tdwg / website

TDWG website
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Create redirects for old page URLs #59

Open DavidFichtmueller opened 5 years ago

DavidFichtmueller commented 5 years ago

With the new website, the URL structure was cleaned up. While this makes the website more consistent, it also breaks old links to special pages of the website. There should be redirects from all of the old links to their new sites. In particular this is of importance for the standards, which used to have URLs with numeric identifiers, e.g. for ABCD or for DarwinCore, as these URLs were usually also part of the suggested citation for the standard, i.e. there are a lot of links out there pointing to those URLs.

peterdesmet commented 5 years ago

Fully agree! Thanks for adding it to the todo list.

tucotuco commented 5 years ago

Broken links from References section on TDWG Vocabulary Maintenance Specification page


DavidFichtmueller commented 5 years ago

I also recently ran into some 404s from some standard pages, so I decided to create an overview table, of all of the old URLs (there are certainly some missing, but I tried to work along the page menu structure) and to which new pages they would map (either because they are the direct equivalent or because the are the closest possible fit.

I think the most important URLs to forward are the standards pages. Anyways, I hope this is of help for creating the redirects. What pages or matchings did I miss?

The raw tab separated content of this table is available in this gist.

Old Website Structure old path old alt. path new path new path (best match)
Home / /
About TDWG /about-tdwg/ /about/
- Collaborations /about-tdwg/collaborations/ /about/committees/fundraising/
- News /about-tdwg/news/ /news/
- Executive /about-tdwg/executive/exec-comm-2017/ /about/executive/
- Constitution /about-tdwg/constitution/ /about/constitution/
- NEW Constitution /about-tdwg/new-constitution/ /about/constitution/
- Process /about-tdwg/process/ /about/process/
- Resources for Outreach /about-tdwg/resources-for-outreach/ /about/committees/outreach/
- History /about-tdwg/history/ /about/
- FAQ /about-tdwg/faq/ /about/website-faq/
- Site Map /about-tdwg/site-map/ /about/
- Contact Us /about-tdwg/contact-us/ /about/contact/
Getting Started /getting-started/
Standards /standards/ /standards/
- Status and Categories /status-and-categories/ /standards/status-and-categories/
- - Audubon Core /standards/638 /standards/ac/
- - Darwin Core /standards/450 /standards/dwc/
- - GUID applicability statements /standards/150 /standards/guid-as/
- - TDWG Access Protocol for Information Retrieval (TAPIR) /standards/449 /standards/tapir/
- - TDWG Standards Documentation Standard /standards/147 /standards/sds/
- - Vocabulary Maintenance Standard /standards/642 /standards/vms/
- - Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) /standards/640 /standards/ggbn/
- - Natural Collections Descriptions (NCD) /standards/312 /standards/ncd/
- - Access to Biological Collection Data (ABCD) /standards/115 /standards/abcd/
- - Description Language for Taxonomy (DELTA) /standards/107 /standards/delta/
- - Structured Descriptive Data (SDD) /standards/116 /standards/sdd/
- - Taxonomic Concept Transfer Schema (TCS) /standards/117 /standards/tcs/
- - A Language for the Definition and Exchange of Biological Data Sets (XDF) /standards/108 /standards/xdf/
- - Authors of Plant Names /standards/101 /standards/plant-names-authors/
- - Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum /standards/112 /standards/bph/
- - Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum/Supplementum /standards/114 /standards/bph-supplementum/
- - Economic Botany Data Collection Standard /standards/103 /standards/economic-botany/
- - Floristic regions of the world /standards/104 /standards/floristic-regions/
- - Herbarium Information Standards and Protocols for Interchange of Data (HISPID3) /standards/110 /standards/hispid3/
- - Index herbariorum. Part 1, The herbaria of the world /standards/105 /standards/ih/
- - International Transfer Format for Botanic Garden Plant Records (IFT2) /standards/102 /standards/itf2/
- - Plant Names in Botanical Databases /standards/113 /standards/plant-names/
- - Plant Occurrence and Status Scheme (POSS) /standards/106 /standards/poss/
- - Taxonomic Literature (TL-2) /standards/111 /standards/tl-2/
- - World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions (WGSRPD) /standards/109 /standards/wgsrpd/
Activities /activities/ /community
- Convener Responsibilities /activities/convener-responsibilities/ /community/management/
