tea3 / hexo-related-popular-posts

A hexo plugin that generates a list of links to related posts and popular posts. Also , this plugin can get Visitor Counts (PV) on posts.
MIT License
111 stars 15 forks source link

tag_map support #12

Closed NomNes closed 6 years ago

NomNes commented 6 years ago

{"title":null,"path":"/null", ...} if override slug in the tag_map

tea3 commented 6 years ago


Sorry , Does this problem improve by running hexo clean and deleting the cache file? https://github.com/tea3/hexo-related-popular-posts/wiki/More-Settings#cache

NomNes commented 6 years ago

hmm, I'm sure I did) I'm don.t use cache, but hero clean is in package.json scripts "gen": "hexo clean && hexo generate" But now everything is fine, thank you)