backup for iDigBio recordings) from annual meetings, ideally one that might be indexed to make contents discoverable. Ultimately this should probably also be linked to the abstracts, which are currently hosted on OCS at the Missouri Botanical Garden (which should also be backed up). I was asked to contact the Infrastructure Committee for advice on a solution that could take us into the future.

Currently the 2016 meeting files are on Google Drive (not complete, but I have a list of missing presentations, and we can solicit upload of posters). Cyndy has a USB drive with presentations from an earlier meeting (2015?). Earlier meeting files have been uploaded to the main TDWG site under past meetings.

peterdesmet commented 7 years ago

One option that comes to mind is to upload them to Zenodo: there they are perminanently, with authors, abstracts, a license and a DOI. Plus the can all be grouped under a TDWG community. We already have Darwin Core archived there.

stanblum commented 7 years ago

Stated more generally, TDWG has a need for:

gkampmeier commented 7 years ago

@peterdesmet Would you please provide a link? Appears this name references a game and a whole bunch of other things.

peterdesmet commented 7 years ago

@gkampmeier yes:

Darwin Core example:

dkoureas commented 7 years ago

I would full support having our presentations, datasets and other resources deposited at Zenodo. This will need to be under a new ‘Community’, probably named TDWG(?). Zenodo is a certified repository that meets all the requirements for long term preservation of data.

We will need to assign a curator.

Kind regards, Dimitris


-- Dr Dimitrios Koureas, FLS Lead, Research Data & Partnerships Dept Life Sciences | Natural History Museum London | SW7 5BD, UK

Coordinator, Distributed System of Scientific Collections (DiSSCo) initiative Chair, Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) co-Chair, RDA – Biodiversity Data Integration IG & Attribution metadata WG

ORCID: 0000-0002-4842-6487 | Linkedin: E-mail: | Twitter: @DimitrisKoureas | Tel: +44 (0) 207 942 5244

From: Peter Desmet [] Sent: 30 January 2017 10:48 To: tdwg/infrastructure Cc: Subscribed Subject: Re: [tdwg/infrastructure] How to handle presentation files from Annual Meetings (#85)

@gkampmeier yes:

Darwin Core example:

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