tdwg / tcs2

The TCS 2 Task Group will turn TCS into a form in which it can be maintained. The new version of TCS will be a vocabulary standard like Darwin Core and Audiovisual Core and will complement these other existing TDWG standards.
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property:typeElement #212

Open nielsklazenga opened 1 year ago

nielsklazenga commented 1 year ago

typeElement (property)

Label Type Element
Definition Element by which a taxon name is typified.
Usage notes
Comments Names of species and infraspecific taxa are mostly typified by a specimen. One could use a Darwin Core Preserved Specimen object for that. Names of higher taxa are mostly typified by the name of a species or genus. A TCS Taxon Name should be used for that.
Required Yes
Repeatable No
Constraints Object or IRI
nielsklazenga commented 1 year ago

I propose to have this property instead of typeSpecimen (#62) and typeName (#61). For names of species and infraspecific taxa the object can then be a Darwin Core Preserved Specimen or an IRI that points to any type of specimen record and for names of higher taxa it can be (or should be) as TCS Taxon Name. I think this approach has a number of advantages:

jliljeblad commented 1 year ago
* We can deal with names that are typified by published illustrations or photos (see [property:typeImage #64]( without having to change the standard.

Good idea, I think there was a (accepted) case with a fly being described from a photo since it was never actually caught. Also, who knows what will happen with typification by some kind of molecular sequence.