tdwg / tcs2

The TCS 2 Task Group will turn TCS into a form in which it can be maintained. The new version of TCS will be a vocabulary standard like Darwin Core and Audiovisual Core and will complement these other existing TDWG standards.
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property: vernacularName #10

Open nielsklazenga opened 3 years ago

nielsklazenga commented 3 years ago

vernacularName (property)

Label Vernacular Name
required: No — repeatable: Yes

Name for an organism or organisms in a language used for general purposes.


vernacularName is an IRI term; a Taxon Concept can have more than one vernacularName.


The vernacularName property can be used when a vernacular name is used alongside a scientific name, which is the taxonName. If a vernacular name is the only name, the taxonName property should be used. The object of the vernacularName property can be a Taxon Name, but another label object, such as the GBIF Vernacular Name, might be preferrable, especially if there can be multiple vernacular names for a concept.


[] a tcs:TaxonConcept ;
    dcterms:title "Graphium macleayanum sec. Orr & Kitching 2010" ;
    tcs:accordingTo <urn:isbn:978-1-74175-108-6> ;
    tcs:taxonName [ a tcs:TaxonName ;
            tcs:taxonNameString "Graphium macleayanum" ] ;
    tcs:vernacularName [ a gbif:VernacularName ;
            dwc:vernacularName "Macleay's Swallowtail" ;
            dcterms:language: "en" ] .

<urn:isbn:978-1-74175-108-6> a bibo:Book ; 
    dcterms:bibliographicCitation """Orr, A. & Kitching, R. (2010). The 
            butterflies of Australia. Jacana Books, Crows Nest, Australia.""" .

[TaxonConcept-vernacularName-example-1.ttl] [TaxonConcept-vernacularName-example-1.jsonld]

[] a tcs:TaxonConcept ;
    dcterms:title "Quercus robur sec. Duistermaat 2020" ;
    tcs:accordingTo <urn:isbn:978-90-01-58956-1> ;
    tcs:taxonName <> ;
    tcs:vernacularName [ a gbif:VernacularName ;
            dwc:vernacularName "Zomereik" ;
            dcterms:language "nl" ] .

<> a tcs:TaxonName ;
    tcs:taxonNameString "Quercus robur" .

<urn:isbn:978-90-01-58956-1> a bibo:Book ;
    dcterms:bibliographicCitation """Duistermaat, H. (2020). Heukels 
            Flora van Nederland, edn 24. Noordhoff, Groningen.""" .

[TaxonConcept-vernacularName-example-2.ttl] [TaxonConcept-vernacularName-example-2.jsonld]

    a tcs:TaxonConcept ;
    dcterms:title "Callitris verrucosa sec. VicFlora 2023-03-22" ;
    tcs:accordingTo [ a bibo:Website ;
            dcterms:bibliographicCitation """VicFlora (2023). Flora of Victoria, 
                    Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria. Available online: 
           (accessed on: 22 Mar. 2023).""" ] ;
    tcs:taxonName <> ;
    tcs:vernacularName [ a gbif:VernacularName ; 
            dwc:vernacularName "Scrub Cypress-pine" ;
            dcterms:language "en" ;
            gbif:isPreferredName <> ] ,
        [ a gbif:VernacularName ; 
            dwc:vernacularName "Mallee Pine" ;
            dcterms:language "en" ;
            gbif:isPreferredName <> ] ,
        [ a gbif:VernacularName ; 
            dwc:vernacularName "Cow Pine" ;
            dcterms:language "en" ;
            gbif:isPreferredName <> ] ,
        [ a gbif:VernacularName ; 
            dwc:vernacularName "Turpentine Pine" ;
            dcterms:language "en" ;
            gbif:isPreferredName <> ] .

<> a tcs:TaxonName ;
    tcs:taxonNameString "Callitris verrucosa" ;
    dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(A.Cunn. ex Endl.) F.Muell." .

[TaxonConcept-vernacularName-example-3.ttl] [TaxonConcept-vernacularName-example-3.jsonld]


TCS DataSet/TaxonConcepts/TaxonConcept/TaxonRelationships/TaxonRelationship/[@type="has vernacular"] |
DataSet/TaxonRelationshipAssertions/TaxonRelationshipAssertion[@type="has vernacular"]
TDWG Ontology
Archilegt commented 2 years ago

The definition is tautological, and vernaculars are not "alternative to" but "opposed to". New Definition: A name of an organism in a language used for general purposes as opposed to a name proposed only for scientific nomenclature.

The Comment does not apply. Vernaculars exist also in absence of scientific names.

nielsklazenga commented 2 years ago

We are defining the vernacularName property, not the term 'vernacular name'. A name is only a vernacularName if it is used alongside – so as an alternative to – the taxonName, otherwise it is the taxonName.

We could try to provide a definition of 'vernacular name' and move the requirement that it is used alongside and as an alternative to the taxonName as a usage note, but I think we should avoid a discussion about which names are scientific and which names are not. So, while I see @Archilegt 's point about the definition seeming tautological, if people really see this as a problem (I do not), I'd rather change the label than the definition.

To use an analogy with SKOS:

To deal with different kinds of names the kindOfName property (#42) (of which I am also not a fan) has been proposed.

nielsklazenga commented 2 months ago

So, while I see @Archilegt 's point about the definition seeming tautological, if people really see this as a problem (I do not), I'd rather change the label than the definition.

I have done what I said two-and-a-half years ago I did not want to do and changed the definition.

nielsklazenga commented 2 months ago

See for a suggestion for another definition. Thanks @qgroom.