teachop / FlexCAN_Library

Arduino library for CAN on Teensy 3.1
The Unlicense
154 stars 122 forks source link

mac osx interface #15

Closed antimodular closed 8 years ago

antimodular commented 8 years ago

hello again.

now that i got multiple teensy s running with your flexcan code i am thinking about how to get my computers host software to talk to the devices.

i guess the simplest would be to communicate over serial usb to the teensy and have the teensy then communicate with the can network.

but there are these usb-can devices out there like this one http://canusb.com.

what is your recommendation? do you know of a library that i could tap in to?

thanks again.

pawelsky commented 8 years ago

I believe the FlexCAN library thread on the PJRC forum will be much better place to ask this kind questions https://forum.pjrc.com/threads/25101-CAN-Bus-Library-for-Teensy-3-1