tea3 / hexo-related-popular-posts

A hexo plugin that generates a list of links to related posts and popular posts. Also , this plugin can get Visitor Counts (PV) on posts.
MIT License
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hexo-fs out of date cause fail to install on node v13 #21

Open wafer-li opened 4 years ago

wafer-li commented 4 years ago

Actually the fsevents@v1 cause this problem, and the out-of-date hexo-fs depends on that cause install fail on node v13.

This might related to another plugin nunjucks which indirectly depends on fsevents@v1 which introduced in hexo@v4

tea3 commented 4 years ago

@wafer-li Thank you for report this issue. Do this issue relate Upgrade to fsevent v2 - Node 13 support ?

wafer-li commented 4 years ago

@tea3 I did some investigations about this.

There is a issue on fsevents repo. It might be the new node@v13 needs a new fsevent@v1 binary. And there are no such new binary of fsevents@v1. Therefore they recommended to upgrade to fsevents@v2 which get rid of AWS binary.

But not only hexo-fs depends on fsevents@v1 but also the famous chokidar < v3.

And hexo@v4 depends on nunjucks which depends on babel which depends on chokidar < v3 which depends on the old fsevents@v1.

Graph might seems like this:

hexo@v4 -> nunjucks -> babel -> chokidar < v3 -> fsevents@v1

And the babel team claim a major release to fix this issue but they need to wait until the eol of node@v10 which is 2019-12-31.

Therefore, upgrade hexo-fs could fix this package's dependency issue. But only fixing in this package will not work since the hexo dependency issue will not fixed until 2020-01-01

wafer-li commented 3 years ago

Since now the hexo-5.0.0 is released, the chokidar < v3 dependencies is no longer exists.

We should now upgrade the hexo-fs to get rid of the old fsevents@v1