- Comm Support Fund /activities/comm-support-fund/ /community/support/
- Annotations /activities/annotations-test/ /community/annotations/
- Biological Descriptions /activities/bd/
- - Charter /activities/bd/charter/
- - Members /activities/bd/members/
- - SDD Wiki /activities/bd/sdd-wiki/
- - UBIF Wiki /activities/bd/ubif-wiki/
- - UBIF Schema Repository /activities/bd/ubif-schema-repository/
- - SDD Mailing List /activities/bd/sdd-mailing-list/
- - News Archive /activities/bd/news-archive/
- Biodiversity Data Quality /activities/biodiversity-data-quality/interest-group-charter/ /?id=1225 /community/bdq/
- - BDQ Framework /activities/biodiversity-data-quality/bdq-framework/task-group-charter/ /?id=1233 /community/bdq/tg-1/
- - BDQ Tools Services Workflows /activities/biodiversity-data-quality/bdq-tools-services-workflows/tg-charter/ /?id=1241 /community/bdq/tg-2/
- - BDQ Use Cases /activities/biodiversity-data-quality/bdq-use-cases/task-group-charter/ /?id=1243 /community/bdq/tg-3/
- BDI Curriculum IG /activities/bdi-curriculum-ig/charter/ /?id=1264 /community/curriculum/
- Biodiversity Services & Clients /activities/biodiversity-services-clients/charter/ /?id=1245 /community/services/
- Collections Descriptions /activities/ncd/ /standards/ncd/
- - Charter /activities/ncd/charter/ /standards/ncd/
- - Members /activities/ncd/members/ /standards/ncd/
- - Documents /activities/ncd/documents/ /standards/ncd/
- - Meeting Reports /activities/ncd/meeting-reports/ /standards/ncd/
- Genomic Biodiversity /activities/genomic-biodiversity/charter/ /?id=1207 /community/gbwg/
- - Charter /activities/genomic-biodiversity/charter/ /community/gbwg/
- - Charter Members /activities/genomic-biodiversity/charter-members/ /community/gbwg/
- - News Archive /activities/genomic-biodiversity/news-archive/ /community/gbwg/
- Geospatial /activities/geospatial/
- - Charter /activities/geospatial/charter/
- - Members /activities/geospatial/members/
- - News Archive /activities/geospatial/news-archive/
- Global Identifiers /activities/guid/
- - Members /activities/guid/members/
- - LSID Website /activities/guid/lsid-website/
- - LSID Spec /activities/guid/lsid-spec/
- - GUID Wiki /activities/guid/guid-wiki/
- - Mailing List /activities/guid/mailing-list/
- - Documents /activities/guid/documents/
- - News Archive /activities/guid/news-archive/
- Imaging /activities/img/ /community/imaging/
- - Charter /activities/img/charter/ /community/imaging/
- - Members /activities/img/members/ /community/imaging/
- - Mailing List /activities/img/mailing-list/ /community/imaging/
- - Wiki /activities/img/wiki/ /community/imaging/
- - News Archive /activities/img/news-archive/ /community/imaging/
- - Multimedia Resources /activities/img/multimedia/ /community/imaging/
- Infrastructure Project /activities/tip/ /about/committees/infrastructure/
- - Charter /activities/tip/charter/ /about/committees/infrastructure/
- - Members /activities/tip/members/ /about/committees/infrastructure/
- - TIP Document Archive /activities/tip/tip-document-archive/ /about/committees/infrastructure/
- - News Archive /activities/tip/news-archive/ /about/committees/infrastructure/
- Invasive Species /activities/invasives/ /community/species/invasive-organisms/
- - Charter /activities/invasives/charter/ /community/species/invasive-organisms/
- - Members /activities/invasives/members/ /community/species/invasive-organisms/
- Literature /activities/literature/
- - Charter /activities/literature/charter/
- - Documents /activities/literature/documents/
- - Literature Wiki /activities/literature/literature-wiki/
- - Literature Mailing List /activities/literature/literature-mailing-list/
- Observations & Specimens /activities/osr/ /community/osr/
- - OSR Charter /activities/osr/osr-charter/ /community/osr/
- - ABCD /activities/abcd/ /standards/abcd/
- - DarwinCore /activities/darwincore/ /standards/dwc/
- - Observational /activities/osr/obs/ /community/osr/
- Phylogenetics /activities/phylogenetics/
- - Charter /activities/phylogenetics/charter/
- - Phylogenetics Wiki /activities/phylogenetics/wiki/
- - Evolutionary DB Hackathon /activities/phylogenetics/db-hackathon/
- - News Archive /activities/phylogenetics/news-archive/
- Processes /activities/process/ /community/process/
- - Charter /activities/process/charter/ /community/process/
- - Members /activities/process/members/ /community/process/
- - Mailing List /activities/process/mailing-list/ /community/process/
- - Wiki /activities/process/wiki/ /community/process/
- Species Information /activities/species-information/charter/ /community/species/
- TAPIR /activities/tapir/ /standards/tapir/charter/
- - Executive Summary /activities/tapir/executive-summary/ /standards/tapir/charter/
- - Charter /activities/tapir/charter/ /standards/tapir/charter/
- - Members /activities/tapir/members/ /standards/tapir/charter/
- - Specification /activities/tapir/specification/ /standards/tapir/charter/
- - Networks Guide /activities/tapir/networks-guide/ /standards/tapir/charter/
- - Service Validator /activities/tapir/service-validator/ /standards/tapir/charter/
- - TAPIR Builder /activities/tapir/tapir-builder/ /standards/tapir/charter/
- - Mailing List /activities/tapir/mailing-list/ /standards/tapir/charter/
- - Wiki /activities/tapir/wiki/ /standards/tapir/charter/
- - Video /activities/tapir/video/ /standards/tapir/charter/
- - News /activities/tapir/news/ /standards/tapir/charter/
- Taxon Names & Concepts /activities/tnc/ /community/tnc/
- - Charter /activities/tnc/charter/ /community/tnc/
- - Members /activities/tnc/members/ /community/tnc/
- - TNC Wiki /activities/tnc/tnc-wiki/ /community/tnc/
- - TNC Document Repository /activities/tnc/tnc-document-repository/ /community/tnc/
- - TNC Mailing List /activities/tnc/tnc-mailing-list/ /community/tnc/
- - TCS Schema Repository /activities/tnc/tcs-schema-repository/ /community/tnc/
- - TCS Archived Wiki /activities/tnc/tcs-archived-wiki/ /community/tnc/
- - News Archive /activities/tnc/news-archive/ /community/tnc/
- Technical Architecture /activities/tag/ /about/committees/tag/
- - Charter /activities/tag/charter/ /about/committees/tag/
- - Members /activities/tag/members/ /about/committees/tag/
- - Documents /activities/tag/documents/ /about/committees/tag/
- - TAG Wiki /activities/tag/tag-wiki/ /about/committees/tag/
- - TAG Mailing List /activities/tag/tag-mailing-list/ /about/committees/tag/
- Convener Tasks /activities/convener-tasks/ /community/management/
- Documentation /activities/documentation/
- - Templates /activities/documentation/templates
- Meeting Reports /activities/meeting-reports/
- Online Services /activities/online-services/
- - Group Homepages /activities/online-services/group-homepages/
- - Mailing Lists /activities/online-services/mailing-lists/
- - Wiki /activities/online-services/wiki/
- - Proceedings of TDWG /activities/online-services/proceedings-of-tdwg/
- - Schema Repository /activities/online-services/schema-repository/
- - LSID Authority Ids /activities/online-services/lsid-authority-ids/
Membership /membership/ /about/membership/
- - Individual /membership/individual/ /about/membership/
- - Institutional /membership/institutional/ /about/membership/
- Benefits /membership/benefits/ /about/membership/
- Testimonials /membership/testimonials/ /about/membership/
- Why Donate to TDWG? /membership/why-donate-to-tdwg/ /about/membership/
- Make a Donation /membership/make-a-donation/ /about/membership/
- Refund Policy /membership/refund-policy/ /about/membership/
- Institutional Members /membership/institutional-members/ /about/membership/
- My Account /membership/my-account/ /about/membership/
- Registration /membership/registration/ /about/membership/
- Login/Logout /membership/loginlogout/ /about/membership/
- Forgot Password /membership/loginlogout/ /about/membership/
- Edit Profile /membership/edit-profile/ /about/membership/
- TYPO3 Admin Page /membership/typo3-admin-page/ /about/membership/
Past Meetings /past-meetings/ /conferences/
- 2006 Conference /conference2006/ /conference/2006/
- 2007 Conference /conference2007/ /conference/2007/
- 2008 Conference /conference2008/ /conference/2008/
- 2009 Conference /conference2009/ /conference/2009/
- 2010 Conference /conference2010/ /conference/2010/
- 2011 Conference /conference2011/ /conference/2011/
- 2012 Conference /conference2012/ /conference/2012/
- 2013 Conference /conference2013/ /conference/2013/
- 2014 Conference /conference2014/ /conference/2014/
- 2015 Conference /conference2015/ /conference/2015/
- 2016 Conference /conference2016/ /conference/2016/
Acknowledgements /acknowledgements/ /acknowledgements/
2017 Conference /conference2017/ /conference/2017/
Biodiversity Information Projects of the World /biodiv-projects/
- Projects Database /biodiv-projects/projects-database/
- Submit a New Entry /biodiv-projects/submit-a-new-entry/
- Field Descriptions /biodiv-projects/field-descriptions/
Biodiversity Information Networks Database /biodiv-networks/
- Networks Database /biodiv-networks/networks-database/
- Submit a New Entry /biodiv-networks/submit-a-new-entry/
- Field Descriptions /biodiv-networks/field-descriptions/
Proceedings /proceedings/
Mailing Lists /mailing-lists/
Glossary /about-tdwg/glossary/