tdwg / tcs2

The TCS 2 Task Group will turn TCS into a form in which it can be maintained. The new version of TCS will be a vocabulary standard like Darwin Core and Audiovisual Core and will complement these other existing TDWG standards.
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paratype (concept) #183

Open nielsklazenga opened 2 years ago

nielsklazenga commented 2 years ago

paratype (controlled term)

Label paratype
Definition All of the specimens in the type series of a species or infraspecific taxon other than the holotype (and, in botany, isotypes). Paratypes must have been at the disposition of the author at the time when the original description was created and must have been designated and indicated in the publication. Judgment must be exercised on paratype status, for only rarely are specimens explicitly cited as paratypes, but usually as 'specimens examined,' 'other material seen', etc. [Zoo./Bot.]


GBIF paratype