Regarding the add new time entry form, which is sleek and efficient already (good job!).
Currently, a new time entry has you go through the following steps in order (particularly when keyboard navigating with tab as I guess was designed for): description, duration, start time, end time, and finally task.
Only when you notice at that point that the appropriate task does not yet exist, you have to browse to Client/Project & add a task; then come back to dashboard, reload page so that the task appears in drop-down, and type everything again. That might happen dozens of times a day when working on many different projects.
I see two possible solutions:
load the tasks autocomplete via XHR at each typing (would allow to create a new task in a new tab, without loosing what's been previously typed; but that's not a self-explaining solution)
allow creating tasks on the fly in that box (much better, but probably complex to double out the way it works in each separate page already)
put the tasks dropdown in front of the form so that one sees if a task is missing before having typed anything else in (simplest & most efficient for user, since it then shows hierarchically left to right client-project-task-description)
Regarding the add new time entry form, which is sleek and efficient already (good job!).
Currently, a new time entry has you go through the following steps in order (particularly when keyboard navigating with tab as I guess was designed for): description, duration, start time, end time, and finally task.
Only when you notice at that point that the appropriate task does not yet exist, you have to browse to Client/Project & add a task; then come back to dashboard, reload page so that the task appears in drop-down, and type everything again. That might happen dozens of times a day when working on many different projects.
I see two possible solutions: