tdwg / tcs2

The TCS 2 Task Group will turn TCS into a form in which it can be maintained. The new version of TCS will be a vocabulary standard like Darwin Core and Audiovisual Core and will complement these other existing TDWG standards.
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"sec." in Example 6 (Avibase) not a publication #219

Open camwebb opened 1 year ago

camwebb commented 1 year ago

Small point, but seems worth addressing since the examples will be read as normative. The "sec" in the preferred names in example 6 is a TC, not a publication, as is the usual usage. Is there a version of Avibase that can be used as the publication part of the "sec"?

nielsklazenga commented 1 year ago

The definition of an Avibase ID will never change, so no versioning is necessary and I expect Avibase will not have it. I agree we need to find a better way to do this though. Since the only thing we need to achieve is make the taxon concept label unique, maybe we can just add the Avibase ID to the name part of the label (i.e. before the 'sec.'), so we can just have Avibase as the accordingTo?

<> a :TaxonConcept ;
    dcterms:identifier "avibase-82745BAA" ;
    dcterms:title "Circus [cyaneus or hudsonius] #82745BAA sec. Avibase" ;
    :taxonName [ a :TaxonName ;
            :taxonNameString "Circus [cyaneus or hudsonius]" ] ;
    :accordingTo <> .
nielsklazenga commented 1 year ago

Maybe this is unrelated, but we should have a think about IDs for concepts from websites as well. Catalogue of Life has a new version every month, but I think the URIs stay the same if a definition has changed, but the name has not. Should we append the version to the ID? (I think we should)

Same with ITIS, where the URI stays the same if the name stays the same, but at any time the thing the ID represents is a taxon, not a name. ITIS does not have versions, I think, but it might be good to append a hash with the date to the URI for the ID?

None of this has to be normative, but I think it will be good to highlight these issues and I think the examples should show people what we consider best practice.

nielsklazenga commented 1 year ago

nielsklazenga commented 11 months ago

@camwebb , I think it might be better to use dcterms:identifier rather than dcterms:title for Avibase (and similar) concepts:

@prefix tcs: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix skosxl: <> .

<> a tcs:TaxonConcept ;
    dcterms:identifier "avibase-82745BAA" ;
    tcs:accordingTo <> ;
    tcs:taxonName [ a skosxl:Label ;
            skosxl:literalForm "Circus [cyaneus or hudsonius]" ] ;
    tcs:isCongruentWith <> .

I have also used sksxl:Label rather than tcs:TaxonName as object of tcs:taxonName.