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MIDS Element - 3. Name #12

Open RBGE-Herbarium opened 3 years ago

RBGE-Herbarium commented 3 years ago
Information Element Name Name
Modified 2023/12/14
Label Name
Definition A name given to the object. Any string of characters and/or numbers by which the object is referenced within a collection. For example, the name the specimen is stored under, it’s scientific or taxonomic name if known, how it is labelled, etc. This name is not necessarily its name according to an accepted scientific classification, identification, or taxonomic determination (i.e., scientific name) but it often can be the same as that.
Purpose Information to aid the discoverability of specimens by users and the ability to retrieve them within a collection.
Applicable standard(s)/recommendation(s) For biodiversity collections it is recommended to follow standard nomenclators, e.g. the International Plant Names Index (IPNI), MycoBank, AlgaeBase, Mindat, etc
Examples Colias croceus (Geoffroy, 1785), Ophthalmosaurus, Australian Baobab, Scottish rock, etc.
Required (Biological/Geological/Paelaeontological) Yes (all)
Constraints None
Element specification status agreed; accepted in specification
Notes ...
hardistyar commented 3 years ago

There is a proposal to change the name of the element to Name. See issue

hardistyar commented 3 years ago

2nd TG meeting on 2021-01-07 agreed to change the title of this info element from ScientificName to Name. Issue #6 refers.

hardistyar commented 3 years ago

Element updated in v0.14 of the working draft specification text, 29th March 2021.

emhaston commented 2 years ago

Task Group meeting (2 June 2022) Notes for this element: No changes recommended

Decision: To retain element as is